Hurlford Primary School and Early Childhood Centre

An East Ayrshire Council School

December 2, 2022
by Mrs Barclay

P4F Weekly Blog w/c 28.11.22

The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear!

P4F have certainly started spreading their Christmas cheer over the last couple of days, but here’s a peek at what we’ve been up to this week.

In Literacy, instead of a reading book this week we have been looking at ‘reading’ a film clip, For The Birds. We practiced the comprehension strategies we have been working on and had some fab results! The pupils really enjoyed watching the clip and offered some insightful thoughts on how they thought the little birds were treating Big Bird. We have also started writing an explanation text with Mrs Ferguson, linked to our IDL topic electricity. We looked at how energy is made using different sources including coal and water.

In Maths, we finished our work on addition and subtraction and completed our assessment. Pupils tried really hard, so well done! We’re moving onto data handling today and hope to include some outdoor learning in the lessons (fingers crossed it stays dry!). We have also been working on our measure skills using scales to work out the weight of different items and using rulers to calculate the length of items.

In other areas,  we had great fun building simple circuits as part of our IDL topic. We used battery power to help light the lamps. Pupils had great fun of trying to include switches in their circuits. We created a key to help us identify the symbols and used this to help us draw diagrams of the circuits created. To challenge them, we asked pupils to add in another lamp to see what would happen which created some interesting discussion! Today, we are going to look at circuits that won’t and why and pupils themselves are going to become the circuit.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Barclay and Mrs Ferguson

December 2, 2022
by Miss Steedman

P4S w.c. 28.11.22

Happy Friday Everyone,

This week in P4S, we have been working hard to learn multiplication facts in both the 4x and 8x tables.  We spotted a link between the answers to these tables and have been doing a lot of counting in 4s and 8s to help us with the answers.  Using these facts, we learned how to complete Multiplication Column Calculations which were really tricky at first but we will keep practising so that they are not so tricky.  We have been asked to practise both the 4x and 8x tables at home too when we have time.

We finished reading our Class Novel (The Hodgeheg by Dick King-Smith) this week and were all so happy with the ending.  Max had been determined from the beginning to find a safe place for his family to cross the road – he refused to give up showing that he had the Growth Mindset attitude which we are all practising this year.  Max was an inspiration to all Hedgehogkind, We wrote brilliantly descriptive Book Reviews – everyone said that they would recommend the novel to a friend and many of us said that they had learned a lot more about Road Safety.

We tried to carry out some research about Benjamin Franklin this week, to help us with our Kite Projects (which are due on 8th December) but the computers had different ideas!!! We persevered and most of us managed a little research before it was time for us to go home that day.

We have been very busy this week so will all be in much need of a rest this weekend.

Have a wonderful weekend Everyone,

from, Miss Steedman

December 2, 2022
by Ms Wilson

P6: week beginning 28th November 2022

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…

P6 have been as busy as Santa’s elves. Here’s what we’ve been up to.

In literacy, the spelling focus was using the suffixes ful and fully to create adjectives and adverbs. In reading, we continued to use context clues to find  the main idea. Our writing focus was concrete poetry. We planned and wrote poems in the shape of our chosen subject. Lots of us wrote about an African animal.

For Numeracy we  continued to work on fractions. We compared and ordered fractions and also labelled their position on a number line.

We are enjoying our Africa topic. This week we explored climate and habitat zones. We worked with a learning partner and used research skills to create a fact file.

In PE we continued our gymnastics block with the focus on balances. We used the large apparatus to create a sequence of movements. Mrs Wilson was very impressed with our work ethic and effort.

Finally, we had two fantastic Disney rehearsals. Each group worked to the best of their ability and we are making excellent progress.

Have a great weekend.

December 2, 2022
by Miss Frew

P5 Weekly Blog 2nd December 2022

Happy Friday everyone! Here is an update on what we’ve been doing this week in P5:


In literacy, we have been investigating the “oy/oi” phoneme and it’s representations. Pupils are doing well with their spelling and are becoming more confident making and breaking words and identifying phonemes within words. We also started reading our new class novel, The Butterfly Lion by Michael Morpurgo. The pupils really enjoyed completing a task board where they got to choose which literacy skills to practice. In writing this week, we conducted some research about Alexander Fleming and used skimming and scanning to find important information. We then made notes in our jotters before using our notes to create a biography about him.

In maths, we have spent this week revising how to add and subtract 10, 100 or 1000 to a number and linking it to place value. The pupils worked really hard on their task board activities and are making good progress in this area. Next we will be moving onto practicing the written column method for addition and will also begin to investigate shape.

In other areas, we have been learning about the geographical features of Africa and have been using an atlas to identify features such as rivers and mountains. Pupils were then asked to plot these features onto a blank map which was a challenge! For St Andrews Day, we had a STEM challenge where in teams of 3, P5 had to design and build a boat that carried St Andrew across the sea. The boat had to have a figure in it to represent St Andrew, a Saltire on it somewhere and it had to float. We had brilliant fun experimenting with different materials and are pleased to say that all of our boats passed the floating/sinking test!


Have a lovely weekend!

-Miss Frew

December 2, 2022
by Mrs McMillan

P3 Friday 2nd December

Lots of excitement this week in school, first with St Andrew’s day on Wednesday and then the beginning of December and the countdown to Christmas.

There is a beautiful tree in the hall and the classroom has its own mini one.

Open the link to see some of the things we have been doing this week.

Go to this Sway

December 2, 2022
by Mrs Carey

Friday 2nd December Primary 2

Good morning, well yesterday was a very exciting day being the 1st of December so it was definitely good to get out for some outdoor learning on Thursday and run around.  The children don’t appear to feel the cold but as it’s getting cooler please ensure that your children are wearing warm clothes that will keep them dry and are easily washed, thanks. Both classes worked very well, and enjoyed throwing and catching the ball and hoops or generally playing in the Ozone. We are hoping on the next dry Thursday to build homes for hedgehogs, dens for foxes and straw nest for mice so fingers crossed! Yesterday unfortunately wasn’t nice enough to do this or use the sand are but still lots of fun in the Ozone – climbing and exploring.


In literacy we are continuing to revise and learn our initial sounds and this week we have been learning all about the letter oO for the sound orange, octopus and otter. Hopefully the children will have lasting memories of juicing oranges for the sound o. We have been concentrating hard this week on 3 letter words with o in the middle which in turn is developing the reading skill of decoding. I hope you are now beginning to see in your child’s reading that they are becoming more confident at deciphering 3 letter words due to their phoneme knowledge and can now make 3 letter words well helping our writing skills. Our classroom office and the Octonauts stations again are reinforcing this week’s phoneme o. The children have enjoyed being word detectives skimming and scanning some super books for this week’s common words using finger torches. They were also noting down words beginning with o.


Please could you support your child with their reading. The children are continually learning skills in blending letters together to read words they are not familiar with by using their knowledge of the initial sounds. Thanks this is really helpful.


In maths this week we have begun looking at data handling. The children actively made a bar graph of their favourite colour and we compared the most popular with the least etc.  We have explored the use of tally marks and bundling bigger items/ numbers into groups of 5.


We have not left 3D shape behind as we will be looking at them in data handling plus we will next week have the elves workshop for Christmas. Where we will be wrapping parcels of all manner of 3D shape. Please continue to discuss 3D shape names if you get any deliveries this week in boxes or look at the containers and food in your kitchen cupboards to see if you can spot any cubes or cuboids, cylinders, spheres, pyramids or if anyone is lucky enough to have a Toblerone bar then triangular prisms. Enjoy playing spot the shape.


For health and wellbeing, we are continuing to explore social wellbeing through Elmer stories. This week we shared the story The Gruffalo’s child to explore a number of themes.  We examined why it was dangerous for the Gruffalo’s Child to go out at night on her own in the dark wood. The children were very clear on why this was dangerous and helped reinforce a little about Stranger Danger too. The children will be involved in lots of teamwork games and activities around this story and we will engage in cross curricular learning linked to STEM, forces and friction, winter, as well as the development of good listening skills for learning and being responsible citizens and overall demonstrating kindness towards others using this story.


Thanks again for supporting your children with their homework tasks and all that you do at home to help them learn.


Wishing you a lovely relaxing week ahead.

Mrs Carey






December 1, 2022
by Mrs Johnstone

P7 – 1st December 2022

It’s hard to believe it’s the 1st of December: this term is flying by! We’re delighted to be getting the Christmas tree decorated and the Advent calendar up in P7.

This week we also celebrated St.Andrew’s day through Interdisciplinary Learning. We found out about who St.Andrew was through an outdoor scavenger hunt where pupils worked together to find clues in the playground and read them to answer some quiz questions.

We also had a research challenge to find out about a Successful Scot. Pupils were asked to use the internet to locate information, make notes and then create their own PowerPoint about their given Scot. Then everyone shared their learning by presenting their slideshows. We found out about: Sir Andy Murray, Charles Rennie Mackintosh, Nicola Sturgeon, Alexander Fleming, Katherine Grainger, Nicola Benedetti and William Wallace.

We also enjoyed some Scottish themed art by designing our own tartans using gouache paint to create patterns from horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines. We will use these to make some Scottish silhouette pictures.

Our topic on World War 2 continued with us learning more about what it was like for children at this time. Did you know that during WW2 millions of gas masks were given out in Britain and children would practise putting them on through regular gas mask drills at school; everyone was encouraged to carry their mask with them at all times.  We put our technology skills to the test by making model gas masks.

In Numeracy, we have continued working on multiplication of decimal numbers. It would be very helpful if pupils regularly practise the times tables at home. There are lots of games to help with this on and

Have a lovely weekend when it arrives!

November 30, 2022
by Mrs Campbell

Christmas Dates for your Diary

Friday 9th December Christmas Lunch
Tuesday 13th December P1-P7 Nativity 9.30am  and  2pm

at Hurlford Church

Wednesday 14th December Pm  Party ( P5 & P6  pupils)

3-4.30pm Christmas Family Crafts night ( free)

Thursday 15th December Pm  Party ( P4  pupils)

3-4.30pm Christmas Family Crafts night ( free)

Friday 16th December Pm  Party ( P2 & P3 pupils)
Monday 19th December Christmas Fayre 6-7.30pm
Tuesday 20th December 10am PANTO 

7-8.30pm P7 party

Wednesday 21st December Pm Party (all P1  pupils)  /ECC party
Thursday 22nd December 9.30 am Christmas Service at Hurlford Church
Friday 23rd December  

School closes 2.30pm

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