Hurlford Primary School and Early Childhood Centre

An East Ayrshire Council School

November 7, 2022
by Mrs Campbell

Cost of Living Support

We recognise that this is a challenging time for everyone. If you require support or someone to chat to, please feel free to contact the main office and we will try to be of some assistance.

Please click on the link to supports that may be of help. Please click on the link for signposting to support:


Financial Information | Parent Health and Wellbeing Information Site (

Financial Inclusion Officer – feel free to contact Julie, if you require any help.

Contact  Julie McCall, Financial Inclusion Officer based at Loudoun Academy
Tel: 07584 490511


Contact Julie McCall, Financial Inclusion Officer based at Loudoun Academy
Tel: 07584 490511


November 4, 2022
by Mrs Barclay

P4F Weekly Blog 31.10.22

Happy Friday!

P4F have had a busy start to term 2. It’s been a great start after the October holidays. Here’s an overview of our week:

In literacy, we have been been working hard on our comprehension strategies using our knowledge of the text and answering literal questions such as which page is … on? and matching or unjumbling sentences from our book. Pupils have been working hard on their sentence structure knowledge. Coming to end of our poetry block and we used what we had learned to create poems all about cake and impressed Mrs Ferguson with our work.

In numeracy, we have been focusing on addition. We have been revising our fact families and number bonds, along with practising the commutative law. We spoke about how if we know one fact, for example, 7+3=10, we also know 3+7=10, 10-7=3 and 10-3=7. We have also started adding numbers using the column method which has been tricky at times to remember to keep the numbers stacked, but pupils are making progress each time.

We have started our gymnastics block with Mrs Ferguson and are having great, safe fun learning about different kinds of rolls this week. We are coming to the end of our Wildlife and Habitats topic and are hoping to complete an end of topic assessment next week. Today, we will be focusing on Bonfire night and completing some fun activities.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Barclay and Mrs Ferguson x

November 4, 2022
by Miss Frew

P5 Weekly Blog 4th November 2022

Happy Friday!

P5 have had a spooktacular couple of weeks back after the October holidays and it was lovely to see all the pupils again after the break. Here is an overview of our week.

In literacy, we had the challenge of writing a collaborative Halloween story with P4S and P6. P4S wrote the beginning paragraph of the story and set the scene and P5 had the task of continuing the story. We had to make sure it followed the theme of the beginning and that it had action to move the story forward. P6 then had to write an appropriate ending. The pupils loved this task and it was good fun to see the finished results! We will be focusing on proof reading and self correcting.

In maths, P5 began looking at measuring length. In groups, pupils had to use a variety of equipment such as tape measures, metre sticks and trundle wheels to measure the length of different objects and justify their choice of equipment. We are working on the accuracy of our measurements.

In other areas, we were recapping the digestive system for our topic and carried out an experiment that helped the children understand the process better. It was certainly a fun and messy experiment and the pupils really enjoyed working in teams:

We also decided to investigate the skeletal system and learn the names of the different bones in our bodies. The pupils were able to watch a video and take notes and then use cotton buds to create a piece of artwork which demonstrates their understanding and also celebrates Halloween:


We have been learning about friendships and were exploring healthy and unhealthy relationship scenarios. The pupils were excellent at discussing healthy, positive friendships and comparing them to unhealthy relationships.

The secret is out!

Disney Musicals in Schools is back this year and P5 and P6 are super excited to get started with rehearsals for our performance which will be early next year. We have already had so much fun learning a few of the songs and dances. Keep your eyes peeled for updates, they’ll be shared “one by one” on our blog or school app! 😉

Disney Musicals in Schools

A huge thank you to everyone who came to parents night. It was lovely to meet you all and chat to you in person. Have a fantastic weekend!

-Miss Frew x

Have a Great Weekend or Have a Nice Weekend? | TPR Teaching

November 4, 2022
by Miss Steedman

P4S W/C 31.10.22

Happy Friday Everyone,

This week in P4S, we have been revising our knowledge of Fact Families in Numeracy and making connections with what happens to the answers when we swap two numbers around in an addition calculation.  For example, we know that 30 + 40 = 70 but when we swap the numbers to make 40 + 30, the answer is also 70.  We have also been adding numbers using the Column method which has been tricky to line up the digits but we are mastering it.

In Literacy, we wrote a wonderful set of acrostic poems about Fireworks.   For our descriptions and ideas we used our senses to think about what we could see, hear, feel and smell.  The results were inspirational.

In the next chapter of The Hodgeheg, Max finally reached the park by crossing the road using the Pedestrian Crossing, it wasn’t as straightforward as he thought it would be but the Green Man helped him a little.

We have started to look at Coding in ICT and had fun using a website which let us build up code in a jigsaw puzzle type way.  It was really interesting to see the results.

It’s been a busy week, I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend,

from, Miss Steedman

November 4, 2022
by Ms Wilson

P6 week beginning 31st October 2022

What a busy week!

P6 have been very industrious and hard-working. Here is a review of our week.

Monday: We focused on using prefixes in our spelling, learned about function machines in numeracy and enjoyed our 2nd Disney schools rehearsal with P5.

Tuesday: We read about The Gunpowder Plot and the part Guy Fawkes played in it. We also finished our science topic and did our best in an end of topic assessment.

Wednesday: For maths with Miss Gibson we did lots of group activities. We also learned about The Golden Rule in RME and enjoyed our WOW session in the afternoon

Thursday: We explored onomatopoeia in Literacy and used examples in our Fireworks poems. For PE we started our gymnastics lessons and we had an excellent Lion King rehearsal.

Friday: As it’s Bonfire Night tomorrow the focus was Firework Safety. We also did sound word art and self-checked, edited and improved our firework poems.

We’re looking forward to our weekend!



November 4, 2022
by Mrs Carey

Friday 4th November – P2

Good morning, thankfully we had a lovely sunny Thursday afternoon, so we were able to get outside and enjoyed learning with Primary 1. The children enjoyed their new groups playing with balls, throwing and catching, playing with hoops and getting very confident at hitting the target. Being a nice day also meant time in the Ozone – climbing and exploring. All great fun! Please could you make sure the children are warmly dressed in their wow clothes and also with a jacket in case it is a little wet. Thanks.

Now to some of  the things that we have been doing this week.

In literacy we are continuing to revise and learn our initial sounds and this week we have begun the next set of sounds with the letter Gg. This naturally gave us the opportunity to look at ‘The Gruffalo’ such a well, loved story. The children have been building caves for the Gruffalo with gates to stop any uninvited guests, building pens on the farm for the goats and building enclosures at the zoo for the gorillas. Hopefully this will help them embed the sound ‘g’. The children have enjoyed being word detectives skimming and scanning some super books for this week’s common words. Watch out you could see them anywhere! Please could you support your child with their reading. The children are continually learning skills in blending letters together to read words they are not familiar with by using their knowledge of the initial sounds. Thanks this will be really supportive of the work we do in class.


In maths this week we were looking at number patterns on the 100 square and in particular looking at the 10s numbers. The children are beginning to identify the patterns in the rows and columns of the 100 square.

In addition, we have started to look at number patterns in the 100 square, count in 10s to 100 and 5s to 50.

Running alongside our number work we have begun looking at shape both 3D and 2D. They have done this through a variety of activities helping them to understand the relationship and difference between 3D and 2D shape.

For health and wellbeing, we are continuing to explore social wellbeing through Elmer stories. This week we shared the story about Elmer and the lost teddy to understand the importance of being kind. Our theme, within the class this week is kindness. The children have all been involved in lots of teamwork games and activities to support each other’s learning in this respect. These activities are successfully helping to the development of good listening skills for learning and being responsible citizens and overall demonstrating kindness towards others in all that we do.

It was lovely to meet many of you face to face last night. Thanks again for supporting your children with their homework tasks and all that you do at home to help them learn.

Wishing you a lovely relaxing weekend.

Mrs Carey.





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