Hurlford Primary School and Early Childhood Centre

An East Ayrshire Council School

October 28, 2021
by Mrs Johnstone

This week in P7J…

by Alfie and Macy
‘This week we did a lot such as:
 Halloween writing and art,

Our focus was on including shading and tone to create atmosphere.  We did this by adjusting how heavily we leaned with the pencil and by using cross-hatching.


 Adding and subtraction of decimal numbers,

We have been practising the column method of written working for these calculations.

 a lot of stuff for COP26,


October 23, 2021
by User deactivated

Primary 1L – Money week


The children in Primary 1 have been learning all about money this week. We can identify coins from 1p up to £2. We talked about where our money comes from and why we need it. The children enjoyed taking part in our ‘needs and wants’ activities and were able to identify all of the things we really need in our lives. Our story was ‘The Old Man and his money’ which you can find on you tube.

The children created some fantastic story maps to retell the story. The children were really interested in the pictures on each coin and were fascinated with the story about the Portcullis on the 1p. Ask your child to tell you all about it.



Mr Robertson from Loudoun Academy came to visit us. He really enjoyed watching the children engaged in Phonics activities and was keen to join in!

As a school we will be focusing on different contexts raised during COP 26 – The 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference , being held in Glasgow between 31 October and 12 November. Primary 1 Have been learning all about Commotion In The Ocean, and all the different creatures living in the Sea. We will now investigate Plastic Pollution in the Ocean as part of our COP 26 focus. The children have created a fantastic Ocean display in our classroom and will now see what happens when we introduce lots of plastic to our Ocean.

Homework task – can each child please bring a small piece of plastic ie. yoghurt pot, food tray, carton. We will explore how each piece of plastic can have a negative effect on our Ocean and the creatures living there.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend,

From Mrs Cuthbertson x

October 22, 2021
by Miss Baillie

Primary 4 – 22.10.2021

Hello Primary 4,

We have had a fantastic start to Term 2 this week. The whole school has been participating in finance week and learning all about managing money. We have completed lots of challenging tasks and worked very hard to learn more about different types of money and budgeting.

I think our favourite activity this week was our Fun Fayre. The class were split in half and had a chance to run stalls and got a chance to be costumers at the stalls as well. We all worked brilliantly together and showed amazing teamwork skills to make this a very fun day.

Our stalls included:

  • Hook a duck
  • Face painting (colouring a Dia de los Muertos skeleton)
  • Beanbag toss
  • Roll a penny
  • Laptop time
  • Jukebox (choosing a song for the Fayre)

Here are some pictures from our class Fayre.

We also created our own notes and coins and worked within a budget while shopping on Smyths website which we really enjoyed doing. We discovered just how expensive toys etc are.

Hope you all have a fabulous weekend,

Miss Baillie

October 22, 2021
by Mrs Miller

Primary 3/2 Money Week

We have had a VERY busy week talking and learning about all things related to money.

  • We have looked at the coins and practised making different amount with them.
  • We have all enjoyed playing with the ice cream cart and making prices for the cones and taking money from out customers.
  • We have talked about how people get money at different ages and what we would like to be when we grow up.
  • We had a Halloween fun fair where we could play spooky games if we paid for them with our fake 10p coins
  • We have played lots of money games

To help your child continue to progress with their understanding of money and its uses, try to talk to them about amounts, show them notes and coins, let them add up simple totals or work out if you got the right change.

The children have all worked extremely hard this week, well done P3/2!

Next week, they will get a home learning scrapbook home with tasks for you to work on together. I look forward to seeing them when you’ve completed the task.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Miller

October 22, 2021
by Ms Wilson

P6: Week beginning 18.10.21

P6 have had a busy week learning all about money and finance.  We have been finding out about the history of money and how it all began – did you know that in some parts of the world, they once used skulls as currency!!  In Literacy we have been finding the meanings of money words and we wrote a story about the adventures of a £10 note.  For Numeracy we have been completing bank statements, playing money games and using problem solving strategies. We have used creative skills to design new coins, notes, bank cards, apps and what we think money will be like in the future.

Yesterday was very exciting as it was our first Disney rehearsal with Scottish Opera.  We had fun learning actions, singing and playing games.  We’re looking forward to our shadow rehearsal on Monday and session 2 next Thursday.







October 22, 2021
by Miss Frew

Friday 22nd October 2021

This  week it was money week so in maths we did money and started posters for it. We got two visitors in p7F, Mrs Cunningham and Mr Robertson. We are so lucky to have gotten them and we got a climate conference! On Wednesday we got a chance to do baseball with Loudon. After all our visitors, we were trying to make crystals from sugar.

Also happy “Wear Red Day Against Racism” day!

From p7F and Miss Frew.

October 21, 2021
by Mrs Johnstone

P7J – Climate Conference

Today we took part in East Ayrshire’s Climate Conference along with many other primary schools and members of the council.  Codey, our Eco-rep, will feedback to the Eco Council and Mrs Miller on what went on throughout the day at the next eco-meeting.

The four themes of discussion were: energy, transport, waste and the natural environment.

It was interesting to hear the progress already made in our local area and to talk about our ideas on renewable energy and how to reduce waste.

We had some great ideas for how to share information and encourage people to use the kerbside recycling facilities… watch this space as we hope to put some of our ideas into action over the coming weeks!

October 21, 2021
by Mrs Johnstone

P7J – What have we been up to during term 1?

By Reece, Ethan, Reece and Lewis

1.In our Topic materials from Earth we found out what the difference between rocks and minerals is.

2.We were also learning about volcanoes and all of the different types of volcanoes such as Cinder Cone, shield and composite then we also created our own volcanoes to erupt them.

Fantastic volcano models made by all using limited resources and within a set time limit.  We used vinegar and bicarbonate of soda to create our eruptions – ask us about the chemical reaction that took place!

3.In French we did weather it was quite hard trying to pronounce them but it was quite easy to know what they were eg. Il fait du soleil means sunny!

4.We found out about Leonardo da Vinci and we tried to figure out why the Mona Lisa was smiling because back in the day people didn’t really smile and we tried recreating it and think about why she was smiling.

5.When doing tennis in P.E we were learning from Judy Murry and learning new tricks with the rackets and using balloons to master them.

6.Over the past few weeks we have been doing leadership with Lynsey Hog trying to develop our communication and creating skills through games like tig and capture the flag.


October 21, 2021
by EAjoanne.mair2@glow


We are the Pupil Council and we represent the pupils in our school and help to organise events and give the views of the pupils.

We have started the session by organising “Wear Red” Day to show Racism the Red Card on Friday 22nd October.

We have also organised the Hallowe’en Parade on Friday 29th October.

At our next meeting we will be talking about our ideas for Children In Need on the 19th November.

October 18, 2021
by Mrs Campbell

National Numeracy Parental Engagement Project

National Numeracy Parental Engagement Project

The school is delighted to have been selected to work with the independent charity National Numeracy on an exciting project which encourages children and families to do maths together.

Please click on the following link for more information:

As part of this project, we would like you to complete the following short survey online telling us about your views and feelings about maths and your child’s learning. The survey will take just 5-10 minutes. It is anonymous and goes straight to National Numeracy, no names are shared with the school. There is also a chance to win £50 of books and games for your child if you complete the survey.

Please click on the link to complete:

Please complete by 31st October, 21

There is also a survey for pupils. P4 – 7 have been asked to complete this in class. If you have a child in p1 – 3, could you help them complete it at home? This is the link for pupils:


Also, as part of this, we will be starting to use National Numeracy’s Family Maths scrapbooks. These will be sent home with your child. Parents and carers can also get involved with an online resource for parents being provided by National Numeracy.

We know that maths can sometimes seem daunting but engaging positively with children’s learning can make a big difference to both children’s and parents’ confidence with numbers.  In a similar project, 88% of children said they increased their confidence with maths and 86% of parents said they increased their confidence in helping their children with maths.

You don’t have to be a maths expert to be able to support your children, but improving your own confidence with maths – if you need to – can help you feel more comfortable doing so.

We are offering all parents the chance to learn online with the National Numeracy Challenge.

The Challenge is a free and easy-to-use website that aims to help adults brush up without pressure on the numeracy skills which are needed in work and everyday life. Signing up gives you the chance to find out where your skills are, practise some of the things you find difficult and access online learning resources at the right level for you. Your activity on the Challenge is confidential and will not be reported to the school.

We are encouraging all parents and carers to register here

We hope that you will take the opportunity and make the most of this exciting project.

Have fun!

Mrs Gayle Miller

Principal Teacher



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