Hurlford Primary School and Early Childhood Centre

An East Ayrshire Council School

October 27, 2022
by EAjoanne.mair2@glow



We are delighted that we have been able to establish and meet with our pupil leadership groups.  We are so happy with our:

Pupil Council

Junior Road Safety Officers

Fairtrade Committee

Property Champions

Eco Committee

Rights Respecting School Committee

Sports Committee

House and Vice Captains

We will be introducing them soon . . . . . . .

October 27, 2022
by EAjoanne.mair2@glow

EAC Counselling Support

Please have a read and see what supports are available for your child and for parents.  Please note that currently parents are unable to refer in East Ayrshire but the school can refer on your behalf.  Please contact Miss Mair for further information.

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October 14, 2022
by Miss Baillie

Primary 1 – Week beginning 10th October

Hello Primary 1 😀

Can you believe you have completed your first Term in school! You have all worked so hard and created a wonderful classroom environment. I hope you all enjoy your week off and have lots of fun. Click on the image below to have a peek at what we have been very busy with this week.

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Have an amazing holiday,

Miss Baillie

October 14, 2022
by Mrs Barclay

P4F – Weekly blog – End of Term 1!

We’ve come to the end of another busy week and the end of term one! Everyone is looking forward to the October break.


We have been revising the phonemes ou, igh and y this week using practice sheets as well as more active activities including keyboard spelling. . Just a quick reminder, spelling homework is given each week on Mondays with the aim of completing two tasks to be returned on Fridays. Thank you for the support in completing homework, this had helped pupils achieve good scores in their spelling tests. I hope this will increase in Term 2.

For reading, we have new books this week and have been developing our fluency. The class has been developing their metalinguistics skills and comprehension skills using find it, prove it, talk about it. We had some interesting responses for what one group would like to take to a deserted island!


The class have been exploring place value over the last few weeks and put their skills to the test in their Education City assessment. I was blown away by some of the scores and this gives us a good foundation for moving onto our next block of learning about addition and subtraction.


We concluded our work on kindness and empathy this week by watching a clip from Inside Out. We had a great, thoughtful discussion around the clip and empathy. Pupils then worked in groups and used their senses to empathise with the character Bing Bong and how he was feeling.

Other Areas

In IDL, pupils learned about the 5 things a plant needs to be healthy and created flowers using these facts for our display in class. We also started drawing animals that we will use a range of media to decorate including oil pastels and paint. We chose our animals based upon our chosen vertebrate for our talk. Just a gentle reminder, vertebrates talks are due to be presented the week after the October break. Pupils who required paper/ booklets have been provided with this. Thank you for your support so far.

We built our hedgehog box yesterday afternoon and hope to attract some hedgehogs into our school grounds. Can’t wait to see if any arrive!


Thank you so much for all of your hard work this term Primary 4! We’re excited for the challenges and hard work next term. We hope you have a lovely holiday.

Mrs Barclay and Mrs Ferguson x

October 14, 2022
by Miss Steedman

W.C. 10.10.22 P4S

Happy Friday Everyone,

In P4S this week, the children have been working hard to consolidate their Place Value learning with various activities including arrow cards and grids.

We have also been researching more about the animal which we will be talking about after the holidays and have created some collage pictures of our animals for a colourful display.

In Literacy, we were learning about Spoonerisms after Max, the Hodgeheg, had a bump to his head and started to mix up his words.  We found some of Max’s sentences to be confusing but quite funny.

Have the most wonderful October Holiday Everyone,

Best wishes,

Miss Steedman

October 14, 2022
by Mrs Carey

Friday 14th October Primary 2

Good morning, thankfully we had a lovely sunny Thursday afternoon, so we were able to get outside and enjoyed learning with Primary 1.  Please could you make sure the children are warmly dressed in their wow clothes  and also with a jacket in case it is a little wet. Thanks.


Now to some of  the things that we have been doing this week.


In literacy we are continuing to revise and learn our initial sounds and I hope you have had fun looking around your house for things beginning with r,m and d. The children have enjoyed being word detectives skimming and scanning some nice books for this week’s common words. Watch out you could see them anywhere! Please could you support your child with their reading. The children have been learning skills in blending letters together to read words they are not familiar with by using their knowledge of the initial sounds. This would be a super benefit to your child and be really supportive of the work we do in class.  The children  have had fun being word detectives looking in books for the tricky words in our homework jotter.


In maths this week we were looking at number patterns on the 100 square and in particular looking at the 10s numbers. We have had great fun using dominoes to complete a problem-solving activity .


In addition, we have started to look at number patterns in the 100 square, count in 10s to 100 and 5s to 50.


For health and wellbeing, we shared the story about Elmer the elephant to understand the importance of feeling included. The children have all been involved in lots of teamwork games and activities to support each other’s learning.  These activities are successfully helping to the development of good listening skills for learning and being responsible citizens.


Wishing you a lovely relaxing week ahead and thank you for supporting your children with their homework tasks.


Happy holidays.


Mrs Carey.

October 14, 2022
by Ms Wilson

P6:Week beginning 10th October 2022

We’ve made it to the end of Term 1! Everyone is looking forward to the October holiday.

This week has flown in, here’s what P6 have been up to.

In Literacy we edited and improved our ‘problem and solution’ story from last week then we did a paired writing task. We planned and wrote an adventure story suitable for 7-10 years. We added illustrations and a front cover to create a mini book. We have also been practising our handwriting skills and used pens to copy an autumn poem as neatly as possible.

In Numeracy, we have been learning how to find factors of numbers and used a strategy to work out the highest common factor of 2 and 3 different numbers. This has helped to sharpen up our multiplication tables. We enjoyed exploring 2D shape tessellation with Miss Gibson.

We took our learning outdoors for our Forces and Friction topic and investigated the effects of air resistance and streamlining. Mrs Wilson was impressed with our participation and enthusiasm!

For art this week we looked at autumn colours and tones. We mixed yellow and red paint to create the background for an autumn picture. On Thursday we used pastel and charcoal to make silhouettes of stylised trees for the foreground. It was quite tricky but we persevered.

In PE we finished our basketball sessions with lots of 5v5 games. It was very exciting to use all the skills we’ve been practising.

We’re looking forward to a well earned rest.

Have a lovely holiday everyone!

October 14, 2022
by Mrs McMillan

Primary 3 14th October

We’ve reached the end of term one! What a busy time it has been. P3 have worked really hard this term.

I hope everyone has a well deserved break and the weather starts being a bit kinder. Happy holidays 🙂

Have a look at our updates to see what’s been happening this week.

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