Hurlford Primary School and Early Childhood Centre

An East Ayrshire Council School

November 18, 2021
by Mrs Johnstone

P7J Thursday 18th November

By Reece Mc and Jay-J 


This week in maths we’ve been doing something called factors of a number and prime numbers. Prime numbers have exactly 2 factors and normal factors are numbers that can be divided equally into a whole number.  An easy way to find factors and common factors (numbers like 1 and 2 can be common factors because they are factors of multiple numbers) is by drawing a factor rainbow.  



In science we started to create crystals which will hopefully be finished in at least a few weeks with Miss Steedman. 


We had to make a saturated solution by adding as much salt as possible.  Then we suspended a paperclip into the solution using a straw, string and an elastic band.  We can’t wait to see if crystals start to form!



Also, with Miss Little we tried dissolving a solid, trying to find which was faster: hot water or cold water. Hot water was overall quickest when dissolving salt. 

In other areas of the curriculum we have also been very busy.

In Literacy, we have been learning:

  • how to use apostrophes to show possession in singular and plural words,
  • about consonant and vowel suffixes and their spelling rules;
  • how to write a newspaper report.

Miss Little also introduced our new topic on World War Two by discussing why it happened and we looked at maps to see which countries were involved.

November 15, 2021
by Miss Baillie

Primary 4 – Remembrance Day

Primary 4 were working hard last week and learning all about Remembrance Day. Mr Ballantyne taught us all about the significance of poppies and why we have a 2 minute silence on the 11th of November. He helped us make a beautiful poppy using coffee filters, paint and crepe paper and they looked wonderful and we had so much fun (and a lot of mess) making them.

Here are some pictures of the finished products:

November 14, 2021
by User deactivated

P1L and Mrs Cuthbertson

Good morning,

We had a very busy week. In literacy we were learning all about the phonic ‘c’ and how to to make and break words before blending them together. We are really good at this. We have been investigating time, clocks and our daily routine. We can now tell the time of ‘o’clock’ on both digital and analogue clocks. In the afternoons we read the books ‘The Scarecrows Hat’ and the ‘Scare-go’. We made our own scarecrows which look fantastic in our classroom. At gym time we have been learning Basketball skills and played games of Basketball in teams. We had such a lot of fun.

I really enjoyed talking to the Mums and Dads during our telephone appointments. I am sure you are as proud of the children as I am.

Next week we will be focusing on Number Sense, the phonic ‘k’ and ‘ck’. In the afternoons we will be investigating Autumn and the changes around us.

Mrs Cuthbertson x


November 14, 2021
by Mrs Carey

Monday 15th November

Good morning,

`I hope you have all had a fun weekend. Last week we were learning about recycling, being responsible about our use of plastics and climate change to support COP26. This week we will be exploring the habitat of penguins through the story, ‘How big is a million.’

Thank you for supporting your children with the maths scrapbook tasks.

Language – Dory Group

This week we will be learning about the phoneme c , why not have a look around your house for things beginning with this sound. We will also be learning to read and write the words:

can, we, into

Please can you also discuss your child’s word and sounds cards and reading book.

Language – Nemo Group

This week we will be learning the sound ow, as in snow. Can you spot this phoneme in any words of your books at home. Take care not to mix this sound with ow as in clown. Keep looking. The words we are learning to spell, read and write are:

yellow, grow, again, food

Please also prepare and discuss your reading book and word card.

I will send home this week the Education City log on details and there are homework tasks for your child available if you get an opportunity to carry them out.

Thanks have a good week.

Mrs Carey.

November 12, 2021
by Ms Wilson

P6 Week beginning 8th November

Primary 6 have been very busy again this week.  We started our new topic ‘The Victorians’ and have been finding out about the life of Queen Victoria.  Did you know she reigned for nearly 64 years? Today, we enjoyed creating a portrait of Queen Victoria using collage techniques and materials.

Our maths focus has been multiplying and dividing.  We explored the link between multiplying and dividing and how important is to know our times tables!

We had great fun at our two Disney rehearsals.  We have already learned the opening number and it sounds amazing.

November 12, 2021
by Mrs Miller

Primary 3/2 12.10.21

Good Afternoon!

We’ve had another busy week in Primary 3/2

For Numeracy this week, we have been working on our subtraction skills and strategies. We like to use resources like number lines, counters and ten frames to help us. Remember there are some activities on Education City for you to have a go at at home.

We are working on the science topic of senses at the moment. This week in class, we were learning about the sense of smell. The children enjoyed doing a smell test and had some great guesses for various things. Maybe you could do this at home too.

After our 2 week focus on COP26 issues, the children are much more aware of the climate issues facing our world and are able to suggest ways we can change things to make improvements for the future. We went outside and collected natural things from the playground to make a collage heart to show that we love nature. The children have all thought about changes they can make at home to save energy or help the environment.

We finally used the cardboard boxes that you sent in. Thank you for this! The children worked together to make houses and buildings out of the boxes to create our own town. We then explored the issues of safety and looking after our community. They are looking forward to playing with them all.

November 12, 2021
by Miss Frew

P7F Week Beginning 8.11.21

Another busy week this week for P7F!

This week we have been focusing on the techniques writers use to describe a setting or character. We then put our understanding into practice as we wrote an opening few paragraphs for our creative story called “The Kelpies”. Some of the descriptive phrases we used were excellent and really demonstrated our understanding of the techniques discussed earlier in the week. We will be continuing to develop our skills next week and will be discussing imagery such as similes and metaphors.


In maths, we focused on our skills when subtracting and have been working with 3 or more digits. We have been using the written method so please challenge us at home by asking us to explain how to work out these calculations!


For other areas of the curriculum, we’ve been enjoying learning about World War 2. We now know why the war began and which countries were involved. Ask us about who is in the Allies and Axis- we’ve been working in pairs to research some of the political and military leaders and have begun making posters about them. We will post pictures next week so you can see them.


Well done for this week P7, I’m proud of your efforts. Keep it up!

-Miss Frew

November 11, 2021
by Emma Ferguson

P4 Week Beginning 8.11.21

Once again our P4s have been extremely busy in class.  We have been studying spelling words with double letters, for example, ‘ff’ ‘ss’.  Next week we are focusing on ‘igh’ and ‘y’ sounds.


We are continuing to learn about COP26 and Climate Change and what we can do to help fight Climate Change.  We have been concentrating on rubbish and litter after reading a book called ‘Clean Up’ by Nathan Bryon.  We are sad to know how much rubbish ends up in the sea! In class we now have a paper, a plastic and a general waste bin.


We had a lovely and exciting afternoon on Tuesday where we went on a local litter picking mission!  We thoroughly enjoyed our time outside and couldn’t believe how much rubbish we found and we only went around the school block!!!  We had been busy learning that almost 50% of litter is accidental so we are trying our best to not drop any and carefully place it in a bin.


Here are some class photos from this week…

   Take care everyone x


November 11, 2021
by Mrs Johnstone

11th November – This week in P7J…

By Kier and Callum

On Monday Mrs Sloan came in and did the John Muir award with us.

We learned about deforestation and the effect this has on wildlife.

We found out more about the different bird songs you hear and which birds they belong to.

Sadly, there were not enough trees left in this forest for the birds to make new nests.

We wrote important messages on the playground to encourage climate action.

In maths we did some BODMAS calculations (order of operations).

 On Tuesday we had another visitor called Fifi (Fiona) who came in for a bit to show us some plans for the Parkette. 

This group added a bicycle shelter.

Lolly sticks made great bicycle stands.


We used different materials to give the plans a 3D perspective.                                                    



Then on Wednesday we started an art project where we used oil pastels to make a poppy and on Thursday we did writing where we created acrostic poems about Remembrance Day. 

We will post some pictures of our poppies and poems once they are all finished.

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