Hurlford Primary School and Early Childhood Centre

An East Ayrshire Council School

October 8, 2021
by EAjoanne.mair2@glow

Inclusion Week – Helping Hands

As part of Inclusion Week the Primary 7 pupils liaised with staff and pupils and selected some resources that they thought would support pupils in their learning.  These resources include fidget aids, spellcheckers, ACE dictionaries, ear defenders, coloured overlays and reading rulers.

These resources were then all put together as a Helping Hands pack and issued to P4 – P7 classes.  It has to be reiterated that these are learning aids and not toys.

A thank you to Mr and Mrs Milligan who donated £100 to the school to purchase spell checkers – they are an invaluable support to some of our pupils.


October 8, 2021
by EAjoanne.mair2@glow

Nikki Manson Visit

Nikki Manson

Our pupils really enjoyed Nikki’s visit to the school this afternoon.  They participated in the circuits activity (looking very red faced) and then participated in a question and answer session using TEAMS.  It was such an honour to have a Scottish record holder in the school and we wish Nikki all the best in her future competitions.  Please click on the link above for more information about Nikki.

Thank you so much to all who fund raised – Nikki received £1400 and the school £2100 – a fantastic amount!  Thank you.

Have a lovely week.

October 8, 2021
by Miss Frew

P7F Weekly Blog 8.10.21

This week in P7 we got a chance to meet the great Niki Manson! We were all excited. Also we started doing the written method for addition in maths but the most exciting bits are we got a helping hands and exploded a volcano! We attached a video of us doing the volcano experiment. Danni filmed the video for us. Our teams were James, Zoe, Brodi and Caleb and Tyler, Nathan and Shaun C and Danni, Kyle and Gracie. Sadly we finished our sessions with Lynsey Hogg for our Leadership course and we are all excited for the October  holidays.

By Gracie


October 6, 2021
by EAjoanne.mair2@glow


The JRSOs had a very tricky job today deciding the class winners for the Design a Helmet competition.  We are delighted to announce that Alfie, Grace, Millie, Alexa, Annie, Tanisha, Summer, Harry and Eilidh were all chosen!!

The over all winner was Millie and she won a cycling helmet.  She declined a new one  as she said she already had one so is going to choose from a hat the name of a pupil from her class who does not have a helmet.   This is so kind and thoughtful!  Well done Millie.

However she didn’t leave empty handed . . .  .

She selected a new drawing pad with a pack of pencils and pens!

October 3, 2021
by Mrs Campbell
1 Comment

Disney Musicals in School – Aladdin


I am delighted to let you know that our school has been successful in our application to take part in  the above Disney Musicals in Schools project . We are one of four schools in Scotland, who have been selected, which is, of course, a great honour !

This is a three year partnership . Primary 5 and Primary 6 pupils will take part this session. The production culminates in our pupils performing at the Theatre Royal in Glasgow and putting on a show to pupils and the wider community in February, hopefully!! Covid dependent.

Our Scottish Opera partners will lead and support workshops on Thursdays from 1.15- 2.45pm for 17 weeks and we have to do a 90minute follow up rehearsal each week on a Monday from 1.15-2.45pm. Although, the main classes involved are P5 and P6, we hope to involve other stages in props, costumes, advertising, etc.

We will, of course, ensure that COVID mitigations continue and we have our risk assessment in place, in liaison with our Health and Safety colleagues.

I hope you will agree it sounds a great opportunity for our school!! We will of course invite you to our production.


October 1, 2021
by Miss Frew

P7F Weekly Blog 1.10.21

This week in P7F we have been learning what solids dissolve. We found out coffee does dissolve, sugar and salt do dissolve but we put too little water but too much of the solid. We were doing leadership training with Lindsay. We also entered the COP26 competition. We finished co-ordinates in maths, continued our new materials of earth topic and we got a bag between 2 and filled them with water and made evaporation and condensation.

By Rylan




September 28, 2021
by Mrs Carey

Wednesday 29th September P2/1

Good morning, I just thought I would post an update about what your children have been working on in class recently.

Primary 1

We have been developing the sound that the letters of the alphabet make and have learnt about the first 6 initial phonemes. We have explored action songs and looked at things that begin with the letters a, t, s, i, p and n. We have also looked at the position they hold in the alphabet rainbow. In addition we have been using these letters to make words like a, at, sat, sit, pin, pan. We then blend these letters together to decode and read these words. I hope you have been enjoying sharing the wordless books and discussing them with your children. Thanks for also supporting your child with the first set of key words on the hedgehog – a, at, the, I, in , it, an, is, and,

In maths we have been exploring numbers to 10. Please enjoy learning with your children by counting things around your house or if your are out about perhaps you can do some number spotting. We count from zero to 10 forwards and backwards. if your climbing the stairs that could be a good opportunity to do some counting. Have fun.


Primary 2

In primary 2 we have been exploring the diagraphs;

sh, ch, th, ng, wh, ph looking at stories that contain these sounds and identifying words with these sounds within them. The children are becoming familiar at looking for these sounds in words in stories as well as looking for words that begin or end with these sounds.

We have been developing strategies to spell the following common words:

have, your, only, by

are, come, of, new

To help learn to spell these words the activities that we have been doing are – rainbow writing, word walls, drawing a spelling story and pyramid writing.

In maths we are sequencing numbers from 0 to 20 , exploring number  before, after and between. Counting in 2s to 20, 10s to 100 both forwards and backwards.

Thanks for supporting your children with their work.

Have a good week.

Rosie Carey


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