November 18, 2022
by Mrs Miller
November 18, 2022
by Mrs Miller
November 18, 2022
by Mrs Carey
Good morning, it was good to get out for some outdoor learning on Thursday afternoon, but it is definitely getting a bit cooler so please ensure that your children are wearing warm clothes that will keep them dry and are easily washed, thanks. Both classes worked very well, and enjoyed throwing and catching, playing with hoops and getting very confident at hitting the target, even some targets set with hoops being held up in the air! Yesterday unfortunately wasn’t nice enough to use the sand but still had lots of fun in the Ozone – climbing and exploring.
In literacy we are continuing to revise and learn our initial sounds and this week we have been learning all about the letter Ff examining both sounds f and ff. This gave us the opportunity to look at ‘The Rainbow Fish’ and the children all recognised the importance of sharing deduced from the story. Using the theme of the Rainbow Fish, we have been fishing for letters to make 3 letter words. We also created a farm with construction building enclosures for the sheep, pigs and goats. The children have enjoyed being word detectives skimming and scanning some super books for this week’s common words using finger torches. They were also noting down words beginning with f.
Please could you support your child with their reading. The children are continually learning skills in blending letters together to read words they are not familiar with by using their knowledge of the initial sounds. Thanks this will be really helpful.
In maths this week we were looking more closely at 2D shapes and patterns and symmetry. We have created lovely patterns on our Rainbow Fish. The main focus this week has however been symmetry. Making 2D symmetrical pictures using pattern blocks and also colouring butterflies. Today we will draw Pudsey and see if we can make his spots symmetrical but we will need to leave off his headband.
Please continue to discuss 3D shape names if you get any deliveries this week in boxes or look at the containers and food in your kitchen cupboards to see if you can spot any cubes, cuboids, cylinders, spheres, pyramids or if anyone is lucky enough to have a Toblerone bar then triangular prisms. Enjoy playing spot the shape.
For health and wellbeing, we are continuing to explore social wellbeing through Elmer stories. This week we shared the story about Elmer and Aunt Zelda, who is an old, deaf elephant. This has helped the children build empathy and reinforce their understanding of the importance of being helpful and kind in particular with others who need it. Children in need today will certainly reinforce this week’s work and allow our children to see this on a much wider scale. The children will be involved in lots of teamwork games and activities to support Pudsey today enhancing this learning. In turn, these activities are successfully helping the development of good listening skills for learning and in turn being responsible citizens and overall demonstrating kindness towards each other in all that we do.
Thanks again for supporting your children with their homework tasks and all that you do at home to help them learn.
Wishing you a lovely relaxing week ahead.
Mrs Carey.
November 18, 2022
by Miss Steedman
Happy Friday Everyone,
The children have arrived today so beautifully and colourfully dressed to enjoy the activities for Children in Need.
This week we had an ICT lesson without computers because we were learning about algorithms. Each pupil was asked to draw a simple picture of an alien. After that, they had to describe how to draw that alien, to their partner. It seems simple enough but if the instructions (the algorithm) was not detailed enough, the aliens were not quite as they should have been. I think that they all did a super job with their instructions. If there were any parts of the drawings which were not correct, the children were able to debug the algorithm (explain where their description could have been more detailed).
In Numeracy this week we have been looking at a new method of column calculations – Subtraction with Borrowing and Exchange. This has proven quite tricky but we have used Hundreds, Tens and Units resources to help us to picture the exchange steps and this has helped a lot.
Our IDL Topic this term is Electricity and this week, we have started to learn about Benjamin Franklin. Each pupil has been given a challenge to research this historical figure at home and make a kite-shaped poster with all the details about Franklin’s discoveries and inventions. We began by watching a film about the great inventor and will continue to watch the film over the coming days.
It’s been a busy week and everyone deserves a wonderful weekend for all their hard work.
Well done P4S!
Miss Steedman
November 18, 2022
by Ms Wilson
Happy ‘Children In Need’ day,
P6 have continued to work very hard. Here’s a round up of the week.
Monday : We were learning how to use suffixes and prefixes to create word families. In Numeracy we continued to work on solving equations. Also, we had a very exciting Disney rehearsal as we found out what parts and roles we’d been given.
Tuesday: We participated in a STEM challenge with Mrs Ferguson. It involved building a bridge using paper and testing how sturdy and strong it was. For our topic we used an atlas to find and label the main geographical features of Africa.
Wednesday: For maths with Miss Gibson, we began our unit on Time. In RME we created a scenario to show the Golden Rule and we enjoyed our WOW session.
Thursday: For our writing task, we wrote super poems using onomatopoeia and similies. We took our PE outdoors and enjoyed lots of team games. In the afternoon we split into our Disney rehearsal groups and shared our learning with each other at the end. Everybody worked to the best of their ability.
Friday: Everyone is looking forward to some Pudsey activities including nail art, biscuit decorating, art & craft and puzzles. Let’s hope we raise lots of money for this worthy cause.
Have a great weekend.
November 18, 2022
by Miss Frew
What a week! Here is what we’ve been up to in P5:
In literacy, we explored the “ff” phoneme and used various active spelling strategies to help us learn our words. We also practised our proof reading skills and have improved identifying and fixing mistakes in punctuation. For writing, we were writing instructions on how to make a lava lamp which was brilliant fun! Next week we will also be writing a set of instructions but will focus on another context.
In maths, we have continued to develop our skills with measuring. We focused on capacity and volume this week and had to take care when working in teams! Our pupils are more confident measuring length and capacity and we will be moving on to addition and subtraction.
In other areas, we continued our topic of Africa and got to ask our Big Questions. We also identified the 7 continents and explored maps in an atlas. We were able to identify various features of the African landscape and discussed the climate zones. We found out that Africa had a mix of a tropical and warm climate.
We all learned what roles we would be playing in our Disney production and the excitement was enormous! Our pupils were all so supportive and enthusiastic of their roles and we got started on learning our special lines, dances and songs.
This week was Mr Allen’s last week in P5 and we will all miss him! Huge thank you to Mr Allen for all his help over the last few weeks.
Thanks again to all your support from home, have a lovely weekend!
-Miss Frew
November 16, 2022
by EAjoanne.mair2@glow
We would love you to join us for some family Christmas Crafts in the dinner hall from 3pm – 4.30pm on the 14th and 15th of December. All resources will be provided – and some Christmas music and cheer!
Children must be accompanied by an adult. Please complete the form by 2nd December so that we can organise resources. Thank you.
November 16, 2022
by EAjoanne.mair2@glow
We would be delighted if you could join us for a fun family CHRISTMAS BEETLE DRIVE on the 6th December from 6.30pm until 7.30pm in the school dinner hall. Adults and children require a ticket and they are £1 each and are ON SALE NOW from the main office. ALL WECOME!
November 16, 2022
by Mrs Campbell
P7 Swimming starts tomorrow.
Remember to wear your swimming things to school under your clothes and a towel.
No aerosols please.
Dates: 17th Nov, 1st Dec, 8th Dec, 15th Dec
November 15, 2022
by Mrs Campbell
November 15, 2022
by EAjoanne.mair2@glow
The Pupil Council have discussed with their classes and have decided on the following:
Wear something Spotty (pjs / clothes/ accessories)
Wear something Pudsey (pjs / clothes / accessories)
Decorate a biscuit
Nail Painting
Colouring Competition
We would appreciate a donation towards Children In Need to join in all the activities.
Thank you
Nevaeh (P7 Pupil Council Rep)