Hurlford Primary School and Early Childhood Centre

An East Ayrshire Council School

September 9, 2022
by Mrs Barclay

Primary 4F Weekly Blog 9th September

Good morning and happy Friday!

Here’s what we have been up to in Primary 4 this week:

In literacy, we have been revising our common words for spelling and doing some active spelling activities to help us practice including using sand, interlocking cubes and poppits.

We are working through our class novel of Fantastic Mr Fox and we used our metalinguistic skills to find adjectives within the chapter as well as discussing what tricky words may mean.

We started to think about how to describe a scarecrow for our writing and will move on to describing the setting next week.

In maths we began by doing some revision of odd and even numbers and played games to reinforce our learning. We started to look at shape and worked through a range of activities to begin to build our understanding.

In other areas, we created hedgehog houses as part of IDL/STEM with Mrs Ferguson. Pupils really enjoyed using different materials to create the houses. We started netball in PE working on different ways we can pass the ball such as bounce, chest and shoulder pass.

(Pictures to follow due to blog issues).

Thank you for working hard this week and have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Barclay and Mrs Ferguson x

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September 9, 2022
by Ms Wilson

P6: week beginning 5th September 2022

What a quick week! P6 have been working very hard and learning lots of new things.

On Monday we enjoyed voting for the new House Captains and Vice Captains. Everyone was very excited to find out who’d been voted in. Congratulations to all our new badge holders, we’re confident you’ll do an amazing job.

For Numeracy and Maths this week we have been revising different strategies to add and subtract. We also explored the properties of triangles and learned some new shape vocabulary.

In Literacy, we practised self-checking and editing our writing. This technique helps us to improve the quality and content of our stories. We also played some listening games and focused on our reading comprehension skills.

On Wednesday we started our Leadership Programme with our active schools coordinator. We have to work as a team, follow instructions and support each other. We also practised our basketball skills for PE.

Our topic is moving along nicely and this week we found out about forces in nature. We researched some facts and worked with a learning partner to create an information poster.

What a busy week, we’re looking forward to having a rest! Have a good weekend!

September 9, 2022
by Miss Steedman

9.9.22 P4S

Good Morning,

This week we have welcomed a new pupil into P4S, pupils have been so welcoming and friendly to our new classmate.

In Numeracy, we have been revising different subtraction strategies such as Number Lines to help us answer the questions.

On Tuesday we were talking about adjectives and how to use them to describe a monster – except it was a furry, friendly monster so our jotters were full of positive, happy words to describe them.

We have been trying out a few Growth Mindset activities to challenge ourselves to improve our skills and on Wednesday, we tried the Beanbag Challenge.  There were a few wobbles to begin with but with practise, most of us were able to balance the beanbag on our knees for longer than we would have thought.

Next week, we will continue to practise our Growth Mindset strategies and will come to the end of our Class Novel, (Horrid Henry), which has been a wonderful adventure.

Take care and stay safe,

Miss Steedman

September 9, 2022
by Mrs McMillan

Primary 3 ~ 9.9.22

Hello and happy Friday 🙂

Here’s what P3 have been up to this week.

In literacy we looked at the sound oa and did some spelling activities. We started with our reading books again and our routine for hearing the reading will be on a Tuesday and a Thursday. Reading books should be in bags every day, as we use them for tasks in the classroom.

We started a new class book – The Twits by Roald Dahl, and we used the description bubble to write character descriptions of Mr Twit.

In maths we have been looking at odd and even, noticing what makes a number odd/even. We have also been looking at doubles and near doubles.

We’ve been finishing off our activities on The Dot this week and also talking about growth mindset. We looked at how changing our words can change how we and our brains work. We also looked at the power of ‘yet’.

Lots of hard work going on again, well done P3. Hope everyone has a good weekend.

Mrs McMillan


September 8, 2022
by Miss Frew

P5 Weekly Blog 9th September 2022

Happy Friday!

Hope everyone has had a good week. Here is what we have been up to in P5:

In literacy we were discussing fact and opinion and played various active games to explore the difference. The pupils really enjoyed the blether station activity where they had to find cards in the playground and identify the statements as either fact or opinion.

Pupils have also been working on their spelling and handwriting and completed a number of tasks to practice their words and letter formation.

In maths this week we have begun to explore place value and worked to complete work focusing on ordering 4, 5 and 6 digit numbers. We played games on Education City, worked with partners and done an independent task to demonstrate our learning.

In other areas, we have been exploring our rights and discussing how we feel when we have our rights met. We then wrote an acrostic poem about our rights. We have also been discussing resilience and how to become more resilient when faced with challenges. We also started our new topic “The Circulatory System” where we will focus on learning how our heart works.


Have a great weekend everyone!

Miss Frew x

Have a nice weekend stock image. Image of friendly, happiness - 117833151

September 8, 2022
by Mrs Johnstone

P7 Week Beginning 5.9.22

Another quick week in P7 is almost at an end. Here’s a round up of what we’ve been up to.

As a class we discussed the Rights of the Child and agreed our Class Charter to show how we will respect the rights of each other.  A vote was held to decide the theme of our display with most of the class opting for Disney.  Everyone chose a Disney character to represent themselves on the charter.

In numeracy, we looked more closely at decimal numbers and practised partitioning to three decimal places.  We know that after the decimal point there are tenths, hundredths and thousandths and we can write them in decimal and fraction form.

As part of our literacy work this week we looked at balanced arguments. First we identified the features of a balanced argument, then we competed to tip the scales in teams ‘For’ and ‘Against’. Finally, we had a go at writing our own balanced arguments (this is called discursive writing) based on our class novel, ‘ Kensuke’s Kingdom’. We used the title: Sailing Around the World – An Adventure of a Lifetime?

In a vote at the end of the lesson most of the class said they wouldn’t want to leave their homes and school to sail around the world. What do you think?

Well done to everyone in P7 who put themselves forward as House Captains and for other school roles, and congratulations to all who were successful.

Have a lovely weekend when it arrives,

Mrs Johnstone.


September 8, 2022
by Mrs Campbell

Parent /Carer Workshops – An introduction to Rocket Phonics

We have purchased a new phonics scheme called Rocket Phonics. Please come along to this informal session to find out more about it and how you can help your child at home with reading.

Tea and Coffee will be provided.

Our workshop will take place from 9-9.45am in the dinner hall, access via the playground.

We hope you can make it!

Please fill in the appropriate form, as required. Thanks. 

Parent/Carer Workshop – An Introduction to Rocket Phonics -P2 Wednesday 14th September 9-9.45

Parent/Carer Workshop – An Introduction to Rocket Phonics -P3 Wed. 21st September 9-9.45

Parent/Carer Workshop – An Introduction to Rocket Phonics -P1 Wed. 28th September 9-9.45



September 4, 2022
by Mrs Campbell

We need your help! Please complete for your child(ren) by Friday 9th Sept. 22

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HURLFORD PRIMARY ONLY: EAC Acceptable Use of Computer Facilities  22/23


HURLFORD PS   EAC Parent Pay Consent  22-23

September 2, 2022
by Miss Baillie

Primary 1 – week beginning 29th August

Hello Primary 1,

Please click the image below to see what we have been busy doing this week in class.

Go to this Sway

Have a lovely weekend!
Miss Baillie and Mrs Cuthbertson

September 2, 2022
by Mrs Carey

Primary 2 Friday 2nd September

Good morning,

It’s been another busy week in P2 with the pupils settling in well to the routines and enjoying working with their friends again.

This week we had our first Thinking Time Session where the children work in mixed year groups in their house colours offering a great opportunity to discuss and learn about the school community on a variety of topics. Wednesday also saw our first WOW session which the children all thoroughly enjoyed and the bonus this week was,  we were lucky to have some fabulous weather for this event.

In literacy, we have been working to develop some common words in fun and interactive ways using sand, dough and dabbers to name a few. We are also currently revising the initial sounds s,a,t,p,i,n. In addition we have been looking at our new reading scheme Rising Stars.

In maths, we have been doing some secret counting to reveal the even numbers to 20. Counting in 5s and 10s to 100 and looking at the number of the day. As yesterday was the beginning of a new month this gave us the opportunity to explore the seasons and the months of the year. We will be doing lots more work on this in the months to come.

For health and wellbeing, we are continuing to look at SHANARRI and this week we had a focus on friendship, the importance of kindness and supporting one another  with a view to developing our Classroom Charter.

The children are all working hard and developing friendships which in turn, helps them be highly supportive of one another in class.

The lovely weather this week allowed us to go outside with Primary 1 yesterday afternoon and the children enjoyed playing together and had lots of fun with hoops and balls.

Have a lovely weekend and thank for your support.

Mrs Carey

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