Internet Safety / Safeguarding

Internet Safety

Safer Schools app

Primary Staff                                           Secondary Staff                                                


Think U Know

Safer Schools


UK Safer Internet Centre


Sexualised Behaviour Professional Reading

The Brook Sexual Behaviours Traffic Light Tool

The Brook Sexual Behaviours Traffic Light Tool offers guidance for age-appropriate behaviour. The Brooks Traffic Light Tool, shows behaviours for a young person aged 0-17 that fall within green, amber and red categories.

Managing and preventing harmful sexual behaviour guidelines

These PDF Fileguidelines have been produced as a response to the sexual health needs of young people in Forth Valley. The purpose of the document is to allow all staff whether in the role of teacher, learning assistant, janitor or administrator, to use this as a reference and guide for their practice. It aims to support staff to understand how to respond and manage the sexual behaviours of the children and young people in their school.

Covid-19 restrictions mean that many children are spending more time unsupervised offline and online. The PDF FileHarmful sexual behaviour prevention toolkit has been developed to spread awareness of the signs of harmful sexual behaviour, and help adults take action to prevent abuse happening.

For further reading Safeguarding and Internet Safety please visit