Kilmarnock Academy

Keeping you up to date with information and events in Kilmarnock Academy

Internal Mock Interviews


The internal mock interviews for the “catering assistant” job were held last Thursday and the successful candidates were announced in the bulletin on Friday.

All the pupils will receive their application forms, individual feedback sheets and place in the interview order of merit this coming Thursday at PSE.

It is important that pupils are not discouraged if their place out of six in their interview group disappoints them. Often, it is indicative of a good group and pupils can be very close. It is even possible that if the interview had been held the next day or interviewed by a different interviewer that the outcome could have been different. The important part is – can the pupil put hand on heart and say that he/she prepared as well as he/she could.

The next round of interviews are the Kilmarnock District Mock Interviews. Applications for the 8 “jobs” on offer will take place soon. These adverts are on GLOW under Guidance and Vacancies 2015.

Disregard the ASDA advert as they have withdrawn this year due to staff being unavailable.

S4 pupils from Grange and James Hamilton Academies are involved in these mock interviews so there will be in advance of 300 pupils involved.

In the school mock interviews, all pupils were offered an interview but in the Kilmarnock District Mock Interviews. six pupils will be selected for interview for each job. These interviews will take place in the first fortnight in March as far as possible at the company’s premises.

Competition for interviews will be tough so it is important that pupils think carefully about what they write on the application forms. The pupils’ skills and experiences have to be tailored to suit the particular job they are applying for. Claims have to be backed up by evidence.

Please encourage pupils to look up company websites for further information which will help in their applications. I will spend further time with pupils who get an interview so that they are as well prepared as possible. The meeting to decide who gets interviews is on the 19th February.

I cannot stress enough how important this mock interview programme is. I am sure those of you who have been through an interview for a job will agree.

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