Kilmarnock Academy

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The National Parent Forum of Scotland


The National Parent Forum of Scotland has been working with Skills Development Scotland as part of the programme of work underway in Developing the Young Workforce. We are pleased to have produced some tailored information for parents, as part of our successful “in a nutshell” series, which covers the new Careers Education Standard launched at SLF 2015. This new nutshell will supply parents with basic information about the initial role of this programme in schools and signpost them to where they can get some more information if they need it. This nutshell has been produced in hard copy with one for each child in primary, secondary and ASN schools and deliveries will start w/c 11-1-16. We would be very grateful if you could ask your schools to make sure it reaches parents through “pupil post” but also to publicise the nutshell link to our website through all the channels they use to communicate with them. We would also hope that it could be used at parent events, subject choice evenings etc. The link to the nutshell on the NPFS website is

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