Hurlford Primary School and Early Childhood Centre

An East Ayrshire Council School

December 3, 2021
by EAjoanne.mair2@glow


Due to an unexpected day of home learning there are a few online tasks for you to work on today.
There is a folder on Education City in the homework section with a few tasks for you to complete.
You can also access Giglets and complete the tasks set last week.
You can also research Home Front efforts during WW2 as part of your IDL.
Any questions you can email me.
Miss Mair.

December 1, 2021
by EAjoanne.mair2@glow

Tea-towels for sale

The Parent Council are raising funds by selling tea towels (see image).  They are priced at £3.50 each or 3 for £10 and would make a lovely Christmas gift.  If you would like to buy, please complete the slip and return with the money to the school office.
Slips will be in pupils bags today.  Thank you.

December 1, 2021
by Mrs Campbell

Christmas is coming!!

Please note pupils should come dressed in their party clothes on the day of their party.

The school will provide the food for party food and prizes. No money is required.

December 1, 2021
by EAjoanne.mair2@glow


Flyer Final (1)

Please click on the link above to see what the plans are for the are at the co-op and Academy Street.    The P7s were involved in the consultation – now it is open to the community, please make your views and opinions known.  The feedback is much appreciated.

Thank you.

November 28, 2021
by Mrs Carey

Monday 29th November P2/1

Hello everyone, I hope today is the start of an exciting, action packed week on the lead up to Christmas. Last week we continued to wrap up our work on COP26 and How big is a million. The children have been busy recycling and reusing and have become very conscientious about taking care of the planet. It’s great to hear their enthusiasm for reducing climate change in any little way they can. In addition we have been looking at the season Autumn and this week will study Winter and the impact these seasons have on our way of life and that of animals and wildlife around us.


Nemo’s group

Key words for this week are:

blue, best, number, other

The digraph sound that we are working on this week is ue like blue.

Dory’s group

Key words this week:

go, got, get

The initial sound will be g.

If you can please play with these words throwing a ball, making them with buttons, drawing them or anyway you like. Try to spot the words and sounds in your own books or anywhere around you.


We will continue to look at number patterns, sequences and counting. We will also look at estimation.

if you get the opportunity can you use coins to practise the number bonds to 10.  The children in class use a plastic cup with 10 double sided counters to do this. if you put coins in the cup and tip them out count how many land heads up say 6 and the ones that land tails up say 4 then that would be:

6 + 4 = 10

I will add some more activities to education city your child  to try.

Have a good week.

Mrs Carey

November 26, 2021
by Miss Frew

P7F Week Beginning 22.11.21

In P7F, we have been researching a famous Scot because we will be delivering a solo talk on them on St Andrews Day (Tuesday 30th November). We began our research and preparations in class and are looking forward to delivering the talks on Tuesday! We are now going to practice our talks at home so we can deliver them confidently.

This week in maths we have focused on 2D shapes and tiling. We used shapes to draw some overlapping tiling patterns with Mrs Barclay and used some ICT to create bold tiling patterns too. We have also been learning about the different types of triangles and what quadrilaterals were. Test us at home!

In literacy, we done some outdoor spelling activities which we really enjoyed. We also started our new class novel called “Carrie’s War” and made some predictions about the book. The book is set during World War II and we are interested to find out more about the terrible thing that Carrie does…

We have also finished our first draft of our Kelpies story. We used lots of imagery, dialogue and each gave our stories a happy ending, sad ending or a cliff-hanger. Next week we are going to type them up and may be able to share some examples with you! We’re really proud of our work.


In topic, we used some primary sources to learn about how Britain prepared for the potential gas attacks and watched a real advert made by the government at the time encouraging people to wear them. We thought the masks looked quite frightening! We are also in the middle of making our own gas masks which we may use for a project later on in the topic…

Here are our posters about the military leaders in World War II that we made last week. We hope you like them!

-Miss Frew and P7F

November 23, 2021
by Mrs Johnstone

P7 Talking and Listening Home Learning Task – 23.11.21

P7J have been set the challenge of researching a famous Scot and preparing a presentation about them.

The class have been asked to have their talks ready for the 30th November, St. Andrew’s Day!

It would be most helpful if pupils are able to have a practise at home so that they can check timings and develop confidence for presenting to the class.

Please ask your child for more details about the task.

I can’t wait to hear who each pupil has chosen to research and to find out more about some of the great Scots who inspire us, both past and present.

November 19, 2021
by User deactivated

P1L and Mrs Cuthbertson – Fri 19th Nov 2021

We have had another very busy week. We had a 2 minute silence and made our own poppies on Remembrance Day. We watched a lovely video about a rabbit which explained why we have Remembrance Day. We also helped to raise money for Pudsey Bear and Children in Need. We wore our pyjamas to school and took part in some Pudsey activities We had lots of fun making our own dough. At gym time we played team games and Rugby.

We are very proud of our Poppy display and our Scarecrow. We hope you like them too.

Next week we will be exploring Subitising as part of Number Sense. This is when you are able to look at a group of objects and realise how many are there without counting. Our Phonic sound will be ‘g’ and we will make our own Gumball machines.

We will continue to explore Autumn and the animals who hibernate during Winter. We will make Autumn Leaf Hedgehogs. If possible can your child bring to school 6 Autumn leaves. Thank you!

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Cuthbertson x

November 19, 2021
by Miss Frew

19.11.21 P7f blog

We did a interesting experiment about sea rising levels so firstly we had to put two small dishes into the two tubs . Then fill the two tubs up with water to 9ooml.After that put 3 ice cubes into one of the tubes.

Next put 3 more ice cube in the other tub but you need to put the ice on top dish inside of the tub.

Finally  mark the water on the tubes before the ice melts  then go back to the ice when it has melted and than Len down to eye level and you can see how much the water has raised

By miss frew and P7f. ;]

November 18, 2021
by Mrs Carey

Primary 2/1 week beginning 22/11/21

This week we have been exploring the book ‘How big is a million?’ The children have been enjoying learning about penguins as a result and have been happy to bring in story books and their cuddly penguin toys. Next week we will be looking at the change of the seasons from autumn to winter.


Nemos Group next week we will be consolidating the words and sounds covered over the last 3 weeks.

diagrpaghs – ay, ea, and ow as in snow.

common words –

day, away, always, today,

each, ask, year, ear,

yellow, grow, again, food

Dory’s group

initial sounds – r, m, d, e, c, k, ck

common words-

am, me, my, did, as, he, can, we, into

If you have time perhaps you can play some activities to revise these sounds such as:

scavenger hunt around the house looking for items that match the initial sounds or look in your child’s books for words with the digraphs.

throw a ball to spell the words

rainbow writing words or hide some words in a drawing and getting someone to find them.

I will also put more related language activities on Education City.



In maths this week we have been looking at sequencing numbers

0 to 10 forwards/backwards

counting 0 to 20, 2s to 20,  5s to 50, 10s to 100

Again I will add some activities for your child to try on Education City.

Have a lovely weekend. Mrs Carey


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