Hurlford Primary School and Early Childhood Centre

An East Ayrshire Council School

May 27, 2022
by User deactivated

Primary 1L and Mrs Cuthbertson

Good morning. It’s a very windy day but hopefully we will see some sunshine this weekend. We enjoyed maths time with Mrs Millar this week and we were learning all about Multiplication by 2. We used lots of different resources to help us count in 2’s and work out how many sets we had. Some people made sets of 5 and 10 as well! It was great fun.


Maths has definitely been our favourite time this week. We also had lots of fun making patterns with the elephants and sorting the fishbowls into groups.


We are really looking forward to the Jubilee next week and we will be taking parts in lots of activities about the Jubilee.

We will be consolidating our sounds sh, ch, th, wh and ph next week. We will also continue to explore multiplication and subtraction.

Remember we are off on Thursday and Friday next week so we will keep our fingers crossed that the sun shines.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Cuthbertson. xxx

May 27, 2022
by Mrs Miller

P3/2 Friday 27th May

Well done to Primary 3/2 for a brilliant week. We are working so hard and enjoying our learning.

This week we have….

  • worked on making fact families in Numeracy. This involves adding and subtracting and understanding how these numbers are linked. We are looking at the different patterns of subtraction.

For example, if we know 7 – 3 = 4 then we know 17 – 3 = 14.

Or if we know 30 – 10 = 20 then we know 35 – 10 = 25.

  • learned new phonemes in literacy. The apples have been learning the phoneme ‘oi’. The bananas have been learning the phoneme ‘ph’ as in (f). The pears have been learning the phoneme ‘ss’.
  •  been reading very well. The children are enjoying their new books and are successfully able to complete sequence tasks, sentence sorting and questions using their books for support.

We are going to have a go at writing a poem today. We’ll share these with you next week.


We have also started our new topic on transport. The children came up with lots of ideas for the initial brainstorm. We have started at the beginning, looking at how animals were used for transporting things before we had any other means of transport. Then we looked at the invention of the wheel and things that we wouldn’t have now if there were no wheels! It’s a long list!

In Health and Wellbeing, we have been focussing on what makes us special and unique. Lots of children brought things from home to help us learn more about them and what makes them unique. We looked at similarities too, and talked about how boys and girls are able to do all the same things as each other. We’re working on removing sexist stereotypes as much as possible so all children are free and confident to be who they want to be. We have learned about internet safety and the importance of not sharing photos and personal information online. The p3’s are doing a block of ICT work with Miss Steedman on a Wednesday and are learning how to use their email accounts on GLOW.

Lots of great fun and learning happening in our wonderful class!

Have a great weeked!

(Remember next week, wear red/white/blue on Wednesday for some special Jubilee Activties :-))

Mrs Miller


May 27, 2022
by Ms Wilson

P6: week beginning 23rd May 2022

It’s Friday again – another busy week.

P6 have been working very hard and getting back into a routine after all the excitement of Aladdin!

On Wednesday we welcomed a new pupil into our class.  He is from Ukraine and we were very excitied to meet him. We hope he enjoys being at our school. We have been learning some Ukrainian words – please ask us!

This week in numeracy, we have been focusing on Multiples, Factors and Prime Numbers.  It has really sharpened up our times tables facts and we enjoyed playing games such as Bingo! and Beat the Clock.  In Literacy we began to look at the features of persuasive writing.  We continued to look at advertising and our next task is to produce a promotional leaflet on European  tourist attractions.

We also showed off our artistic talents this week by creating mixed media drawings of famous European landmarks.  Lots of us choose to draw the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe and Big Ben. Mrs Wilson was very impressed with our drawing skills and how much detail we put into our pictures.

Just a wee heads up for next week –  on Monday, P6 nad P7 will be continuing with the Sports Championship heats and the finals will be on Tuesday.  Remember to bring your PE kit . Good luck everyone!

May 24, 2022
by Mrs Campbell

National Numeracy Project – feedback from Parents/Carers

National Numeracy Project- feedback from Parents/Carers
If you have taken part in the scrapbook tasks your child has brought home this year, could you please complete this short survey by Friday the 27th May for some end of project feedback data.

*****Everyone who completes the survey will be put into a prize draw.*****
Please do the following survey with your child too?
Could one of you add this link for the Numeracy Survey- pupils

Thank you for your support with this.
Gayle Miller
Principal Teacher

May 20, 2022
by Mrs Johnstone

P7J Week beginning 16th May

Numeracy and Mathematics

We have been learning how to interpret and draw bar graphs which include more than one set of data.  These are good for comparing the answers given by different sets of people.

Our multiplication and division skills have also come in handy when carrying out speed/distance/time calculations.

Literacy and English

We have continued to build our creative writing skills, with a focus on settings.  The title of our writing this week was, ‘Through the Keyhole’, inspired by the poem, ‘The Door’ by Miroslav Horub.

Everyone had a chance to choose which reflective reading tasks to complete in response to ‘Divided City’, with the option to design a coat of arms for our school being most popular.

Across the Curriculum

It was a real treat to venture out to the community centre to watch the dress rehearsal of Aladdin.  We were all so impressed with P5 and P6 and thoroughly enjoyed the show!

In PE, Jason, a basketball coach, returned and taught us some more skills.  This has been a great opportunity for both P7 classes to work together and show off their excellent team work.

Our new topic on plants and living things is underway and started with a wee pre-topic quiz. It was great to see how much we all already know about plants!

Please remember to hand in personal research projects by Wednesday 25th May and please return your Family Maths Scrapbooks by the end of next week.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

May 20, 2022
by User deactivated

P1L and Mrs Cuthbertson

Happy Friday!

We have had a very eventful week this week. Mrs Millar came on Tuesday and Wednesday and played some games with us all about adding money. Poor Mrs Cuthbertson had to cut out lots and lots of coins for us! We all managed really well putting coins in jars and playing money games on the I-pads.

We have been learning all about the Emergency Services and had a very special visit from PC Ryan. He read us a story all about Crossing the road and we talked about the things we must remember to keep us safe.

We love to complete challenges and we can work with a partner on the floor. We work so hard and keep going until we get things right. When we ask a friend to help it means we can talk about the things we should try or the changes we should make.


When we have finished all of our work in the afternoon, we have free choice time. This is the best part of the day!!!


We will be continuing to read books from our new reading scheme. The children are really enjoying reading in the classroom and are getting better and better every day.


Buzz group – continuing to complete activities for ‘oi’ and ‘oy’.

Reading book – The Egg

Capital letters and full stops.

Functional writing.

Coins to £2.00

Addition and subtraction to 20

Jessie Group – continuing to complete activities for ‘oi’ and ‘oy’.

Reading book – Not the Cat

Capital letters and full stops

Functional Writing

Coins to £1.00

Addition and subtraction to 10

Woody – continuing to explore initial sounds

Reading book – The Mat

Capital letters and full stops

Functional Writing

Coins to £1.00

Addition to 10

In the afternoons we will all be learning about Lifecycles of frogs and Butterflies.

If the sun shines we will go into the playground for outdoor learning. Please remember to send a water bottle with your child.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Cuthbertson xx





May 20, 2022
by Mrs Carey

Monday 23rd May P2/1

We have had another busy week looking at forces, friction and magnetism and thoroughly enjoyed watching the spectacular performance of Aladdin this week. The children put their hearts and souls into their performance and the costumes and scenery were just amazing. A big ‘Well Done‘ from P2/1 to everyone involved in the production.

Listed below are the things we are focusing on this week.


Nemo – key words to focus on to support our reading and writing are:

Three room long tree

plus, phoneme diagraphs revision of  ff, zz

Dory – key words for this week :

said big could

plus, phoneme diagraphs ff, zz

Games that you can engage in to support learning the words and phonemes are outlined below:

spot the word in your books

count the phonemes you see in your reading book or in your favourite stories.

Play eye spy

Go on a scavenger hunt to find things that begin with the phoneme

Write your words backwards

You could always make your own pairs game for all your read and write words and continue to practise your reading book too.



This week we are continuing to develop our awareness of making equal groups to establish an understanding of repeated addition and then subsequently multiplication and as such we need a good knowledge of counting in 2s, 5s and 10s


  1. Counting forwards and backwards in 2s
  2. Counting in 5s
  3. Counting in 10s
  4. Making Equal Groups
  5. Doubles numbers to a total of 10 mentally – partitions numbers equally and not equally – recognises it doesn’t affect the total
  6. Make equal Groups – grouping items equally in smaller groups
  7. Make equal Groups – Sharing out items equally in smaller groups
  8. Introduction of Repeated addition of equal groups – show addition and multiplication formats together X meaning groups of


Also look out for all our activities on Education City. Remember you can do activities more than once to reinforce your previous learning .

Here are some photos to reflect on some of the fun we had this week.200522

Thanks for your continued support.

Have fun week.

Mrs Carey.



May 20, 2022
by Miss Baillie

Primary 4 – Week ending: 20.05.2022

Hello Primary 4! 🙂

We have had another busy week in Primary 4. We have been completing our God fact files and completing our journey of a raisin (from farm to fork) writing project. We have also welcomed back Mrs Miller for a second week to continue our multiplication journey. We have been learning to make arrays and number families ask us to show you how to do this at home. We learned about different types of activities today and watched videos to learn about things some of hadn’t heard of before such as double dutch. We then made a list of new activities we would like to try such as, juggling, snowboarding and paddle boarding. We also learned some dance moves from this website –  Feel free to have a go at home. We enjoyed trying the dance moves in class!

We got the pleasure of going to watch the P5 and P6 production of Aladdin as their dress rehearsal before their two performances today! We were blown away by the performance. They have all worked so hard and got a massive round of applause from us! On our way to the community centre to watch the performance we paired up with P2/1. We were all excellent role models of behaviour and were fantastic buddies to the younger children.

We were learning about alliteration and practicing saying some terrific tongue twisters. I promised the class I would post a couple of them hear and their challenge is to get faster than me at saying them. Good luck! 🙂

  1. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked. If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. Where are the pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

    How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Have a fantastic weekend! We hope you are all looking forward to our trip on Wednesday 🙂

Miss Baillie & Mrs Ferguson

May 20, 2022
by Ms Wilson

P6: week beginning 16th May 2022

It’s showtime!!

After nearly eight months of working on our show, the big day has finally arrived. P6 and P5 are proud to present Disney Schools production of ‘Aladdin’.  We have been working so hard and are very excited to finally perform on stage.  The rehearsals have gone well and we really hope you enjoy the show.

As well as rehearsing, rehearsing, rehearsing, P6 have been busy working hard across the curriculum. In Literacy and Social Studies, we used listening skills to take notes and to answer questions on lifestyles in different European countries. We also practised using commas in lists and continued to work on our handwriting skills.

This week in numeracy, we finished our topic on number patterns and sequences and did an assessment to test our knowledge and  understanding.

On Wednesday, with Miss Baillie,  we took our learning outdoors and worked in groups to create and film an advert.  We can’t wait to watch all our clips in class.

It was our dress rehearsal yesterday in front of pupils and staff.  We were a bit nervous but it went fine. We hope the audience enjoyed it! On Thursday afternoon we had a Devices & Movie Party as a reward for achieving our Secret Student target.  We are very proud of how well we have been behaving in and out of class and Mrs Wilson said it was a well-deserved treat!





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