Hurlford Primary School and Early Childhood Centre

An East Ayrshire Council School

March 16, 2022
by EAjoanne.mair2@glow

Big Walk and Wheel 2022

Our Junior Road Safety Officers are delighted to announce that we have registered to participate in the Big Walk and Wheel 2022, please click on the SWAY below for further information.

Pupils should be encouraged to walk, scoot or bike to school (wearing a helmet) and use the new racks available to store their bikes/scooters through the day.

We would also encourage park and stride, using the car parks at the Co-op or the Chinese and then walking the remaining distance to school.

Our JRSOs will be out with our parking buddies and golden tickets so please park in a safe space.

Go to this Sway

March 15, 2022
by Miss Frew

Recent Work in P7F

Over the past few weeks, P7F have worked really hard to develop their skills in all areas of the curriculum. Here is a quick update on some of the things we have been working on!



In maths, we have been focusing on our knowledge and understanding of decimals. We have learned to identify the value of these numbers and also can add and subtract them using the written method. Here is an example of some work:

We have also started to look at our times tables. We learned the stations in our 2 times table then created an outdoor learning game to practice. Luckily it stayed dry for us!

This week, we will be continuing to learn our times tables and will also start to look at fractions.



We are doing a block of instructional writing this term and have explored the features of the genre. Each week, we will pick out a board game from our class collection, learn how to play it and then write our own instructions for that game. Last week, we spoke about Connect 4, and discussed various strategies and tips to win the game. We then wrote our instructions which were detailed and included top tips.

For reading, we are taking a break before beginning our new class novel in Term 4 and are instead focusing on using Giglets. This is a website which can be accessed at home and can help pupils practice their fluency and understanding.



At the end of February, we were learning about the Christian celebration of Mardi Gras and how it was celebrated throughout the world. We learned that Mardi Gras was the same as pancake day but learned that in some parts of the world, it was celebrated by having a huge parade and eating King Cakes instead of pancakes. Jazz music was also a huge part of Mardi Gras. To demonstrate our learning, we worked together to create a wall display, made Mardi Gras masks and also had the chance to bake and eat some King Cakes. Yum!

We are learning about China as our new topic. So far, we have explored where China is in the world and its neighbouring countries and have compared how China and Scotland are similar and different. We also done some research about China and made some information leaflets which we are really proud of.


Thank you for reading our class update!

Miss Frew and P7F

March 14, 2022
by Mrs Johnstone

P7J – March 7th -11th

Last week in P7J we had lots of different learning experiences.

We completed our work on Vivaldi’s ‘Winter’ music by composing some tunes of our own.  Each group had a selection of instruments and were tasked with creating an 8 beat tune, inspired by winter.  This was good fun and everyone worked well as part of a team to count beats and come in at the correct time.

Our numeracy focus was on adding and subtracting fractions.  We had to use our prior learning, from last week, about mixed and improper fractions to help with these calculations.

Continuing with our study of poetry, we looked at limericks.  These are funny, five line poems which rhyme. Here is Codey’s for you to enjoy!

There once was an unusual parrot,

Who for some reason loved to eat carrots,

The bigger the better,

He said in his letter,

Oh, what an unusual parrot!


As part of our topic on China, Miss Little set the challenge of researching the giant panda.  Notes were collected and then used to write non-chronological reports.


John Muir Award and Outdoor Learning

We started a four week rotation for outdoor learning on Thursday.  We were so glad it wasn’t raining!

Group one was helping P3/2 pupils to make bird feeders out of plastic milk cartons. Group 2 was weeding the raised bed and sowing seeds: we planted lettuce, sweetcorn and courgette seeds this week.  Group 3 was hunting for animal tracks hidden around the playground and trying to identify them.  Group four was given a S.T.E.M challenge to build a bird’s nest; this was not as easy as everyone first thought! Lots of problem solving was going on, testing designs and improving them. 

We’re looking forward to another interesting week this week.

Remember to look out for the homework folder on

March 13, 2022
by Mrs Carey

Monday 14th March 2022

Good morning, I hope you enjoyed the sunshine this weekend and let’s hope there is more to come. We had a very busy week in P2/1 last week, measuring, taking on the role of being palaeontologists, and also running our busy cafe in the home corner. The children had lots of fun. I’ve listed below some things you can perhaps participate in with your child over the next week.


Nemo – key words to focus on reading and writing are:

said could her before

plus, phoneme diagraphs  ck, ai, oy, oa, qu

Dory – key words for this week :

much of or

plus, phoneme diagraph ch

Games that you can engage in to support learning the words and phonemes are outlined below:

spot the word in your books

count the phonemes you see in your reading book or in your favourite stories.

Play eye spy

Go on a scavenger hunt to find things that begin with these phonemes

Write your words backwards

Make a pairs game for all your read and write words that you got home with your reading book



We are learning to count back to take away.

Count forwards and backwards in 2s, 5s and 10s

Number stories  find pairs that make 10 and 20 .

In addition, last week and this week, we will be continuing to work on measure. Perhaps you can get out into the garden and measure some things around the garden using stones or if you have a sandpit find out how much various containers hold. You might be surprised at what you find out. You can measure the sand with plastic cup keeping it the same size to create  comparisons between items.

Also look out for all our activities on Education City. Remember you can do activities more than once to reinforce your previous learning .

Please continue to read your reading books and read and write some of the words on your word list too.

Thanks for your continued support.

Have fun week.

Mrs Carey.




March 11, 2022
by Ms Wilson

P6: Week beginning 7th March 2022

Primary 6 have been working very hard and the week has flown by!

In our Space topic, we have enjoyed learning about the phases of the moon and solar and lunar eclipses. Next week we will be finding out how space has been explored.

The focus in numeracy has been finding and using the link between fractions, decimals and percentages. In maths we have been exploring the nets of 3D shapes.

Yesterday, at PE, we were practising our badminton skills. We can all serve the shuttle over the net and sustain a short rally.

Today, our literacy task was to write an acrostic poem based on Space. We all did a fantastic job and enjoyed sharing our ideas with our peers. We also drew amazing observational drawings of space exploration equipment.

We are now looking forward to a relaxing weekend!!





March 10, 2022
by Mrs Miller

p3/2 February Round Up

What a quick and busy month February was!

I’m sorry for not managing to keep you all up to date with what’s been happening in our class 🙁

Here are some of the things we’ve been doing


  • Continuing to work on phonemes and spelling (see homework diaries)
  • Reading of new books and developing common word vocabulary and decoding strategies
  • Learning how to create story boards to retell a story or add/change bits of a story
  • Picking out the main points of a story to help us write and draw a beginning, middle and end
  • Learning how to write a recount of a personal event or activity


We have loved having our French bear, Camembear, back in class this term. He is teaching us how to say please and thank you in French. He is also teaching us the colours in French. We love singing his songs!


We have covered work on the following:-

  • Subtraction
  • 3D shape
  • Measure – capacity and weight
  • Counting and sequencing
  • Position and movement

The children have enjoyed lots of practical activities to help understand the concepts in Numeracy. Please continue to support your child at home by completing tasks on Education City and working together to complete the challenges set in the Numeracy Scrapbook.

Social Studies and Science

In science, we have enjoyed learning about the Sun, Moon and Earth. How they are related to each other and how they give us night and day.

Our new topic is ‘The Ocean’

We have started by looking at the names of the Oceans around the World and what water is closest to us. Then we moved on to some of the animals you would find in the Ocean and how they rely on each other to survive. We are looking at fishing now. What is fishing, why do we do it and are there any problems with fishing. We will also be covering water pollution in this topic.


In PE, we have started working on our racquet skills. We are listening very well and developing our hand-eye coordination in lots of fun ways!

Outdoor Learning

We finished our block on literacy outdoors where we had great fun. I think the favourite activity was building the reading den. Each group managed to make a completely different design. Some fantastic engineering!

We are moving on to a ‘Water’ theme where we will be working on capacity experiments, creating a sea scene and measuring and drawing some underwater creatures.

Children are also going to be making a bird feeder to bring home. We are looking for 4pt milk cartons to be brought in to make these out of!

All photos to follow….

March 10, 2022
by Emma Ferguson

P4 Busy Bees 10.3.22

Hi everyone,


Just a wee catch up to show you some more super work completed by your kids!!

We have been working in teams and rotating the activities.

We are developing our painting skills and painting Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs…


K-nex construction – free choice build…



We are logged in to Education City and working on Science activities.  Education City is available at home.


Here we are designing our own death masks… Image.jpeg

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Here we are reminding ourselves how to count coins.   Image preview

Take care everyone!

Mrs Fx

March 8, 2022
by Emma Ferguson

P4 Class

Hi everyone,


P4 have been so incredibly busy over the last couple of weeks and we have loads of photographs to share with you.

In Maths we have been finishing off our 2D & 3D work.  Recognising the differences between 2&3D and discussing faces, vertices and edges.  We have now moved on to money when we are reminding ourselves about the coins and notes we use in the UK.  We will be exploring the different ways we can make the same totals.  We will record amounts accurately in different ways  149p =£1.49 and work on our mental agility.

We are thoroughly enjoying our Ancient Egyptian topic.  We have been learning about farming and how important the river Nile was to the Ancient Egyptians. We tried to build our own Shaduf to show how it worked.  We have been learning about Ancient Egyptian crowns and how they related to different parts of the country.  We have been learning about hieroglyphs and trying to write and paint our names on a Royal Cartouche.  We have been creating Ancient Egyptian jewellery for both the rich and the poorer people.  We have spent time creating our own versions of Tutankhamun’s Death Mask – we are so fascinated with his tomb and treasures.

We have spent a long time on Non-Fiction books and are now working on Fiction stories at reading time.  We are working hard on comprehension tasks that make us delve into the text in the book.  We are now starting a new book that is written in plays so we will be having fun acting them out.


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We have also been learning about the Ancient Egyptian number system.  We can make sums and count using their super old system!!

Take care everyone,

Mrs Ferguson x



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