Hurlford Primary School and Early Childhood Centre

An East Ayrshire Council School

October 7, 2022
by Miss Frew

P5 Weekly Blog 6th October 2022

Happy Friday!

This week in literacy, P5 have been continuing their novel “Horrid Henry” and read the story “Horrid Henry’s Dance Class.” The pupils have been enjoying the humorous stories and have been developing their comprehension, visualisation and metalinguistics. In spelling, we all investigated the “ee” phoneme and it’s representations.

For writing we wrote an explanation about how the circulatory system works. This was incredibly tricky but using the success criteria, the pupils were able to produce some excellent work:



For maths, the pupils have been building their confidence and knowledge with place value and rounding and completed an assessment to demonstrate their understanding. Pupils were asked to roll numbers up to 7 digits, read, write and order them, partition them and then round them to the nearest 10 and 100. Wow! Lots of skills to demonstrate!

In other areas, we tried a new team game in PE where we had to pass a pool noodle using our feet to try and get it to the other side of the hall. We had to work as a team and had brilliant fun! We also done lots of STEM this week to create models that represented the circulatory system and respiratory system.

Have a fabulous weekend everyone!

-Miss Frew x


October 7, 2022
by Ms Wilson

P6: week beginning 3rd October 2022

What a wet week!! Here’s hoping for a dry weekend.

Primary 6 have been working very hard on a wide range of subjects and activities.  Here’s a round up of the week.

Monday: We continued to focus on plural nouns for spelling and in numeracy we learned what multiples were and how to find multiples of numbers.  In our science topic we investigated the effects of friction by testing how far wooden toy vehicles travelled along different surfaces.

Tuesday: In numeracy we learned how to find the lowest common multiples of 2 and 3 numbers. Our reading task was using metalinguistics strategies to help us find the meanings of tricky words in a text.  We also took part in a group challenge for part of our Leadership Programme. We had to create and plan a PE game for younger pupils.  The next step is to teach our games to the children in the ECC.

Wednesday: We had our Leadership session with Lindsey then Maths and STEM with Miss Gibson.  We enjoyed our WOW session in the afternoon.

Thursday: For Literacy we continued to focus on Narrative writing.  We enjoyed choosing a style of narrative writing and worked from a list of titles. Our next steps are to self-check, edit and improve our work.

Friday: Today we are looking forward to going to the Dick Institute to take part in a Quentin Blake art workshop. Ask us all about it when we get home today!


Have a lovely weekend .

October 7, 2022
by Mrs McMillan

Primary 3 Friday 7th October

Happy Friday, although with the horrible wet weather it has meant that the children have been inside a lot this week. Hopefully we can get some rain free days over the weekend.

The class have been talking about signs of autumn with Mrs Muir and there are lots of conkers from our big tree in the playground.

Have a look at the sway to find out what’s been happening over the last couple of weeks.

Have a good weekend when it comes ~ Mrs McMillan

Go to this Sway

October 7, 2022
by Mrs Carey

Friday 7th October

Good morning, Friday again after another busy week which unfortunately has been very wet so meant we had no outdoor learning this week, but instead had some dance and indoor gym fun. Next Thursday let’s hope the sun is shining and we get back outside. Please could children come dressed in their wow clothes that can be easily washed and also with a jacket in case it is a little wet. Thanks.


Now to some of  the things that we have been doing this week.


In literacy we are continuing to revise and learn our initial sounds and I hope you have had fun looking around your house for things beginning with p,i, and n. Keep looking if you are out and about please, or in your books. Watch out you could see them anywhere! We have been working hard using deciphering and decoding skills to learn new words by sounding out the letters and blending them together, the children may call this robot words. In class we have had fun being word detectives looking in books for the tricky words in our homework jotter. For homework this week I’ve asked the children to rainbow write the words an, is and. This requires the children to write each letter of each word in a different colour.


In maths this week we are continuing to investigate the odd numbers between 11 and 20 using Numicon, cubes and ten frames.In addition we have started to look at number patterns in the 100 square, count in 10s to 100 and 5s to 50.


For health and wellbeing, we have been looking at being active in school and had lots of opportunities this week to be very active in the gym on Monday, at Work out Wednesday and during outdoor learning on a Thursday. We are continuing use games and activities to establish good listening skills for learning and being responsible citizens.


Wishing you a lovely relaxing weekend and thank you for supporting your children with homework tasks.

Mrs Carey.


October 6, 2022
by Mrs Campbell

Open Doors – groups and activities that would benefit pupils and their families

Open Doors  is in Old Irvine Rd Kilmarnock. As a not-for-profit community organisation, they have several groups and activities that would benefit pupils and their families.

They have a homework club and early years playgroup, and we offer free support to help parents access employment and training.

They have dedicated coaches and outreach workers who can support parents throughout East Ayrshire.

They also have activities for children outside of school term such trips to the transport museum and arts and crafts.

October 6, 2022
by Mrs Johnstone

P7 Week Beg. 3.10.22

In P7 this week…

Excellent revision on rounding numbers has taken place in numeracy.  We have used our knowledge of place value to round whole numbers all the way to the nearest million. Number lines have helped us visualise whether to round up or down, along with the rule: if the digit to the right is 4 or less, round down; 5 or more, round up.

Mental health was the focus in our Health and Wellbeing Champions workshop this week. We discussed how we can look after our own mental health and how we can help others too. Here are some ideas from Lailah and Adam:

This week, everyone has spelling words home to practise.  In class we have been using active strategies and the computer programme, Nessy, to help with spelling.  We have been looking at multisyllabic words containing unstressed vowels and thinking about how pronouncing all the vowel sounds can help remind us how to spell a word.

Following on from the Harvest Live lesson last week, we’ve kept the theme of ‘Carbon Crunching Carrots” for Food Technology.  Today we were peeling carrots to make carrot crisps.  We used an air-fryer and made four varieties: plain, smoked paprika, cumin and salted.  Most people liked the salted carrot crisps best but smoked paprika was also popular.

Hopefully everyone has been busy preparing their talks for next week! Why not ask your child what they are going to say? It’s always good to have a practise at home. The question to be answered is: if you were stranded on a desert island what would your six must-have items be, if you could have them in your backpack?

Have a lovely weekend when it arrives.



September 30, 2022
by User deactivated

Primary 1 and Mrs Cuthbertson – Friday 30th September

Good morning,

Wind and rain – a horrible start to the weekend. Fingers crossed the sun returns. 🤞 We have been very busy in Primary1 this week.  We have been learning all about the sound ‘n’ and the capital letter ‘N’. We made Noah’s ark and Nessie the Loch Ness Monster.  At maths time we have been investigating odd and even using Numicon, which is now our favourite numbers resource.

In the afternoons we have been exploring the story Commotion in the Ocean and some of the sea life who live there. We decided to find out all about crabs. Did you know they like to wear Sea Anemone as pom poms on their Pincers?

Next week we will be revisiting the sounds s,a,t,p,i,n before we move on to our next set of sounds. We are also looking at the capital letter to match each sound.

During number time we will continue to look at odd and even numbers and will find out what tally marks are.

In the afternoons we will read the Story The Scarecrows Hat and will learn all about Scarecrows and helping each other.


I hope I managed to explain the new Homework to you  without confusing you further. It shouldn’t take long and the children have all week to do it. We know how busy the children can be at night with clubs etc so we try our best to keep the homework tasks short and meaningful.

1 Look at the inside page, Talk for Writing. Talk to your child about our focus for Storywriting. Next week we will be writing an Imaginative story about a trip to the woods. You do not have to write or draw anything- just talk.

2. The sound sheet can be coloured in . Use a pencil to write the sound under the picture. The words are just ideas for where the letter can be found. We are not writing or spelling these.

3. Choose 2 activities from the grid. Complete these on the same page as the sound. Descriptions for each activity are on the end page.

4. Find the sound on the Rocket Phonics Mat on thes econd page and talk about words beginning with the sound.

I hope this helps to make things clearer.

3 children have special jobs each week.

Well done this week to our amazing children-

Line Leader – Lily Anna

Class Helper – Olivia Q

Responsible Citizen – Emily.

New children will take over next week.

Have a great weekend,

Mrs Cuthbertson x



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