Hurlford Primary School and Early Childhood Centre

An East Ayrshire Council School

November 28, 2022
by EAjoanne.mair2@glow


We would be delighted if you could join us for a fun family CHRISTMAS BEETLE DRIVE on the 6th December from 6.30pm until 7.30pm in the school dinner hall.  Adults and children require a ticket and they are £1 each and are ON SALE NOW from the main office. ALL WECOME!

November 25, 2022
by Miss Baillie

Primary 1 – Week beginning 21st November

Hello Primary 1 😀

I hope you have all had a fabulous week. Please click on the image below to have a peek at what we have been very busy with this week.

Go to this Sway

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Baillie

November 25, 2022
by Ms Wilson

P6: week beginning 21st November 2022

It’s Friday again!

Here are some of the things P6 have been learning this week.

Literacy: The focus in reading was finding the main idea of a text. There was lots of interesting discussion around our ideas. We also used our listening skills to help us write about an item we enjoyed in Newsround.

Numeracy: We finished our unit on Expressions and Equations and started some revision on fractions. We continued to work on Time with Miss Gibson.

In Health & Wellbeing with Miss Gibson we focused on healthy lifestyle and choices and we participated enthusiastically at WOW.

For our Africa topic we learned about climate zones and habitats. We then used ICT to research information on an African country.

We had a successful Disney rehearsal on Monday. We split into our 3 groups and shared our learning at the end. Everyone had serious fun!

Enjoy the weekend.

November 25, 2022
by Miss Steedman

P4S w.c 21.11.22

Happy Friday Everyone,

We have had another busy week in P4S where we have been revising our knowledge of Subtraction using the Borrowing and Exchange method.  It’s been tricky but we have all learned the strategy so well and have been working hard to consolidate our knowledge.  Next week, we will begin learning some Multiplication facts.

In Literacy, we wrote a poem using our senses which described our experiences as we imagined ourselves among a group of Diving Giraffes.  We watched a clip about a troop of giraffes diving into an Olympic-sized pool and put ourselves in the place of these amazing animals diving deep into the water below.  The poems were wonderful to read.

We have continued to learn a bit more about Benjamin Franklin this week, which will help with our Home Based Kite Project.  He was a very clever person.

Best wishes for a wonderful weekend,

Miss Steedman

November 23, 2022
by Mrs Johnstone

P7 Class Blog- 23.11.22

Find out what P7 have been up to recently by reading on…


We were really pleased to find out the ending to our class novel, Kensuke’s Kingdom. It was very dramatic and most of the class liked the ending and were glad to find out what happened to Michael and Kensuke. After finishing the book, we used technology skills to access an assignment on our class Teams page. Everyone did very well getting logged on, completing and submitting their work.

Our focus on creative writing was rounded off by writing a descriptive poem about wildlife.  Last week we had researched red squirrels, foxes and hedgehogs so these were the animals we picked from as a focus for writing.

John Muir Award

Following on from our writing lesson, we took our learning outside and explored how we can use natural materials to create art.  We split into groups and made some transient artwork of a fox, a red squirrel and a hedgehog.  This task promoted good discussion about teamwork and the importance of listening to each other.  Here are some pictures of our art before we followed John Muir’s message of ‘leave no trace’ and tided up after ourselves.


This week there has been revision of the rules when multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000, looking at how to use place value when decimal numbers are involved. We had fun by testing our knowledge using an online quiz.


Last week, swimming at Loudoun was a favourite part of the week for many of the class. Everyone did really well and worked hard in the pool.



November 18, 2022
by Mrs McMillan

Primary 3 ~ 18.11.22

It’s Friday, the end of another good week in P3

We have been busy as usual, have a look at the sway to see what we’ve been up to

Go to this Sway

November 18, 2022
by Miss Baillie

Primary 1 – Week beginning 14th November 2022

Hello Primary 1 😀

I hope you have all had a fantastic week. Please click on the image below to have a peek at what we have been very busy with this week.

Go to this Sway

Have a wonderful weekend,

Miss Baillie

November 18, 2022
by Mrs Barclay

Primary 4F Weekly Blog 18.11.22

Another busy week here in Primary 4! Here’s a peek at what we’ve been up to:

In Literacy, we have been revising the phonemes ss, ff and ll. We have used some active strategies to help us learn our words along with using synonyms and antonyms to help us come up with new words to help our vocabulary skills. We have also been using our comprehension skills to find the answers in the text and play story sentence bingo! For writing, we used powerful verbs and a range of openers to write a recount of an event such as Halloween, Bonfire night, birthday or a holiday. It was great to read what pupils have been up to.

In Numeracy, we have continued to develop our addition and subtraction skills. We have focused on the language used in word problems to help us work out what kind of sum we should be doing. Next week, we will focus on exchanging before moving on to some data handling.

Our new focus for Health and Wellbeing is food and our health. We were able to identify the 5 different food groups using the Eatwell Guide and explored what each of the groups did. For example, we found out carbohydrates give us energy.

In other areas, we started our new topic, Electricity. We discussed what electricity is and which kinds of power different appliances use such as battery or mains. We had a look at a range of items to see which ones used battery power, mains electricity or the power of your imagination. We had great fun using what we had learned to fill in the sheet from the Olly the Owl from Powerwise. We hope to send home a project (which will also be worked upon in class) all about Benjamin Franklin. Materials will be provided to help pupils complete this project and your support at home would be much appreciated.

Thank you again for your support from home, enjoy the weekend when it comes!

Mrs Barclay and Mrs Ferguson x

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