Hurlford Primary School and Early Childhood Centre

An East Ayrshire Council School

March 25, 2022
by Miss Frew

P7F Week Beginning 21.3.22


We have continued to work on writing instructions this week and we wrote instructions for “How to Play Jenga.” We had to focus on the layout of our text and having clear instructions. Here are some examples of our work:

Well done!


Maths has been challenging this week as we have focused on fractions. We learned how to convert fractions into decimals and investigated the link between fractions and decimals. We are also continuing to learn our times tables. Please check teams on a Monday for homework for that week as this will help practice the skills we are developing in class.


We have continued to learn about China and were given a STEM challenge to build a section of the Great Wall of China using various construction materials. We have to work as a team and investigate how best to make the wall strong enough to stand on its own. This was great fun! 

P3/2 March Learning

March 23, 2022 by Mrs Miller | 0 comments

In PE, we have been working on a block of racquet skills. We are developing our hand and eye coordination. It’s been hard work but we are improving!

Here are some pictures of our measure work. We have measured weight, capacity, length and area.

We enjoy our active spelling activities. We do these three times a week to help us learn our spelling words. Ask your child which activities they enjoy, they could do these at home to help when working on their spelling words. Remember to help your child practise their phoneme words and common words that are written in their diaries.





This gallery contains 17 photos

March 23, 2022
by Mrs Campbell

P1-P4 Trip to Ayr Farm Park

I am very excited to inform you that this summer we will be able to take our pupils on a trip.

Stage: Primary 1-4

Date: Wednesday 8th June, 2022

Destination: Ayr Farm Park

Cost: £10

Please check your child’s bag for Parentpay letter for activation letter.
Please activate as soon as possible.

The transport costs will be paid for by the school.

The amount has to be paid by 20th May 2022.

March 22, 2022
by Mrs Campbell


School closes on Friday 1 April at  2.20pm (P5-P7) and 2.30pm ( P1-P4)
Pupils return on Tuesday 19th April, 22

Other Dates for your diary – Term 4:

  • Monday 2nd May – May holiday
  • Thursday 5th May – Inservice day
  • Thursday 2nd June – Local holiday
  • Friday 3rd June – Local holiday
  • School closes – Wednesday 29th June at 1pm

Link to school holidays – 21/22 and 22/23
please click on the link

March 20, 2022
by Mrs Carey

Monday 21st March P2/1

Good morning, I hope you enjoyed the lovely weather this weekend and looks like we are set to have a nice week.


Nemo – key words to focus on to support our reading and writing are:

day,  away,  always,  today

plus, phoneme diagraphs  oi, oy, ay, ai

Dory – key words for this week :

this, that , then, with, us, so,  much,  of , or

plus, phoneme diagraph ng

Games that you can engage in to support learning the words and phonemes are outlined below:

spot the word in your books

count the phonemes you see in your reading book or in your favourite stories.

Play eye spy

Go on a scavenger hunt to find things that begin with these phonemes

Write your words backwards

Make a pairs game for all your read and write words that you got home with your reading book



This week we are beginning to develop awareness of how money is used and recognise a range of coins. We will set up a class shop and use money to pay for items and then work out how much change is needed.

Count forwards and backwards in 2s, 5s and 10s

Number stories  find pairs that make 10 and 20 .

During outdoor learning we will be continuing to work on measure.  We will be developing the concepts capacity and volume. If you can, get out into the garden and measure some things around the garden using stones or if you have a sandpit find out how much various containers hold. You can measure the sand with plastic cups keeping it the same size to create  comparisons between items.

Also look out for all our activities on Education City. Remember you can do activities more than once to reinforce your previous learning .

Please continue to read your reading books and practise your read and write words from your word lists too.

Thanks for your continued support.

Have fun week.

Mrs Carey.



March 20, 2022
by User deactivated

P1L and Mrs Cuthbertson – 20/03/22

Good afternoon!

I hope you are enjoying this beautiful weather. It’s so good to see the sunshine at last. We have had another fun week in Primary 1. We wrote stories about Goldilocks which were super. We were learning all about ‘ee’ and were able to look through our story books to find words with ‘ee’ in them. We made sheep for our new Spring display .


We have been working hard learning all about subtraction and addition and this week we explored symmetry too. The children brought some symmetrical items from home and were able to explain what made them symmetrical. We looked around the room for symmetrical things too and played fun games on the whiteboard.


Our favourite activity this week was ‘gym time’. We used some of the large apparatus and had fun  jumping, balancing, climbing, sliding and crawling.


Next week our new sound is ‘sh’ and we are still working hard learning our common words. When you are looking at the common words card at home ask your child if he or she can put each word in a sentence. We will continue with addition and subtraction using lots of games and equipment. In the afternooon we will plant seeds and learn all about how plants grow.

We will pop outside for some outdoor learning too, which I am sure the children will love.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend

Mrs Cuthbertson xxx

March 18, 2022
by Ms Wilson

P6: week beginning 14th March 2022

It’s Friday again, what a quick week. P6 have been working very hard.

In numeracy we have been learning how to use function machines to calculate input and output numbers. It was a little bit tricky but we got the hang of it.

This week we finished our class novel, ‘The Last Wolf’. Although it had a sad ending we all agreed it was an enjoyable and heartwarming story. Next week we will write a book review.

For our Space topic we learned about the Space race of the 1950s and 60s.  We then worked with a partner to create a moonscape showing the first moon landing in 1969.

Today was Red Nose Day. We played some online games, did lots of puzzles and designed our own noses. It was great to see everyone wearing red.

We’re looking forward to getting out in sunshine over the weekend.

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