Kilmarnock Academy

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N5 French pupils will be participating in a project called Language Linking, Global Thinking and on Monday 5th June the class gave their partner student Oisin Pircher a very warm welcome. Oisin is currently studying International Business and Modern Languages at Strathclyde University . He will be spending his 3rd year at university in Grenoble. After telling the class a bit about himself the pupils got the chance to ask him questions and generally get to know him . Oisin will regularly communicate with the class during the course of the year to illustrate how enriching it is to spend a year abroad using a language other than English. It is hoped that the two-way correspondence between student and class will bring French culture and language alive for our pupils and show them the real relevance of learning a language.

For more information:


Well done to S3 pupils Callan Duncan, Lauren Thorburn, Paige Nelson and Laura Johnstone who assisted Mrs Smith in a transition lesson at Bellfield Primary . They gave a presentation to pupils about how much they enjoy French and also answered some questions from the Primary 7 pupils. Mrs Smith taught the class school subjects in French and our S3 pupils gave out stickers and prizes, helped with fun French games , interacted with pupils and led some of the learning. They worked well together as a team. Bravo!

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