Hurlford Primary School and Early Childhood Centre

An East Ayrshire Council School

March 8, 2022
by Emma Ferguson

P4 Class

Hi everyone,


P4 have been so incredibly busy over the last couple of weeks and we have loads of photographs to share with you.

In Maths we have been finishing off our 2D & 3D work.  Recognising the differences between 2&3D and discussing faces, vertices and edges.  We have now moved on to money when we are reminding ourselves about the coins and notes we use in the UK.  We will be exploring the different ways we can make the same totals.  We will record amounts accurately in different ways  149p =£1.49 and work on our mental agility.

We are thoroughly enjoying our Ancient Egyptian topic.  We have been learning about farming and how important the river Nile was to the Ancient Egyptians. We tried to build our own Shaduf to show how it worked.  We have been learning about Ancient Egyptian crowns and how they related to different parts of the country.  We have been learning about hieroglyphs and trying to write and paint our names on a Royal Cartouche.  We have been creating Ancient Egyptian jewellery for both the rich and the poorer people.  We have spent time creating our own versions of Tutankhamun’s Death Mask – we are so fascinated with his tomb and treasures.

We have spent a long time on Non-Fiction books and are now working on Fiction stories at reading time.  We are working hard on comprehension tasks that make us delve into the text in the book.  We are now starting a new book that is written in plays so we will be having fun acting them out.


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We have also been learning about the Ancient Egyptian number system.  We can make sums and count using their super old system!!

Take care everyone,

Mrs Ferguson x



March 6, 2022
by Mrs Carey

Monday 7th March P2/1

Good morning,

I hope you enjoyed the lovely weather this weekend. Please find below some ideas for homework this week:


Nemo – key words to focus on in reading and writing are:

are, come, of, new     plus phonemes ph, wh, oo, ee

Dory – key words for this week :

this, that, then     plus phoneme th

Games that you can engage in to support learning the words and phonemes are outlined below:

spot the word in your books

count the phonemes you see in your reading book or in your favourite stories.

Play eye spy

Go on a scavenger hunt to find things that begin with these phonemes

Write your words backwards

Make a pairs game for all your read and write words that you got home with your reading book



We are learning to count back to take away.

Count forwards and backwards in 2s, 5s and 10s

Number stories  find pairs that make 10 and 20 .

Throw a ball to recite number bonds – saying 8 add what makes 10 then try number bonds to make 20

Also look out for all our activities on Education City. Remember you can do activities more than once to reinforce your previous learning .

Please continue to read your reading books and read and write some of the words on your word list too.

Thanks for your continued support.

Have fun week.

Mrs Carey.


March 3, 2022
by Mrs Johnstone

P7J Week beginning 28th February

World Book Day was our main theme today.

We had lots of fun guessing each other’s favourite books by the props that were brought in.  Miss Little also challenged everyone to design a book cover, for a real children’s novel, based on a limited number of clues about the story.  Here are a few of the fabulous designs that were created.

  Literacy and the John Muir Award

Earlier in the week, we were exploring different types of poetry.  This week the focus was on kennings which are similar to riddles. Using life cycles as a stimulus, we had a go at writing our own.  Can you guess which life cycle we were describing?



Rising – green 

Blooming – bright
Summer – nights 

Dying – light
Petals – white 

By Callum


Stripy – bean

Rising- leaves 

Field – filler
Bright – bloomer 

Fading – flower
Lifeless – petals 

By Macy


Zebra – stripes
Toty – seed 

Enlarging – sprout
Shooting – out 

Blooming – bright
Eye-catching sight 

Fading away
In the day 

By Noah

We also worked in pairs to turn research notes about garden birds into PowerPoint slideshows.  Each slideshow had to have animations and transition effects, as well as design layouts, pictures and text.  It was good fun experimenting with all the tools available!

Here are some photos from last week’s art and bird feeder activities.

March 3, 2022
by User deactivated

Fri 4th March 2022 – P1L and Mrs Cuthbertson

We have had a really busy week in Primary 1. We enjoyed Pancake Day and World Book Day. We have been working really hard on our phonics and made quilts and Queens as we focused on phonic Q. We watched the story explaining that Q and U stick like glue (Qu). Next week we will be focusing on ‘oo’. We know that this is not a beginning sound so will use books and magazines to find words containing ‘oo’.

We are exploring addition and number bonds at number time. We are now beginning to see a link between addition and subtraction. The children love to use a wide range of resources during addition activities. Our favourite choices are hangers and pegs, small people and jewels. We have also been making sure our number formation is improving all the time by using our whiteboards and a special song each morning.


We really enjoyed Pancake today and had fun topping our Pancakes and of course eating them.


The children were so quiet during this activity!

We also had lots of fun learning the poem Roguey Poguey. I was so proud of the children as they quickly learned the poem and the actions. I hope you enjoy them saying the poem for you.

The children have been enjoying the new dice task in their scrapbook. Please remember to hand them back in this week as the children are keen to try the next task. Please continue learning the sounds and common words on their home cards.

Now that the season is changing we will be learning all about Spring, Easter and Lifecycles. Please talk to your child about the months of the year and the seasons. It will amaze you how much they know already!

I hope you all have a lovely weekend,

Hugs from Mrs Cuthbertson xxx

February 25, 2022
by Mrs Campbell

Keeping Our Children and Young People Safe and Well Online

How are young people today supported to stay safe online and at the same time be shown consideration for the mental health and wellbeing impact that an incident may have?

Preventative measures to keep young people safe and secure online are nothing new but what should a young person do if something has gone wrong?

In this presentation we will explore how online issues can impact on a young person’s mental health and wellbeing and any future engagement online. We will discuss ways of helping overcome any barriers that may prevent them maintaining their online presence, including ways to help them stay safe and secure online, whilst supporting them with any trauma and wellbeing related issues.

Attendees will hear from Scott Tees, an accomplished Online Safety and Cyber Security and Prevention Consultant who possesses a proven track record in designing and delivering robust security solutions and strategies to manage and mitigate risks. He was responsible for the creation and development of the Police Scotland Cybercrime Prevention Strategy and was the national lead for the Police Scotland Cybercrime Harm Prevention Team until June 2020.

Attendees will also hear from Roxanne Kerr, an experienced and qualified clinical certified trauma specialist with a master’s degree in counselling from Abertay University and a certificate from the Trauma Institute International. Over the last 7 years, she has successfully worked with trauma survivors including extensive work with Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse and individuals with mental health illnesses including bipolar and schizophrenia.

Join NPFS, Education Scotland, Scott and Roxanne for this presentation followed by a Q&A that you can sign up to attend here:

Stacey-Ann Lindsay

Parental Engagement and Learner Participation Policy Officer | Curriculum Unit | Directorate for Learning | Scottish Government |

Please note for the foreseeable future Scottish Government staff are working from home. I am contactable by email –

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