Good morning, its the end of the second full week at school, and P3 have had another busy week.
Have a look and see what we’ve been up to.
September 2, 2022
by Mrs McMillan
Good morning, its the end of the second full week at school, and P3 have had another busy week.
Have a look and see what we’ve been up to.
September 2, 2022
by Mrs Miller
September 2, 2022
by Miss Steedman
This week in P4S we have been thinking about what a Growth Mindset is and how we can adapt our own learning to grow even when we may be puzzled by an activity in class.
We have also been writing about an exciting activity which we enjoyed over the Summer. There was a lot of description in our writing which was wonderful to read about.
In Numeracy, we were revising and learning more about Rounding numbers to the nearest 10 and we learned a wee rhyme to help us. Perhaps we could teach the Grown Ups the wee rhyme at home to help us remember it.
Our Interdisciplinary Topic this term is Wildlife and Habitats so we have been discussing what animals need from a habitat and also what different types of habitats can be found all over our amazing planet.
Wishing you all a fantastic weekend,
Miss Steedman
September 2, 2022
by Ms Wilson
It’s Friday again, what a quick week. Primary 6 have been working very hard and are looking forward to the weekend.
We have been continuing to revise work on whole numbers in numeracy with the focus being on place value and partitioning. We learned a new strategy during our Number Talks session called addition grids. Everyone got the hang of it very quickly.
In Literacy, we have been focusing on common words for our spelling. Yesterday, we continued to write an adventure story which we’ll edit during our next writing session. The class have enjoyed sharing their stories with their peers.
On Tuesday we used our observation skills to draw a variety of classroom objects. Mrs Wilson was very impressed with our pictures as they were so detailed and realistic. Also on Tuesday we had great fun making hedgehog hotels for our STEM activity with Mrs Ferguson.
On Wednesday with Miss Gibson, we focused on creating a display for our class charter. We wrote our statements on leaf shapes and signed our names on flower designs.
We have made a start to our Term 1 topic. We will be learning all about Forces and Friction. Our science groups investigated the forces we use in the classroom and in the playground.
The Vice Captain speeches have now been filmed and we are all excited to find out who will be voted in!
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
September 2, 2022
by Miss Frew
Happy Friday!
It’s been another busy week in P5 where the pupils have been settling in well to their new classroom and routines.
This week we had our first Thinking Time session and WOW session which the pupils greatly enjoyed! We also got our classroom jobs up and running which helped our classroom run smoothly.
In literacy, we have been spelling the months of the year from January-June and have still been investigating non-fiction texts.
We had a tricky job in maths this week but the pupils showed resilience and were able to complete their work to a good standard, well done everyone!
In other areas, P5 have been learning strategies to use when stuck on their work and discussed people who were their “helping hands”. The pupils also learned how to send emails this week so Miss Frew’s inbox is currently very full! We had good fun sending emails to each other.
Well done for all your hard work and effort this week P5! Have a lovely weekend!
Miss Frew x
September 1, 2022
by Mrs Johnstone
We have had a great couple of weeks settling back into school life.
This term has started off with lots of opportunities to work co-operatively and build a positive classroom ethos. Yesterday there was some excellent team work and creativity on display as each group was challenged to create a team name, motto, logo and mascot. Everyone had a role to play from being the time keeper to managing the materials being used to checking the quality of work. There were some super ideas and everyone worked really well to create posters and 3D mascots out of plasticine. The themes chosen by the groups were: seahorses, red pandas, cats and bears.
In numeracy we have been revising place value of numbers up into the millions! We have also reminded ourselves of some of the multiplication facts and how to order decimal fractions.
Our novel study for this term is ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’ by Michael Morpurgo. This week we read the first chapter and completed a visualiser about the main character Michael; so far we think he is loyal, brave, adventurous and energetic based on evidence in the text.
We have lots to look forward to this year in P7! This term we will be learning about plants and living things, Mrs Ferguson will be working with us for some STEM and food technology sessions and we will begin to think about the John Muir Award.
Have a lovely weekend when it arrives!
Mrs Johnstone
August 31, 2022
by Mrs Campbell
August 26, 2022
by Mrs Carey
Good morning, we have had a very busy week back at school and the children have all settled well into Primary 2 enjoying playing and learning with their friends again. At the moment our key focus is settling in and building friendships, co-operating with one another and sharing. We have this week looked at all aspects of safety beginning to renew our understanding of SHANARRI each letter is an acronym and the first letter being s for safety so look out for your children talking about the meaning of the other letters. This is a health and wellbeing programme of work covering a broad aspect of our lives. We have also began our topic for this term which I’m sure the children will love which is Pirates. This should be lots of fun. It has been a very busy and quick week. The children are working hard to support each others learning and form good relationships.
Here are some photos from this week.
Have a lovely weekend.
From Primary 2 and Mrs Carey
August 26, 2022
by Miss Frew
Good morning!
It’s our first full week back and we have been working hard on getting back into our routine in Primary 4. We have completed our first piece of writing all about our summer and used our art skills to design sunglasses to go with it. We created our class charter, with a magic theme, based upon the UNCRC Rights of the Child with all pupils signed by creating their own potion bottles. Our detective skills were used with Mrs Ferguson to complete the missing moji challenge. We had to use the clues to discover the missing moji.
Thank you for all your hard work this week Primary 4 and have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Barclay and Mrs Ferguson x
August 26, 2022
by Miss Baillie
Hello Primary 1,
We have completed our first full week of Primary 1! Yay! We have all been fantastic this week and settled in to Primary 1 very well.
Please click the image below to read about our busy week in Primary 1. Thank you.