Hurlford Primary School and Early Childhood Centre

An East Ayrshire Council School

December 16, 2022
by Miss Baillie

Primary 1 – week beginning 12th December

Hello Primary 1 😀

One more week to go before the Christmas holiday. We have been very busy over the last couple of weeks getting ready for our Nativity (which I think you can agree the children were amazing at performing and singing in) and making our glitter baubles for the Christmas Fayre.

I hope you are all excited about all the Christmas activities that we have coming up next week and the panto on Tuesday which will be a lot of fun. We have an nice elf in the class called Snuggles who has been watching over the class to make sure everyone is being kind and working hard. So far he is very impressed and he hopes we can keep it up!

Please click on the image below to have a peek at what we have been very busy with this week.

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Have an amazing weekend,

Miss Baillie

December 16, 2022
by Mrs Carey

Primary 2 Friday 16th Decemeber

Good morning, this has been a very exciting day week with our Christmas Nativity taking centre stage. The children loved learning and singing the songs and for anyone that managed along to the church on Tuesday I’m sure they would agree the singing was fab. WE have enjoyed the songs so much we will be singing them some more next week in class! Our school Christmas parties have started and today it is our turn. The children are all excited and looking wonderful and really looking forward to dancing the afternoon away. The weather this week has been a big feature as it has been too cold to go out and of course slippy so this has helped our understanding of winter and the change of the seasons. Hopefully next week will be better and we will be able to get back outdoors.


In literacy we are continuing to revise and learn our initial sounds and this week we have been learning all about the letter uU for the sound umbrella, up and uniform. We have been wearing elf and Santa hats in class when working in Santa’s workshop as our uniform. The children have loved writing letters in our office, stamping and creating paper patterns. The elves have also assisted Santa by wrapping lots of presents and delivering them. It’s certainly been a busy class this week. The children continue to concentrate hard developing decoding skills using a Christmas theme for 3 letter words with a, e, i,  o  and u in the middle. I hope you are now beginning to see in your child’s reading that they are becoming more confident at deciphering 3 letter words due to their phoneme knowledge and can now make 3 letter words well helping our writing skills. You may have noticed in their homework that we have moved the focus onto rhyme and 3 letter words. The children enjoy being word detectives skimming and scanning for words and this week we have used some super Christmas books to find common words using finger torches.


Please could you continue to support your child with their reading. The children are continually learning skills in blending letters together to read words they are not familiar with by using their knowledge of the initial sounds. Thanks this is really helpful.


In maths  we are continuing with data handling and Venn Diagrams. The children actively made a Venn diagram with 3D shapes of different colours and then sorted some Christmas presents to reinforce this understanding. Using tally marks and bundling bigger items/ numbers into groups of 5 helped us sort larger numbers of parcels.



For health and wellbeing, we have used the Nativity story to promote kindness and consideration for others and the importance of sharing. We have even been managed to link sharing with our maths and early fraction work.


Thanks again for supporting your children with their homework tasks and hope you enjoyed sharing the Christmas tree maths task this week.


Thank you for all that you do at home to support your child’s learning.


Wishing you a lovely relaxing week ahead, if that’s possible on the lead up to Christmas.

Thanks again

Rosie Carey

December 16, 2022
by Mrs Barclay

P4F Weekly Blog 16.12.22

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Particularly this week, with all the ice and snow!

We have had a very Christmassy week, here’s a peek at what we’ve been up to:

In literacy, our elf Sneaky Buddy had brought us The Christmasaurus to read. Pupils are really enjoying the story and are eager to find out how the story ends! We’ve been completing lots of activities linked to our book, from our comprehension strategies to STEM challenges!

In Maths, we’ve been working on developing our data handling skills. We sorted data about elves into a Venn and Carroll diagram. Pupils did very well deciding on how the elves should be sorted, opting for elves wearing green and elves wearing red and were able to display this clearly with the correct headings in their jotters. We started looking at time with Mrs Ferguson by exploring calendar dates and identifying months of the year in which certain festivals take place.

In other areas, we completed our IDL topic this week and completed a mini assessment. Pupils have really enjoyed constructing circuits and completing experiments throughout. We also learned about the journey of electricity where pupils became a part of the circuit and demonstrated with ribbon how it travels. Thank you again for your support with enterprise homework of creating a kite about Benjamin Franklin. Pupils did a fantastic job and were really creative!

We also joined P4S for our Christmas party and had a great time dancing and playing games!

We have our pantomime and Christmas service next week as well as lots of fun Christmas activities leading up to Christmas. Can’t quite believe Christmas is next week!

Mrs Barclay and Mrs Ferguson

Merry Christmas" GIFs From Movies by Holidays | GIPHY

December 16, 2022
by Mrs McMillan

P3 Friday 16th December

It’s certainly been feeling like winter this week – so cold.

But the run up to Christmas is on and everyone is getting super excited.

This week was nativity and our party this afternoon and next week is the panto and church service.

Here is a look at a couple of things we’ve been up to

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December 16, 2022
by Miss Steedman

W.C. 12.12.22 P4S

Happy Friday Everyone,

It’s been a busy week in P4S this week where we have been finishing off different activities and enjoying some Christmas festivities too.

In Numeracy, there have been a few end of unit check ups for Addition and Subtraction which pupils worked extremely hard and superbly well to complete.

In Literacy, we have been reading Michael Morpurgo’s winter story ‘Coming Home’ about a Robin who travels afar to make his way home for winter.  There have been many activities around the book including a story map, descriptive work and a thought provoking debate (or, Thought Tunnel) where our own Robin had to decide whether to carry on with their journey after all that they had been through.  In the end, Robin chose to continue and made it safely to the place they call Home.  Pupils were also asked about what Home means to them which was a lovely activity.  On Wednesday, we made bird cakes for the birds in our gardens, which I hope have been enjoyed over the last few freezing, frosty days.

Yesterday, P4S joined P4P for their Christmas Party where there was music, dancing, games and lots of fun to be had.  Pupils were very colourfully dressed in their party outfits which was wonderful.

So, we come to the end of another busy week and I wish you all the very best for a lovely weekend.


Miss Steedman


December 16, 2022
by Ms Wilson

P6: Week beginning 12th December 2022

It’s really looking a lot like Christmas – what a chilly week!

Primary 6 have been continuing to work hard and have been very busy. Here’s a round up of what we’ve been doing.

Literacy: we have been using summarising skills to create headlines and captions to tell the Nativity Story.  We have also been writing our own Christmas stories suitable for a younger audience.

Numeracy & Maths: The focus has been on finding equivalent fractions using fraction walls and by multiplication. We are all got the hang of it quite quickly. We continued to work on Time with Miss Gibson on Wednesday.

On Tuesday we enjoyed taking part as the choir for the Nativity at the church. Everyone sang really well and it was a great success.

For our Africa topic we used research and ICT skills to find information on African habitats and wildlife.  We then created illustrated fact files and shared our learning with our peers.

In Art & Design, P6 have been making 3D calendars for the Christmas Fayre – we hope you like them!

We had an super time at the P5 & P6 Christmas party on Wednesday afternoon.  We played lots of games and took part in some traditional Scottish dancing as well as a few old favourites such as the Macarena!

Enjoy the weekend.


December 16, 2022
by Miss Frew

P5 Last Blog of 2022!

Oh my goodness, time is flying by! Can’t believe next weekend is Christmas!

Festivities are well underway here as this week we have enjoyed the Nativity performances which were fantastic and P5 and P6 had their Christmas party.

Next week we have the pantomime on Tuesday and church service on Thursday before our last day on Friday!

As it’s our last blog of 2022, I wanted to thank you all for your support with lots of things over the past term. As a celebration of all of the hard work and effort put in by our pupils, I have made a sway of some pictures and videos from this term. Hope you enjoy! Click on the sway to view:

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December 15, 2022
by Mrs Johnstone

P7 – 15th December 2022

It has been a fun-filled festive week in P7! Here’s what we’ve been up to…

Christmas Fayre Crafts

We worked in groups to follow a recipe to make some delicious dog biscuits to sell at the Fayre. Our art and design skills were also required to design eye-catching packaging to attract some pet- loving buyers. I’m sure you’ll agree that P7 have done an amazing job!

In addition, we were also making gift tags and decorations for sale too.


Our unit on multiples and factors came to an end with us learning about prime numbers and prime factors. We then completed an end of unit check-up to see how much we’ve learned.


We have been demonstrating our reading skills by reading information texts linking to our current topic on World War 2. This week we read more about what it was like for children then, followed by answering a variety of questions.

We’ve also been enjoying listening to the story, ‘Friend or Foe’ by Michael Morpurgo.


Having learned about rationing during World War 2 and the need to ‘Make Do and Mend’, we tried our hand at making poms – poms. This proved to be a fun but challenging task as it was tricky to keep the wool in place when trimming around the circle.

We’re looking forward to the Fayre, the Pantomime and our party next week!
Have a lovely weekend when it arrives.

December 14, 2022
by Mrs Campbell

Coming soon ! Christmas Fayre – Monday 19th December, 22 at 6-7.30pm


ECC/Primary Children go free.

  • CHRISTMAS HAMPER – RAFFLE TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM THE MAIN OFFICE ( £1 PER STRIP or 25p a ticket) Tickets will also be available at the Fayre.

We are still collecting the following:
-Nearly new children’s clothes ( please wash prior to handing in)
-Nearly new adults clothes ( please wash prior to handing in)
-Nearly new toys or cuddley toys ( please no broken toys or toys with missing pieces.
-Nearly new books ( adult and childrens)
-Bottles for bottle staff
-Raffle prizes
-Baking ( please hand in on the morning of the 19th Dec.)

Thank you to everyone who have handed in items.  Your help is much appreciated.



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