Kilmarnock Academy

Keeping you up to date with information and events in Kilmarnock Academy



Dear Parent/Carer,

As always term two has been an exceptionally busy period for all connected with Kilmarnock Academy. There have been a number of really well attended parental engagement events for both progress feedback and to assist with choices around progression pathways. Our young people have been involved in many curricular and extra-curricular experiences, some of which are included in the newsletter. The Senior Phase pupils in particular have had important preliminary examinations and have been working exceptionally hard, during and after school, in preparing for their SQA examinations. The staff at Kilmarnock Academy have continued to drive forward the school’s improvement agenda whilst supporting every young person in fulfilling their potential. It has been a exhausting but very rewarding term for all.

We continue to develop our partnership with local businesses. This term several S5 pupils have benefitted from a 1-1 business mentor who has acted as an inspiration to the young people to go on and realise their dreams. This has been an excellent initiative which has had fantastic benefits to the young people with some even securing apprenticeships and work experience as a result. In addition, we had over 15 business partners support the S3 Business Awareness Day which was a huge success. Many also assisted in the inter- school Mock Interview programme with several Kilmarnock Academy students finding success. I would like to thank our partners for giving freely of their time and expertise to benefit the young people in our school, it is very much appreciated and we look forward to strengthening our relationship next term.

At Kilmarnock Academy we continue to engage with a range of partners such as Centrestage, YiP World and many more. Vibrant Communities engaged with our young would be voters recently via a series of workshops. This involved all pupils eligible to vote in the forthcoming Scottish Local Elections. The elections are due to take place on the 4th May which as a reminder is an in-service day for staff and day off for those attending school. Please note the school is still open and SQA exams will run as planned.

As ever at this time of year our senior phase pupils are working hard preparing for their National Qualifications. We have provided individualised targeted Supported Study timetables for all pupils as well as individualised Easter School timetables. Pupils continue to be mentored by Guidance staff, as appropriate, and we also aim to run ‘masterclasses’ prior to exams throughout May. There will be a number of exam stress workshops coming up and S4 pupils have benefitted from the Tree of Knowledge motivational sessions recently. If there is any other way you feel we could support your son/ daughter please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Study Leave will start on Monday 1st May with S4 and S5 returning on Monday 5th June. Please note that pupils MUST wear full school uniform when attending school for support and to sit exams – this is for security purposes. All pupils are very welcome to use the school as a place to study should they wish. We wish all our senior phase students the very best of luck.

Broad General Education pupils (S1-3) will change timetable on 2nd May. A reminder that on this date, the school will have no registration therefore placing an added responsibility for young people to attend school on time at 8.50am to avoid disruption to lessons. I look forward to your support with this change which is necessary to prepare us for moving into the new Kilmarnock Academy in 2018.

Finally there are a couple of key staff changes. Mrs Snodgrass has now taken up post as Acting Principal Teacher of Guidance for Scott house and we aim to start a new teacher of Music in May, Miss McKinlay who will take over from Mrs Campbell who will soon start her maternity leave. We are also delighted to inform you that Mr Oates will be continuing with us for the remainder of the session and throughout next year, covering for Mrs Black who is on maternity leave.

All that remains is for me to thank you all for your continued support and wish you an enjoyable Spring break.

David Rose, Head Teacher

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