The Massage in Schools Programme (MISP) was introduced to the UK in 2000 by co-founders, Mia Elmsater and Sylvie Hetu. The programme is well structured, yet simple, making it easy for teachers to incorporate into the daily routine of the classroom. This is a peer massage programme, in which only children massage children, whilst the adults (teacher/assistant) observe and facilitate the routine. It intends to give children the chance to experience positive, nurturing touch at school in a safe and creative way.

The benefits of MISP are many. Schools throughout the UK who have implemented the Massage in Schools Programme have noticed the following benefits to children and the school in general:

  • Improved concentration
  • Improved co-operation
  • Increased self-esteem/ confidence
  • Reduction in aggressive behaviour and bullying
  • Calmer classroom environment
  • Children, especially those with ADHD, develop better motor skills
  • Greater ability to work independently and in groups
  • A feeling of being individually acknowledged
  • Empathy and respect in communicating
  • Ability to recognise difference between good and bad touch
  • More relaxed and focused feeling in the school generally

For more information go to

If interested in becoming a Massage in Schools Instructor, please contact Dougie Mirfin or Fiona McCallum at for more information on the two day training course.