Hurlford Primary School and Early Childhood Centre

An East Ayrshire Council School

February 24, 2022
by Mrs Johnstone

P7J Week Beginning 21st February

P7J have been working very enthusiastically this week, with everyone showing a super attitude towards learning.

As part of the John Muir Award, we have been looking at garden birds.  We started the week off by watching some of the ‘BBC Winter Watch Big Lesson’ which taught us about how to use a classification key to identify birds.  After this, we used apples, seeds, sticks and string to make an eco-friendly bird feeder; hopefully these are hanging in your gardens now and providing the birds with some food in this turbulent winter weather.  Please send in any photos of your bird feeders at home, especially if the birds are visiting them, I would love to see them!  Ask your child about how to use the bird identifier on the RSPB website, this is a super tool to discover which birds are in your garden, which we had a look at in class.

In numeracy, we have been focusing on fractions; equivalent and simplified fractions, and how to compare and order fractions.  The class outdid themselves when simplifying fractions and even asked for extra work!

We also welcomed back Miss Little this week.  She will be working with P7J until the end of term and has lots of great activities in store for the class.  This week there has been creative collage artwork in response to Vivaldi’s ‘Winter’ music from ‘The Four Seasons’ and rhyming poetry.

Next week, we will be learning about improper and mixed fractions, as well as some different types of poetry.

Have a lovely weekend when it arrives!


February 24, 2022
by EAjoanne.mair2@glow


We are delighted to announce that our first after school club in ages starts next week!  This is aimed at P4 Fun Fitness and will be delivered via Active Schools.  This will run for 5 weeks in March  – 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th and 31st.  Pupils require PE kit (trainers / joggers) and a water bottle.

If you would like your child to attend please click on the link below and complete the form.

Thank you

February 18, 2022
by Miss Baillie

Primary 4 – Week beginning 14.02.22

Hi Primary 4! 🙂

It has been a short week but a busy and fun week. We all enjoyed watching our Burns poem finalist perform their poems for the school. We couldn’t be together as a whole school but all watched at the same time and had a sing song with our doors open! I think our class may have been the loudest during the songs! 🙂 Click the sway below to see a few short clips of us singing!

Go to this Sway

We have also been exploring mummification for our Egyptians topic and have enjoyed mummifying an orange this afternoon. We will complete the process on Tuesday and check in on them in a months time to see what has happened!

Hope you all have a lovely weekend! 🙂

Miss Baillie & Mrs Ferguson.

February 9, 2022
by Mrs Campbell

Skills for Learning, Life and Work – P7 interview Sir Stephen Hillier

One of our Improvement priorities this session, has been to focus on Skills for Learning, Life and Work, providing opportunities to enhance the curriculum, highlighting links between the curriculum and the ‘world of work’.
Over the session, our pupils have enjoyed a wide range of STEM activities.
We have also developed a partnership with Primary Engineer who arranged for Sir Stephen Hillier, chair of Civil Aviation Authority to be interviewed by our Primary 7
We had hoped that Sir Stephen would be able to visit our school, unfortunately due to Covid, this event took place via Teams.
Our P7 pupils prepared questions and interviewed Sir Stephen.  A film of the event was produced for publication on the CAA and Primary Engineer website.
Please see the following links for your information:
Their comments included:

“I found it interesting that Sir Stephen was just a little boy from Kilmarnock and managed to achieve so much including all of his goals and dreams. I have always wanted to be the aircraft engineer. He was speaking about not giving up and to keep trying. It really inspired me to keep trying to achieve my dreams.”“It made me think that anything is possible!”“I was impressed that he was an ordinary boy and now he has been knighted by the Queen.”“When he spoke about how determined he was to become a part of the RAF, it made me want to be a part of the cabin crew.” “I found it interesting when he talked about the awards he got. It made me think that I’ll be able to achieve my goals when I’m older. I’d like to be an astronaut because I’ve always been interested in science and space. It made me think I should stay in school and study hard and focus on what I want to do in my life.”  

“I found it interesting how he got so far in life and he was born and raised here. It made me realise that you can do anything, if you work hard.”

We received a lovely letter of thanks from Sir Stephen.
We continue to work in partnership with Primary Engineer taking part in the ‘If I were an engineer competition’ and taking part in pilot staff training on ‘Engineering your Classroom’, in partnership with Primary Engineer/Education Scotland.

February 6, 2022
by Mrs Carey

Monday 7th February P2/1

Good morning,

I hope you all had a lovely weekend. Last week in class we going back in time with the story ‘Cave Baby’ and looked at what we believe mammoths and sabre tooth tigers were like. The children did some fabulous drawings of a sabre tooth tiger and we will paint them this week. They really enjoyed finding out about them and explored their habitats. The children watched Newsround on Friday and it was great to hear what they found fascinating but what was particularly nice was  the article about the coral reef and the children recalled a lot of the work we did last year when we studied ‘under the sea’. It also took us back to lots of the work we did on habitats and COP 26. We shared lots of great memories. I think you might also find they are quite interested in the Winter Olympics in the coming weeks.

Language this week:

Dory – sound v and continue with words have, just, to

Nemo – sound au and words because, week, keep, when

We will try to embed the words after the holidays that we have learnt over the last 2 terms and to do this please try out the tricky word games on Education City. These can repeated to build confidence to remember them,  help decode them and where possible to spell them.

In maths we are continuing our work on addition and have recently being adding 3 numbers and the children are getting very good at looking for clues to add these numbers mentally by using strategies of finding a pair that makes 10 or is there a double or near double. Again please continue to use the games on Education City to help with this.

Thanks again,

Mrs Carey.

February 4, 2022
by Ms Wilson

P6 Week beginning 31st January 2022

Primary 6 have had a busy and productive week.

We have been enjoying learning about the Solar System as part of our topic.  We used research skills to find and record information from a variety of sources.  We produced a Planet Fact File and drew amazing pictures of each planet.

In writing, we have been focusing on paragraphs. We learned how to structure a paragraph and when to start a new one using the TiPToP strategy.  Ask us what the letters stand for!  We enjoyed reading the next chapter of our class novel.  There were some tricky words in it but we used metalinguistics to help us understand their meanings in the context.

This week in Numeracy we have been multiplying and dividing whole numbers and decimals by a single digit.  Our times tables have once again come in very handy.  For Maths with Miss Baillie, we enjoyed building skeletal 3D shapes using cocktail sticks and playdough.

We all participated really well at P.E. where were learning how to intercept a pass in a game of hockey.  Our Disney Aladdin rehearsals also went well and we have now finished learning the choreography and lyrics for ‘Prince Ali’.

February 4, 2022
by Mrs Miller

Friday 4th February

February already! Can you believe it!

We started the week with outdoor learning because we missed it last Friday due to the fire drill.

We’ve been working on 4 activities

~making a den for reading

~making video reports about learning outdoors

~making word walls with stones

~making story map drawings of stories we’ve been reading in class

We rotate round so everyone gets a turn doing each activity. We’ve been lucky with the weather so far and it’s been dry for our first 4 turns of this block.

We finished up our work on fractions in numeracy. You can talk to your child about halving items or quantities to keep it fresh in their minds. Most children found quarter’s much harder but they all tried so hard with their learning activities.

Tuesday was Chinese New Year so we enjoyed learning about that. This is the year of the tiger so we made a tricky cutting craft tiger and learned some facts about tigers. Did you know cubs only stay with their mother until they’re 18months old!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Mrs Miller


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February 4, 2022
by Miss Frew

P7F Week Beginning 31.1.22

Happy Friday!

This week in p7f we finished our unit on area and perimeter in math and begun to look at decimal numbers. We will be continuing this for a few weeks.

In literacy, we finally finished our “long chapter” novel Carrie’s War! It was a bittersweet ending. We are now watching the movie to compare it to the book.

We are also doing a block on poetry in writing. This week we done acrostic poems about nature and this links with our work about the John Muir Award.

In other areas, we have begun to learn about internet safety in HWB and Mardi Gras in RME. We also done some coding work in Our week ended with a ” VE day ” celebration to mark the end of our topic. Keep calm and carry on!



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