HWB Curricular

EAC Wellbeing Profile Guidance Document

The diagram below provides an overview of where the tracking and monitoring of HWB Curricular  fits in relation to Wellbeing Profiling. For professional reading regarding how to carry our wellbeing profiles for children and young people please log into Glow and then click on this link.

HWB Progression Frameworks Training Clips
Support and link Overview Provider
Primary Teachers Introduction – 2 year rolling HWB programme – ensuring breadth and depth of HWB Curriculum.

(Please log into Glow before clicking on the link)

OR  view the clip below.

2 year rolling HWB programme outline which ensure breadth which working with multi composite classes. HWB Team
ECC and Primary Progression Framework Introduction – Planning for teaching, learning and assessment.

(Please log into Glow before clicking on the link)

OR  view the clip below.

Overview of the HWB frameworks and planning for learning, teaching and assessment. HWB Team
Secondary Staff – Progression Frameworks Introduction – Planning for teaching, learning and assessment.

(Please log into Glow before clicking on the link)

OR  view the clip below.

Overview of the HWB frameworks and planning for learning, teaching and assessment. HWB Team

Curricular Supports
Support and link Overview Provider
Primary RSHP training (Please log into Glow before clicking on the link)

OR  view the clip below.

Staff introduction to the Education Scotland RSHP programme HWB Team