Hurlford Primary School and Early Childhood Centre

An East Ayrshire Council School

April 1, 2022
by Mrs Campbell

Hurlford Bowling club are looking for new members

Hurlford Bowling club are looking for new members to join the junior section.

Members need to be 9 years or older.

Cost of membership – £10 per year

Training sessions – Tuesday and Thursdays ( 4-5pm)

Children need to wear flat shoes or trainers. Bowls are supplied.

If you are interested in attending, why not come along to the opening day on

Sunday 10th April at 2pm.  Come along and have a go!!

Membership forms will be available at this event.

Competitions and fun events with adults are run throughout the year.

All welcome ( 9 years and above) !


April 1, 2022
by Mrs Johnstone

P7J 28th March – 1st April

We have had a super final week to term 3 in P7J.

Here are the highlights…

  • Planting trees in the playground with Lorna, from the John Muir Trust.
  • Creative writing to produce some super Easter themed stories.
  • Everyone showing much more confidence in maths when working with decimals, fractions and percentages.
  • Designing our own items of traditional Chinese clothing.
  • Teaching P3/2 some new games in the playground – this was great fun for all!

We also said farewell and thank you to Miss Little who has been working with the class for the last 6 weeks.

There are lots of exciting and fun things ahead and I’m looking forward to welcoming P7J back for their last term with us at Hurlford in a couple of weeks time!

Wishing you all a lovely break over the Easter holidays.

Mrs Johnstone


April 1, 2022
by Miss Baillie

Week beginning – 28.3.22

Hello Primary 4,

We have had a busy, Easter-filled day in Primary 4 this week! We have used construction materials to make Easter baskets, boiled and painted eggs and even rolled them down the hill in the playground! We made Easter Crispie Treats that looked delicious! Hope they tasted as good as they looked! 🙂

Have an egg-cellent Easter holiday everyone!

Miss Baillie & Mrs Ferguson


March 31, 2022
by Miss Frew

End of Term 3 in P7F!

Can you believe we’ve just finished Term 3!? One more term left before our P7s head off to “the big school!”

Here are a collection of photos and some comments from pupils about the highlights from this term:


Well done to our pupils becoming Wellbeing Champions!


We are really looking forward to Term 4. Have a lovely Easter Holiday everyone!

-Miss Frew and P7F x

70 Best Happy Easter Wishes, Messages, and Quotes for Easter Cards

March 25, 2022
by Emma Ferguson

P4 week ending 25/3/22

Happy Friday night everyone!  What fantastic weather we have had this week!!


P4 have been busy again this week.  We have continued to work on our Ancient Egyptian Art and it is almost finished.  The death masks are very colourful using the collage paper.  Painting skills are definitely improving and you will see this soon when the work comes home!!!


Spelling words were ‘ie’ sounding ‘i’ or ‘j’ and the kids had very active learning stations.  We used stampers, magnetic letters, scrabble tiles and Play doh to learn our spelling words.

P.E has been Creative Dance again this week and the children chose to look at ‘The Firebird’ as it related to work previously covered during ‘Making Thinking Visible’ tasks.  They are super fun and you can see by the photographs they are trying very hard and concentrating on the task.

They had to play in the secret garden and throw the golden apples to each other.  They did very well!!!



We started to research Ancient Egyptian Gods.  We had some personalisation and choice within this task.  We used the internet and books to find out facts and we are creating our own Leaflets.  You might hear about ‘Digging a Little Deeper’ with research.


We had some fun in writing last week as we had to write persuasive letters.  I decided we should write letters to Mrs Campbell requesting a school trip but this was a school trip with a difference – it was to Egypt!!! The kids wrote fabulous persuasive letters arguing their case to go to Egypt to learn more about the Ancient Culture – they were extremely persuasive but sadly Mrs Campbell says there’s not enough money in our school budget!!! Maybe the Parent Council can raise some funds!


The class have had a wee change recently to their reading books as they have been reading Play Scripts.  They thoroughly enjoy them and they have been lots of fun!!  We did some more acting this week as we found old school assembly scripts about Ancient Egypt so there’s more acting to come in P4!!!!


Maths has been slightly different too as we have been looking at rounding numbers up to 4 digits to the nearest 10 or 100 or 1000.  This is a work in progress but a great start made by all!! We have also been chatting about fractions specifically looking at 1/2, 1/4 and 1/8s.


Have a smashing weekend everyone and enjoy this nice weather!

Take care, Mrs Fx

March 25, 2022
by Mrs Johnstone

P7J March 14th – 25th

The time has been passing quickly over the last couple of weeks and it’s hard to believe we’ve almost reached the end of term 3!

Here’s a round-up of what we’ve been up to in P7J.

Interdisciplinary Learning

We have been learning about China.  In Literacy, we have identified the features of information leaflets and created our own leaflets on some of China’s main cities.  We have also been researching tourist attractions and worked in pairs to create and present PowerPoint slideshows. The paints have been out for art, as we looked at Ming vases and designed our own; these are looking fantastic on the classroom wall display.

For STEM, we were challenged to build a section of The Great Wall of China, with a zip-line linking two towers.  This was quite tough, and relied on teamwork and resilience.

We have even been learning some Mandarin!

Numeracy and Mathematics

Lots of effort has been going into learning about fractions and the various related calculations.  Some super posters have been made to demonstrate what everyone has learned so far about improper and mixed fractions, equivalent and simplified fractions and finding fractions of a quantity.  The next focus is on making links between fractions, decimals and percentages.

Please remember to return your home learning scrapbooks to school before the holiday.

Literacy and English

This week the focus has been on identifying the features of a balanced argument and writing our own.  As it has been Eco-week, we looked at the question: should fines be given for dropping litter?  Next week, we will develop what we have learned into having a debate about another environmental issue.


On Monday we participated in a live lesson, by ‘Keep Scotland Beautiful’, about waste and litter.  There were three workshops to take part in and follow-up activities too: we designed litter monsters, made yarn dolls and set up an experiment to observe how different materials break down in compost.

We were also weeding the raised beds and planting tomato seeds.



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