Hurlford Primary School and Early Childhood Centre

An East Ayrshire Council School

December 5, 2023
by EAjoanne.mair2@glow


A big thank you to all who donated and sponsored the pupils in the Boogie Bounce.  We banked an incredible £3642.20.

We have given the school a cheque of £1300 to cover ALL costs of the upcoming M and M Production of Robin Hood which will be performed in the school on Weds 20th December.  Therefore, there will be NO costs to the parents for the show.

Thank you again and we look forward to seeing you all the Christmas Fayre.


December 4, 2023
by Mrs Campbell

Christmas is Coming! Important dates for your diary!

Term 2 Calendar – Dates for your diary

EAC school holiday dates 2023/24 for information:


  • Monday 4th December – 6pm Parent Council meeting (venue tbc)
  • Tuesday 5th December – Parent & Child Christmas craft afternoon 1.45pm ECC
  • Wednesday 6th December – Parent & Child Christmas craft afternoon 1.45pm ECC
  • Friday 8th December – Christmas lunch


  • Tuesday 12th December – Nativity ‘Angel Express’ 9.30am and 2pm ( whole school going to church)
  • Wednesday 13th December –P6 Party afternoon & P7 Party ( 6.30-8pm)
  • Wednesday 13th December – 3-4pm Family Christmas Craft club ( dinner hall)
  • Thursday 14th December – P2, P3, P4/3 party – afternoon
  • Friday 15th December – P5 & P5/4 Party – afternoon


  • Monday 18th December – Christmas fayre (6-7.30pm)
  • Tuesday 19th December – P1, ECC party – afternoon
  • Wednesday 20th December – M& M production Robin Hood in the afternoon 1.30pm (in school)
  • Thursday 21st December – Christmas service 30am Hurlford church
  • Friday 22nd December – School closes at 2.30pm.

Pupil return Monday 8th January.

December 1, 2023
by Emma Ferguson

P6 Happy Advent 1.12.23

Wow what a busy week in P6!

Literacy & English this week started with Picture Questions with Inference and HOTS questions.  Focus for spelling words was on adding ~ing to words.  Then reading tasks on Tuesday comprised of reading a passage looking for the main idea.  On to Writing on Wednesday and it was all about poetry.


Maths and Numeracy was all about Fractions and Measure. We had to find a fraction of a quantity/amount.


The Campus Cop came to visit us on Thursday to help us with online learning.  He reinforced the importance of NOT sharing/saying things online that may be upsetting to others and how important it is NOT to have US as our profile picture on Whatsapp, Facebook etc. AND the scary nature of how Tiktok works on our phone!!! He said we should make sure our Facebook is set to private.

The Victorians is the next topic and will be very interesting.  We have started to look at what we might like to learn – we call these our Big Questions.


Friday was all about the excitement of Elves arriving and trees going up at home and at school.  The class advent calendar appeared and some were lucky to get their treat already!! We had some P6 elves decorating our class tree and they did a smashing job!!! Thank you.


We ran our own P.E Potted Sports session with p3 this week after all the work Lynsey had done with us for our Play Award. P3 were a brilliant class and P6 did a fantastic job of planning and leading the activities they planned.

Friday ended with some Maths Advent Calendar fun and with some crazy AI!!!! We tried out Riffusion which turns any text into a song.  What a giggle.

Take care everyone and have a fabulous weekend!

Mrs Fx

P.S Here’s the Riffusion we made for Lynsey Murphy (Active Sports) to say thank you for coming and teaching p6 about the Play Award – developing their skills greatly to be able to plan and lead an activity.



November 30, 2023
by EAjoanne.mair2@glow


The Nativity this year is Angel Express and will be performed in the Church on Tuesday 12th December at 9.30am and then again at 2pm.  All pupils in the school will be singing as the Angel choir.  P3 pupils have been working very hard to learn their lines and cannot wait to perform!

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