HWB Team Training



We have created a 4 tier system to help us deliver staff wellbeing and HWB CLPL:-

The HWB CLPL calendar has a mix of live face to face, live online and any time any place remote learning opportunities so that  staff can access the training at a time and place that suits them best. However, we would advise that to in order to enrich the learning where possible staff should undertake the CLPL sessions in teams or in small groups.

To access the HWB CLPL calendar for 2022/2023 please log into GLOW and click below.

https://glowscotland.sharepoint.com/sites/EastAyrshire/eahealthandwellbeingnewmain2019/hwbplanningteachassessmodclpltrainmain2020/Shared Documents/HWB Staff CLPL Calendar 2022 -2023.pdf

We will continually review our training provision in line with developments both locally and nationally.