November 11, 2022
by Mrs Miller
November 11, 2022
by Mrs Miller
November 11, 2022
by Miss Baillie
Hello Primary 1 😀
I hope you are all well and have enjoyed your week. Please click on the image below to have a peek at what we have been very busy with this week.
Have a fabulous weekend,
Miss Baillie
November 11, 2022
by Mrs Barclay
Friday again!
Here is an update of what we have been learning in Primary 4 this week.
In spelling, we have been looking at magic e sounds, a-e and u-e. Pupils came up with a great word bank of examples. We have done some active spelling choosing from materials such as playdoh, lego, stencils and matchsticks. Spelling words are copied into homework jotters each week on a Monday with two tasks to be completed for the Friday. Thank you for your support with this.
As it is Remembrance Day this week, our reading activities have had this as a focus. We used our visualisation strategy to create a picture based upon the poem ‘In Flanders Fields’ by John McCrae. Pupils did an excellent job at using their senses to help them unpick the verses in the poem.
For maths, our focus has been addition the last week. We have been building our skills using column addition and have used place value grids to help us learn the tricky concept of exchanging. We are working hard to develop their confidence in using this concept. We are developing our skills in remembering to stack our numbers, always start from the units column and carrying any tens at the bottom.
We have also started a new maths topic of measure. We have been using scales to measure and then order packages from the heaviest to the lightest, becoming more aware of language such as more/less than. We have also been using rulers to measure lengths of different objects around the classroom.
Other areas
We have finished our wildlife and habitats topic this week by designing a fair test experiment about what a plant needs to be healthy and grow. Pupils used their prior knowledge and prediction skills to say what would happen if we took away one thing a plant needs to grow. They had some great predictions and we will see if they come true! We found a mnemonic for remembering what a fair test is, Cows Moo Softly. Change 1 thing (Cows), Measure or observe (Moos), keep everything else the Same (Softly). We done a Kahoot! quiz for our end of topic assessment which pupils really enjoyed.
In PE, we have started a new block on gymnastics. We have learning all about different kind of rolls we can do!
Have a great weekend!
Mrs Barclay and Mrs Ferguson x
November 11, 2022
by Miss Steedman
Happy Friday Everyone,
This week in P4S we have been busy learning how to write our addition calculations in columns. Lining up the Hundreds, Tens and Units digits has been tricky but with practise, we are all doing really well. Next week, we will be looking at subtraction using this method too.
We have started to learn about how to write poetry and used a technique called Alliteration this week, to write a few verses. It was difficult in some cases to think of an adjective which started with the same letter as the names but we rose to the challenge and created some beautiful verses.
Our IDL Topic is Electricity and we have been learning about the dangers of electricity and how to make it safe to use. We also took a look at some simple circuits and how to draw diagrams of circuits. Next week, we will be building our own circuits.
Stay safe and have a wonderful weekend,
Miss Steedman
November 11, 2022
by Mrs Carey
Good morning, thankfully another lovely sunny Thursday afternoon, but perhaps a touch windy which meant we could get out and enjoy learning with Primary 1. The children have settled well in their new groups and enjoyed throwing and catching, playing with hoops and getting very confident at hitting the target, even some targets set with hoops being held up in the air! Being a nice day also meant time in the Ozone – climbing and exploring. All great fun! Please could you make sure the children are warmly dressed in their wow clothes and also with a jacket in case it is a little wet. Thanks.
In literacy we are continuing to revise and learn our initial sounds and this week we have begun the next set of sounds with the letter Ll. This gave us the opportunity to look at ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’ such a well, loved story. Extending the work, we did last week on Gg building caves for the Gruffalo with gates to stop any uninvited guests, we built castles with portcullis gates with padlocks for l locks. We also created a zoo with construction building enclosures for the gorillas and lions. Hopefully this will help them embed the sound ‘g and l’. The children have enjoyed being word detectives skimming and scanning some super books for this week’s common words using finger torches. They were also noting down words beginning with l.
Please could you support your child with their reading. The children are continually learning skills in blending letters together to read words they are not familiar with by using their knowledge of the initial sounds. Thanks this will be really helpful.
In maths this week we were looking more closely at 2D shapes and patterns and symmetry.
The children have loved these activities and I have tried to upload some photos of their work, however, there seems to be not enough space to show them all, so once this is resolved I will upload the rest. Apologies.
The children are often confusing 3D shape names with their 2D faces so if you get any deliveries this week in boxes can you be sure to look at them and discuss if they are cubes or cuboids or indeed if you see any containers around the house which are cylinders, cones, pyramids or spheres as well.
For health and wellbeing, we are continuing to explore social wellbeing through Elmer stories. This week we shared the story about Elmer and the butterfly to understand the importance of being helpful. Our theme, within the class this week continues to be being kind and helpful. The children have all been involved in lots of teamwork games and activities to support each other’s learning in this respect. These activities are successfully helping to the development of good listening skills for learning and being responsible citizens and overall demonstrating kindness towards others in all that we do.
Thanks again for supporting your children with their homework tasks and all that you do at home to help them learn.
Wishing you a lovely relaxing week ahead.
Mrs Carey.IMG_1434
November 11, 2022
by Miss Frew
We’ve had another busy week in class this week! Here is what we’ve been up to:
In literacy, we have been learning how to write information leaflets and have created leaflets on how to be a good friend. This also challenged the pupils to include their knowledge from health and wellbeing as well as use the relevant skills for writing. We also explored the “oo” phoneme and looked at it’s representations before completing our spelling test today.
In maths, we have continued to explore measure and have focused on the accuracy of our measurements. The pupils are getting better at this and have made some significant improvements. We also learned how to convert measurements from centimetres to metres and centimetres eg 113cm= 1m 13cm.
In health and wellbeing, we have enjoyed learning about relationships and how to have positive relationships with other people. Pupils understand that positive relationships can affect their own mental wellbeing and can describe the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships.
For Disney this week, we continued to practice our song “One by One” and nearly know it all off by heart! We also learned a new dance section for “Just Can’t Wait to be King” which the pupils really enjoyed. We are all really excited to get our roles and start learning our lines!
P5 had an exciting opportunity for STEM as we got to visit a dairy farm to investigate how the cows were looked after and the milking process. All of our pupils had a fantastic time and enjoyed learning lots of information about the farm and agriculture. Click on the sway to see our photos:
As always, thanks for your support at home. Have a great weekend!
-Miss Frew
November 11, 2022
by Ms Wilson
It’s Friday again, what a quick week!
Here’s what Primary 6 pupils have been doing this week.
In Numeracy, we have been focusing on Expressions and Equations. We learned what how to solve basic algebra problems.
For literacy we have been working on using inference to help us read with better understanding,. We continued to practise writing in paragraphs and we edited and improved our acrostic poems.
This week we started our new Social Studies topic, Africa. We shared our prior knowledge and revised the names and locations of the seven continents. Next week we will be finding out about the geography of Africa.
We all enjoyed our rehearsals for The Lion King. We have learnt the words and actions to a whole song already and everyone has been focusing well and having serious fun!
Have a great weekend!
November 11, 2022
by Mrs McMillan
Here are some updates from P3 over the past week.
Hope everyone has a good weekend.
Mrs McMillan 🙂
November 10, 2022
by Mrs Johnstone
This week, in P7, we started learning about World War Two. We got to ‘meet a pilot’ in an online lesson from the National Museums Scotland. It was really interesting as we were shown some of the different items of clothing that would be worn. Did you know… a WW2 pilot would have worn ‘escape boots’ which could be turned into civilian shoes to help him blend in if he found himself on enemy territory. Ask a Primary 7 what else an RAF pilot would have worn and they will be able to tell you lots more.
As it is Remembrance Day tomorrow, we have also been learning about the significance of poppies. We have used the poem ‘In Flanders Fields’ for inspiration in our own poetry and we created poppy pictures using the technique of pointillism. Look out for some photos next week.
In Literacy, we revised our knowledge of commas and when to use them. We have almost finished our class novel, ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom,’ and this week was all about identifying the main events to create a timeline.
In Numeracy and Mathematics, we have been using the standard written method for subtraction as a way to solve calculations and show working.
Earlier in the week, we headed into the playground to start exploring our outdoor space for the John Muir Award. We tried some calming listening exercises and then did an observation alphabet, recording what we could see, hear and smell along the letters of the alphabet. We will continue to explore and discover our outdoor space over the coming weeks. Please remember to bring a rain jacket to school on Tuesdays.
November 7, 2022
by Miss Baillie
Hello Primary 1 😀
I hope we have all had a lovely week and haven’t ate all our Halloween sweets yet! We have had a busy week in Primary 1 this week. Thank you to the parents/carers that came along on to parent’s night it was lovely to see you all. Please remember if there is ever anything you want to discuss you can phone into the school or catch me at 3 o’clock. Click on the image below to have a peek at what we have been very busy with this week.
Have an amazing weekend,
Miss Baillie