Hurlford Primary School and Early Childhood Centre

An East Ayrshire Council School

January 20, 2023
by Mrs Carey

Friday 20th January Primary 2

Good morning, we have been very busy settling back into school routines and would like to draw your attention to our new gym slots for term 3. From next week we will be having gymnastics on a Thursday and ball skills on a Friday. Please can you send your child with shorts and gym shoes on both days and remove any earrings or jewellery too, this will be a great help. On a Thursday because it is gymnastics please could your child wear socks not tights, joggers or leggings for safety. If possible could your child please also wear shoes that they can get on and off by themselves, this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

In literacy we are continuing to revise and learn our initial sounds and this week we have been learning all about the letter uU for the sound unicorn and uniform in addition to the sound that u makes in the words umbrella and up.  The children have loved building a den in the class for under to help reinforce this phonics work. The children are continuing to concentrate hard developing decoding skills making 3 letter words with a, e, i, o and u in the middle. I hope you are now beginning to see in your child’s reading that they are becoming more confident at deciphering 3 letter words due to their phoneme knowledge and can now make 3 letter words well helping our writing skills. I have included a homework task involving rhyming 3 letter words. Thanks for your support with reading and helping your child gain confidence and in turn this will develop their fluency. The children enjoy being word detectives skimming and scanning for words using finger torches in class but this could be adapted at home with your child’s own books.

Topic Toys – the children are now having a go at reading unfamiliar stories and texts using their knowledge of the reading strategies across the curriculum. We are currently exploring the topic toys and how they work so if you have any books or are playing a game can you please support your child to understand the rules or encourage them to have a go at reading less familiar words. Through toys we are looking at forces, magnetism and how toys have evolved so if you have any of your childhood toys or game, it would be nice if you could look at them together too.

In maths, we are continuing are looking at addition. Counting quickly in 2s, 5s and 10s. I will add some Education City games for the children to try out.

For health and wellbeing, we are looking at safety and medicines alongside the continued importance of sharing, caring and social skills.

Thanks again for supporting your children with their homework tasks and have a good weekend.

Thank you for all that you do at home to support your child’s learning.

Wishing you a lovely relaxing week ahead.

Mrs Carey








January 20, 2023
by Ms Wilson

P6:week beginning 16th January 2023

What a quick week, here’s a round up of what Primary 6 have been doing.

For Literacy, we have been using research skills to prepare non- chronological reports on African animals. We then made information posters for our display. Our spelling focus was words with a soft c as in city. On Tuesday we started reading our class novel ‘The Demon Headmaster’. We made predictions about the story and were introduced to the main characters.

In Numeracy, we continued to work on fractions. We learned how to simply fractions by using division. Knowing our times tables facts really helps!

On Wednesday we started a new block of French lessons. We were learning how to introduce ourselves and tell our partner how we were feeling. We were all tres bien!

For Art & Design, we used printing and collage skills to create winter landscapes. We also finished our African ndebele patterns. We all did a great job.

Our Lion King rehearsals went really well and everyone played to the best of their abilities. We split into our three groups then shared our learning at the end.

We’re all ready for a bit of a rest at the weekend.

See you on Tuesday!

January 20, 2023
by Miss Steedman

w/c 16.1.23 P4S

Good Morning and a Happy New Year to you all,

During our first two weeks back we have been learning and practising multiplication facts from the 6, 8 and 9 times tables using different activities to help reinforce our knowledge.  We have created our own ‘Helping Hands’ resource to help us memorise the facts or help us if the question is a bit tricky.  Using this resource, we learned a great trick to help us learn the facts from the 9x table which was magical.


We created paper chains and used them in different activities which have also helped us to learn the facts.  Please ask us any questions from these tables and we will be able to tell you the answers.

In P.E. this week, we began to learn a bit about Badminton and spent time practising our aim by trying to land the shuttlecock into different hoops.  It’s not as easy as it looks!  😉

In ICT, we have been using the Paint app and have created some very colourful pictures which we learned how to save to the laptop then send via an e-mail or upload into MS Teams.  Our ICT skills are growing all the time.

Everyone has been given a copy of the Scots Verse poem, Street Talk, by J. K. Annand, we have started practising it in class and it is sounding great.

It’s been a busy couple of weeks in P4S.

Have a great weekend Everyone,

Miss Steedman

January 20, 2023
by Miss Frew

P5 Weekly Blog 20.1.23

Good morning!

This is the first blog of 2023, I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and New Year and are feeling refreshed after the break.

The past few weeks have been focused on getting back into the routine of the classroom, revising what we have already covered and looking to the term ahead and setting some goals. Here is a summary of what we’ve been up to:

In literacy, we have been continuing to practice our cursive handwriting. Lots of the pupils are making good progress and are really proud of their efforts, keep practising! We have also been reading more of our novel “The Butterfly Lion” by Michael Morpurgo. Through this novel, the pupils have been developing their vocabulary and comprehension skills as well as researching some aspects mentioned in the story. P5 have all said they have been enjoying doing the task boards in class as it allows them to choose their own tasks and work independently. For writing this term, we will be focusing on persuasive writing and on Thursday we explored the features of persuasive writing and what persuasive phrases sounded like. The pupil were then put to the test and given the challenge to find 6 topic cards hidden in the playground and try to write to persuade their readers to agree with them on a a particular topic. We had great fun and certainly have some very persuasive pupils in our class!

In maths we have been revising what we know about shape and have been investigating different types of triangles and how to draw circles of a given radius. Although using a compass was tricky, the pupils demonstrated determination and were able to improve their skills. We also began to look at 3D shapes and their properties and enjoying a carousel of activities to explore these.

In other areas, we have been discussing New Year’s Resolutions and have chosen one to focus on for this term. We made bunting and hung it up in our classroom to remind us of our goals.

As we discovered, a lot of New Year’s Resolutions focused on improving our health and this term for health and wellbeing we will be exploring the effect of substances such as nicotine and what effect they have on the body.

We are continuing our Disney rehearsals as our show date comes ever closer! Keep an eye on the school app for updates on required props, costumes and important information!

Have a lovely weekend!

-Miss Frew x

Have A Nice Weekend" Images – Browse 442 Stock Photos, Vectors, and Video |  Adobe Stock

January 19, 2023
by Mrs Johnstone

P7 Weekly Update

It has been lovely to see some sunshine this week despite the freezing weather! However, the cold temperatures have linked nicely to our numeracy work where we have been learning about negative numbers by reading thermometer scales, playing a variety of games and carrying out addition and subtraction questions.   We are still getting the hang of calculations involving negative numbers and will continue to practise next week.  If you would like to learn more at home, you could have a look together at the website or follow this link  Adding and Subtracting Positive and Negative Numbers (

Literacy & English work has also been keeping us busy. We have been using close reading skills and strategies to work out the meanings of unfamiliar words within a story , we call this Metalinguistics.  This activity also helps develop dictionary skills as we look up each word to check our own ideas based on the clues in the text.  The APOSTROPHE    has been the focus punctuation mark this week and everyone has had a good go at using it in contractions and to show  possession; we will build on this next week by looking at how to show possession when a word is plural.  The main challenge now is to remember to use apostrophes when writing independently.  In Taught Writing, we have started a block on character descriptions which was introduced with some VCOP activities; everyone made a great effort to use ambitious vocabulary and connectives in these activities.

Interdisciplinary Learning has taken place though our World War 2 topic, which is coming to an end soon.  Listening and talking skills were being well used as the class discussed the changing roles of women through the 1930s and 40s as they took up employment as part of the war effort.  There was some great teamwork on display as pairs worked together to produce propaganda posters to encourage women into the Women’s Land Army, Air Raid Precautions, Women’s Voluntary Service and the Munitions Factories.  The class took to the playground for an outdoor reading challenge too, locating information to complete a crossword about The Battle of Britain.  This was a tricky task but it was super to see pupils working together and persevering to try to use the information and solve the clues.

Drama was about improvisation this week, there was lots of thinking on the spot and role-play going on.  The excellent skills developed through last year’s Aladdin production were clear to see.

Swimming was back with a splash today and was a big success.  Everyone took part with a positive, enthusiastic attitude and great progress has been made already!

Have a great weekend when it arrives.

January 13, 2023
by EAjoanne.mair2@glow


Well Done to HOLMES who won the pizza party for term 1 and term 2.

We enjoyed Dominos pizzas and then a movie afternoon with snacks!

The count has started again to earn points and tokens for houses and the next reward party will be in June.


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