Hurlford Primary School and Early Childhood Centre

An East Ayrshire Council School

September 30, 2022
by Mrs Barclay

P4F 26th September

Good morning!

It’s been another productive week in Primary 4F and here’s what we have been up to.

In literacy we are coming to end of our class novel, Fantastic Mr Fox and have been working on our comprehension strategies including finding the main idea and metalinguistics. We’ve had great fun doing our active spelling tasks and even used our spelling words to make pictures.

For Maths, we have been looking at place value and and we have been using a variety of activities including Education City games, 100 square jigsaws and place value charts to help us develop our understanding. We are also coming to the end of our shape lessons with Mrs Ferguson where we have been looking at 2D and 3D shapes.

We explored what a food chain is during IDL and used our problem solving skills to put the food chains into the correct order. We also were given a homework task of creating a fact file on a vertebrate to present to the class, which is due the week after the October break.

In HWB, we have been discussing what it means to be a good friend and how we can be kind to others. We also started to explore what the word empathy means and will continue this next week.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Barclay and Mrs Ferguson x

September 30, 2022
by Miss Steedman

P4S w.c. 26.9.22

This week in P4S, we have been learning about Place Value in Numeracy and the value of each of the digits in a 3 digit number.  We have used different resources to partition the numbers and show these values which has made it clearer for us to understand.

On Thursday afternoon, we were sharing compliments with each other which boosted our confidence and demonstrated how it feels when we are kind to each other and how it feels when others are kind to us.  We are creating a colourful display of kindness in our classroom to share our experience.

As part of our Topic (Wildlife and Habitats), each pupil has been asked to compile a Fact File about a chosen animal which is from the Vertebrate Category of animals.  Pupils will present their research in a few weeks time (on our return from the October holiday), to the rest of P4S. This week, the children have been choosing which animal to research and deciding whether to make a Poster, a PowerPoint Presentation or a Booklet.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone,

Miss Steedman

September 30, 2022
by Miss Frew

P5 Weekly Blog 30th September 2022

P5 have been exceptionally hard working the past few weeks! Here is what we have been up to:


In literacy, the pupils have been working on their creativity when writing different types of poems. After exploring acrostic poems, the pupils looked at concrete poems and wrote about Autumn. They had to use a variety of adjectives to describe what happens in autumn and had to use their understanding of concrete poems to create leaf shapes. Here are some beautiful examples:

We also began our class novel this term which is Horrid Henry by Francesca Simon. During the novel study, we will be developing confidence in reading and improving skills in visualisation, metalinguistics, prior knowledge and comprehension. The pupils are enjoying their novel so far.

Horrid Henry 20th Anniversary Edition - Francesca Simon

For spelling this week we have been focusing on the “ay” phoneme and some groups have investigated all the representations of “ay”. We completed some active spelling tasks to help learn our spelling words. We also have homework to help us build our confidence with our spelling words.


In maths, we have been continuing to develop our understanding of place value. We are now able to read, write, order and partition up to 7 digits! This week we focused on numbers before and after and rounding numbers to the nearest 10. The pupils enjoyed their active games to explore this concept.


In other areas, we have been enjoying learning about the circulatory system. Mr Allen set up the class like the heart and the pupils re-enact how the circulatory system worked. The blue balloons represented the de-oxygenated blood and red balloons represented the oxygenated blood. This was a really fun challenge!

We also coded some microbits to create a heartbeat which was really cool!

We have also started homework this week. Every Monday, our pupils will be given homework to complete for Friday. This will consist of a spelling task, a maths task and a “talk for writing” task. As this was our first week, only spelling was issued on Monday in their homework jotters. Thank you for your support in this matter.


Have a lovely weekend!


Miss Frew x

September 30, 2022
by Mrs Carey

Primary 2 Friday 30th September

Good morning and I can’t believe it is Friday again after another busy week.


Here are some of the things that we have been doing this week.


In literacy we are continuing to revise and learn our initial sounds and I hope you have had fun looking around your house for things beginning with s,a and t. You might even see things when you are out and about at the park, going to the shops or in your books. Keep looking! We have been working hard to decipher words by sounding out the letters sounds and blending them together to make words. Our lovely new reading books are a phonics based scheme so this skill of blending sounds together is very important in the development of our reading.


In maths this week we have been investigating the odd numbers between 11 and 20 using Numicon, cubes and ten frames. We have learned how to use the Numicon pieces and these manipulatives to test if a number has a bump in its head. If it has a bump in its head, it is an odd number. Why not ask your children to show you how to test a number for a bump in it’s head by using coins? To do this the children will lay out the coins in rows of 2s until they make the number and if it is an odd number the last coin will not have a partner.

Below is an example for number 5.

The number 11 has a bump in its head so is odd. Have fun trying this.

For health and wellbeing, we have been looking at being active in school and had lots of opportunities this week to be very active in the gym on Monday, at Work out Wednesday and during outdoor learning on a Thursday. Outdoor learning has been lots of fun with  Primary one on a Thursday. Please can you always have an outdoor jacket for a Thursday especially as we move into the autumn.

Wishing you a lovely relaxing weekend.

Mrs Carey.





September 30, 2022
by Ms Wilson

P6: week beginning 26th September 2022

Happy Friday everyone!

It’s been another productive week in P6. Here is a review of what we’ve been doing.

In Numeracy we finished off our unit on Rounding and Estimating and completed our first assessment. In maths we’ve continued to focus on the properties of 2D shapes.

The spelling focus was plural nouns and we were issued with a new homework jotter to record the spelling tasks we have completed. On Tuesday, we all did a shared reading task about a boy who turned into a dog! We then used that idea to create our own story about a day in the life of a pet. We’re looking forward to sharing our stories with the class.

We had a very exciting time on Wednesday for our STEM Air Race Challenge with Miss Gibson. We got to fly our drone in the gym hall. It was quite tricky but we will keep practising. We have designed obstacle courses for the drone which we’re looking forward to setting up.

We have been observing the changes in nature and we looked closely at the colours of autumn leaves. We then used pastels to colour match and create our own pictures.

For our topic this week we investigated the effects of friction. We used a Newton meter to measure the grip of our trainers. Mrs Wilson was impressed at how well we worked collaboratively.

We are looking forward to our visit to the Dick Institute next Friday.

Enjoy your weekend everyone.

September 29, 2022
by Mrs Johnstone

P7J 29.09.22

Here is a little update on what we’ve been up to lately in P7.

Last week we looked at a famous piece of Japanese artwork called The Great Wave; this links in with our novel study ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’ which is about a boy who is washed overboard a yacht and then finds himself on a desert island.  We discussed the artwork and then used wax and paint to create our own ‘Great Waves’.   This art work also inspired us to try blackout poetry in writing, where you select certain words from an existing text to create a new poem.  Look out for photos of our display coming soon.

Miss Gibson has been leading an exciting STEM project with the class, exploring the use of drones.  This week pupils had to work in groups to plan an obstacle course to fly the drones through and this afternoon saw the obstacle courses come to life in the gym hall and piloting skills put to the test.  I was lucky enough to see some of the action from the balcony and was so impressed!

Today we also took part in an online Live Lesson about Harvest where we learned about ‘Carbon Crunching Carrots’ – do you know what a nematode is? Ask your child all about them and the role they play in helping plants to grow!  We also set up an experiment in our classroom to investigate which type of soil is best for carrots to grow in.  Which do you think will work best: compost, compost with added fertiliser, sand, soil from the school garden or cotton wool?  To keep the experiment fair we will water each container with the same volume of water, at the same time each day and we will keep all the containers on the same window ledge to make sure they have the same amount of sunlight.  We can’t wait to see which ones start to grow first!

Next week, we will be learning more about how to effectively describe a setting, continuing with our online course to becoming Health and Wellbeing Champions and using rounding and estimating skills in Numeracy.  Please also keep a look out for Homework Jotters with various tasks to spread throughout the week.

Have a lovely weekend!

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