Hurlford Primary School and Early Childhood Centre

An East Ayrshire Council School

May 13, 2022
by Ms Wilson

P6: week beginning 9th May 2022

It’s Friday again – what a quick week.  Primary 6 have been working very hard and are looking forward to a relaxing weekend.

This week in numeracy we have been investigating number patterns and sequences, including square numbers and triangle numbers.  We used different resources to show number patterns and drew diagrams to help us find the rule.

In literacy we have continued to focus on non-fiction texts and non-chronological reports.  We enjoyed using the online reading scheme, Giglets, to develop our higher order thinking skills.

As part of our Europe topic we were looking at the flags from each country.  We took part in a quiz and drew a European flag of our choice for our classroom display. In RME we have been learning all about the month of Ramadan and today we made decorative Ramadan lanterns called fanoos.

We had a very exciting time yesterday at the community centre for our Aladdin rehearsal.  It was our first full practice with the scenery, props and costumes.  We all did really well and can’t wait to perform our show on the 20th.

Enjoy your weekend everyone!

May 13, 2022
by Mrs Campbell

‘If I were an Engineer’ Competition – Winners

This session, we took part in the National Primary Engineer Competition, sending 75 entries into the competition. Our entries were judged by engineers across the UK have been amazed by your innovative ideas and creative problem solving!

Primary Engineer congratulated all our pupils and sent certificates for each child.  Over 32,000 pupils across the UK have unlocked new STEM skills and answered the questions… ”If You Were an Engineer, What Would You Do?”


Due to an incredibly high number of entries during this years project : Distinction, Distinction Shortlisted, Highly Commended and Winners will be showcased at your local exhibition.

We are delighted to say that the following pupils received the following award:


  • Tayler Gale
  • Caleb Fulton
  • Jamie McCulloch
  • Bethany Munro
  • Macy Neil
  • Junior Smith


  • Kyle Ferguson was awarded distinction for his idea. His invention was called ‘Electronic’. A device to help people with memory loss. His device would turn off electronics in the room you leave the room.   It was also  useful in helping people to save electricity and climate friendly!  His idea will  be displayed as part of an exhibition in Glasgow!
  • This is a huge achievement, well done, Kyle!

If you are interested in going to the exhibition or taking your child to see other entries, please feel free to click on the following link. This is an opportunity to celebrate your pupil’s achievements as well as unveiling the prototypes our University partners have been developing. The events are open to all teachers, pupils and parents.

To reserve your space please click on the region below to register. 

May 13, 2022
by Mrs Campbell

Aladdin Show at Hurlford Community Centre

Primary 5 and Primary 6 are looking forward to performing their show. Why not come along with your child and enjoy the show? They are amazing!!

There are tickets available for the whole school and community to purchase.

The two performances are :

  • Friday 20th May at 3.30pm
  • Friday 20th May at 7.00pm in Hurlford community Centre
  • Tickets are priced at £2.50 each
    Programmes will be on sale at £1 each
    The Parent Council will be running a tuck shop ( so remember to bring some change!)
    We hope to see you there!

May 13, 2022
by Mrs Miller

P3/2 Friday 13th May

Happy Friday everyone!

I’ve been blown away by the amazing dioramas that you’ve all worked so hard on. The children have been so proud when talking about their work and showing it off to the class. A huge well done!



We have completed some work on data handling this week. The children all made a bar chart and were able to ask and answer questions about their charts. We have also continued working on counting in 5’s and using tally marks.

We have also been learning more about numbers and place value. Talk to your children about how to say 2 or 3 digit numbers and to tell you what they are made of.

For example 26 is 2 tens and 6 units or 20 and 6

345 is 3 hundreds, 4 tens and 6 units or 300 and 40 and 6

This is a skill called partitioning which helps with many numeracy skills including addition and subtraction.

We have also been trying to skip count in 1’s, 10’s and 100’s.

Give your child a starting number and see if they can tell you a number sequence.

Like 21 – count in 10’s = 21  31  41  51  61  etc


The children have worked well on their phonemes this week. Remember to find them in their homework diaries to support their learning at home.

The apples are learning the phoneme sound ‘aw’ as in straw

The bananas are learning ‘wh’ as in when

All groups should continue working on blending sounds to read and write words using their phonic knowledge.


The children have worked really well together this week to create an under the sea collage with a partner. We learned about how all the things in the ocean support each other within the food chain or for shelter. It was great to see the children being creative!

Hope you all have a lovely weekend! Fingers crossed for some sunshine!

May 13, 2022
by User deactivated

P1 & Mrs Cuthbertson – Friday 13th May

It was so nice chatting to you on the phone for parents night. I love to share the children’s successes with you and it is always great to hear how proud of them you are. And so you should be! They really are a class of hard working, ambitious children who love to learn. We have had another busy week and have been learning all about 3D shapes. We even made our own shapes with straws and connectors.


All of the children worked extremely hard thinking  how to make the shape 3D.

Mrs Millar was in our classroom on Tuesday and Wednesday morning. She was teaching us all about money. We played a new floor game, matched Numicon and money and made coin rubbings. It was great fun.

   We made animals, robots and unicorns with the numicon tiles. We then added coins and worked out how much each thing would cost.

When the sun was out we did manage to get outside for gym. We love the wheeled seats and even linked them together to make trains. We had hoops out and played football on the grass.


We really did have a lot of fun outdoors and cant wait until the sun comes back out and we can do it all again.



Literacy – Our sounds will be oi (noise) and oy (toy). We will complete lots of activities to help us learn when to use these sounds. We will create a piece of functional writing all about making a 999 call. We are continuing with our new reading scheme in the classroom. Its a new scheme which we are dipping in and out of before they start Primary 2. We are still focusing on the correct use of Capital letters and full stops.


Numeracy – We will continue to explore money and will use our addition and subtraction skills to exchange coins and work out the change from given amounts. Mrs Millar will be with us again on Tuesday and Wednesday morning.

In the afternoons this week we will be learning all about living and non living things. We will look at nature (trees, flowers etc) and decide whether these things are living or non living. We will also make a  list of the things that living things need to survive.

I hope the sun comes out next week. Please remember to send your child a bottle of water as it can get very warm in the classroom. Thank you to the parents who have sent in their child’s trip letter, If you have not managed to sign and return it yet can you please send it in next week. We are really looking forward to going to the Farm Park with some of the other classes.

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend,

Mrs Cuthbertson xx




May 13, 2022
by Miss Baillie

Primary 4 – Week ending: 13.5.22

Hello everyone 🙂

It has been a busy couple of weeks in Primary 4! We have been learning about dried fruit and it’s journey from farm to fork as part of a whole school project. We strengthened our ICT skills working in groups to create PowerPoint slides, we baked delicious oatmeal raisin cookies and we are going to try and make our own raisins from grapes in the classroom. Yesterday we watched a video about Tesco and how they get the raisins that have in their stores. We discovered it is a very long process to make raisins from the grape vines they start as to them being packaged and sold in the store. Something we don’t normally think about as we go and get them from the shop. We then worked in groups and broke down the journey of the raisin and wrote about it (some pictures below although they are finishing the drawings to match and adding a bit of colour this afternoon).

We also worked in groups a few months ago to mummify an orange and we took them out to see what happened to them this week.

We have also welcomed back Mrs Miller, who worked with the class in Primary 2, to help us learn some new multiplication and division strategies.

Have a lovely weekend everyone! 🙂

Miss Baillie & Mrs Ferguson

May 13, 2022
by Mrs Johnstone

P7J Week beginning 9th May

Time flies when you’re having fun, as they say, and this month is flying by!

At the start of the week, we took part in an online workshop on biodiversity.  We were shown around some parts of the Scottish Highland Wildlife Park, where they are breeding pine hoverflies because they are an endangered species.  We also saw the wolves and heard about how the hoverfly plays a part in their food chain.  We were surprised to learn that wild wolves in Scotland became extinct in 1743!

In maths, we have started a block on information handling and have spent time conducting surveys, creating tally and frequency tables, and drawing bar charts.

Literacy has been based around our novel study, ‘Divided City’, which has led to interesting discussions about discrimination and prejudice.  We have also been looking at how to bring settings to life though detailed description and figurative language when writing.

Luckily, we also found a break in the rain to go outside and have a trial of the 400m as part of our Sports Day training.  We learned that it is important to pace ourselves so not to run out of energy too quickly.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.





May 13, 2022
by Mrs Carey

P2/1 Monday 16th May


Nemo – key words to focus on to support our reading and writing are:

because  week  keep  when

plus, phoneme diagraphs  ll, ss

Dory – key words for this week :

make   like   made

plus, phoneme diagraphs ll, ss

Games that you can engage in to support learning the words and phonemes are outlined below:

spot the word in your books

count the phonemes you see in your reading book or in your favourite stories.

Play eye spy

Go on a scavenger hunt to find things that begin with the phoneme

Write your words backwards

Make a pairs game for all your read and write words that you got home with your reading book



This week we are continuing to develop our awareness of making equal groups to establish an understanding of repeated addition and then subsequently multiplication and as such we need a good knowledge of counting in 2s, 5s and 10s


  1. Counting forwards and backwards in 2s
  2. Counting in 5s
  3. Counting in 10s
  4. Making Equal Groups
  5. Doubles numbers to a total of 10 mentally – partitions numbers equally and not equally – recognises it doesn’t affect the total
  6. Make equal Groups – grouping items equally in smaller groups
  7. Make equal Groups – Sharing out items equally in smaller groups
  8. Introduction of Repeated addition of equal groups – show addition and multiplication formats together X meaning groups of


Also look out for all our activities on Education City. Remember you can do activities more than once to reinforce your previous learning .

Please continue to read your reading books and practise your read and write words from your word lists too.

Thanks for your continued support.

Have fun week.

Mrs Carey.

May 13, 2022
by Miss Frew

P7F Week Beginning 9th May


We have continued to work on telling the time using analogue clocks and digital clocks and are linking them together. We have focused on o’clock, quarter past/to and half past. Next week we will be looking at 5 minute intervals with digital clocks. Please continue to work on times tables at home!


This week, we wrote discursive essays that explored the issue of social media. The pupils were very enthusiastic about this topic and worked hard to write a balanced argument. We have also been enjoying our novel “Divided City” which explores the themes of friendship and discrimination in Glasgow.


We have enjoyed learning about how exercise, sleep and diet link together and contribute to a healthy lifestyle. In PE, we competed in our Sports Championships and are looking forward to seeing the final results! We have also started a block on gymnastics in PE and were focusing on balances this week. P7 will be asked to hand in a personal project on the 25th May. We started our thought process and research today in class.

Have a lovely weekend!

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