Hurlford Primary School and Early Childhood Centre

An East Ayrshire Council School

January 27, 2023
by Mrs Barclay

P4F Week Beginning 16.1.23

It’s been a quick couple of weeks back, here’s what Primary 4 have been up to:

In literacy, we have been developing our reading skills using our comprehension strategies. We used task maps this week to provide more choice of which strategy we would be working on each day. Our spelling focus for this week has been on the common spelling rule ‘wa’ as in wall. In writing we have been building our knowledge on description and used our description bubbles to help us describe images on the board, as well as developing an adjective word bank. We hope to use this knowledge next week to help us describe a character.

In numeracy, we have started to look at multiplication. Recapping previous learning from P3, we have started off looking at the 2,5 and 10 times table. Completing various activities to help us recall our prior learning.

In HWB, we have been looking at medicine safety. We had fantastic discussions around who should give us medicine? Why we take it? Where it should be kept? and what we should do it if we find any medicine. We then completed a quiz to demonstrate our learning.

We had great fun in our STEM session with Mrs Ferguson where we were looking at fingerprints and noticing that each print was unique and different.

Hope you have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Barclay x

January 27, 2023
by Ms Wilson

P6: week beginning 23rd January 2023

It’s Friday again. Primary 6 have been working very hard on a wide range of activities.

On Tuesday,  we welcomed Mrs MacLeod to our class. She will we working with us for the next few weeks and helping us with our learning.

In Literacy, we enjoyed reading the next chapter of our class novel ‘The Demon Headmaster’. We found out that the main characters go to a very unusual school. For writing we looked at the features of chronological reports and our next step is to plan and write our own report in time order. We also learned about prepositions and how useful they are in our writing.

In Numeracy we have continued to work on fractions. This week we learned how to find fractions of amounts using division and multiplication. We also had a go at creating and solving our own fractions problems.

We enjoyed our art task this week which involved using art straws to create a collage picture of a Chinese temple to tie in with Chinese New year.

On Wednesday we had a very exciting time at Newmilns ski slope for our first skiing lesson. It was quite tricky but we had great fun.

For our Disney rehearsal, we learned a new song and polished up on our lines and dance moves.

Next week we will be continuing with our Africa topic with the focus on animal camouflage.

Have a great weekend everyone.

January 27, 2023
by Mrs Carey

Friday 27th January Primary 2

Good morning yesterday was very exciting having gymnastics for the first time which the children loved and were proud to demonstrate their sequences. Later on, today we will have ball skills. Please can you send your child with shorts and gym shoes next week on both Thursday and Friday plus remove any earrings or jewellery too, this will be a great help. Thank you.


In literacy this week we have been learning about the letter hH and set up a hairdressers in the home corner making appointments, and styling hair. Next week we are planning to add a takeaway menu to our home corner. Through various play activities the children are working hard to develop decoding skills  and some 4 letter words. I hope you are now beginning to notice the development in your child’s reading and that they are becoming more confident at deciphering 3 /4 letter words  for homework now, please could you support your children to write 3 sentences. Please encourage your children to try to spell out words when creating their sentences where possible. Please start your sentences with Here is .. I can see/hear … and Look at …this will help our writing skills in class. Thanks for your support with reading helping your child gain confidence and fluency. The children enjoy being word detectives skimming and scanning for words using finger torches in class. We will share many of these skills with you next week at our ‘Stay and Play’ sessions.


Topic Toys – we have got some retro toys in class which we have been trying to find more about like how they work. A wind-up fire engine with internal cogs that turn when the key winds it up making the motor move forward. However, the shuttle ball is proving to be the most popular and involves lots of pushing and pulling to make the ball move along the strings. Lots of fun and great for explaining the use of forces. Next, we will look at magnetism.


In maths, we are learning to count on to find the missing number in our calculations now. and extending our skills in addition.  Counting quickly in 2s, 5s and 10s. You might like to try these activities on Education City.

Addition Impossible                  Bonds, number bonds               Prince Charming


For health and wellbeing, we are looking at safety and medicines alongside  sharing, caring and development of good social skills. This week we looked at where we can safely get medicine and how we store it.

Thanks again for supporting your children with their homework tasks and have a good weekend.

We are looking forward to welcoming you to our class next week for our ‘Stay and Play ‘ sessions.

Wishing you a lovely relaxing week ahead.

Mrs Carey








January 27, 2023
by Miss Frew

P5 Weekly Blog 27th January 2023

Another busy week has passed in P5 and we are full steam ahead for the challenges this term!


In literacy we have been exploring verbs and learning to identify them in a text. We know that verbs are doing words and we began to look at different verb tenses. This will be useful for our taught writing in the future. Speaking of writing, we are now focusing on persuasive writing and enjoyed some outdoor learning and team challenges to look at the features of persuasive writing. We started writing our own piece, trying to convince people to agree with our favourite season. We will continue this and redraft this next week. For spelling this week, we have been learning how to find words in a thesaurus to help us develop our vocabulary. The pupils were able to do this well as it built on their previous experience of finding words in a dictionary.

In maths, we have finished our unit on 2D and 3D shape and completed a rather tricky assessment this week! All of the pupils gave 110% and were able to clearly demonstrate their learning. Next week we will be starting a unit on data handling and will firstly be investigating tally tables. This will feed into a holistic task based on our class topic of Africa.

In other areas, the pupils have been enjoying developing their badminton skills in PE. We focused on serving the shuttle this week and will be continuing this for the next few weeks. For health and wellbeing the pupils were able to put their previous knowledge of the human body to the test as we explored the effects on alcohol on the human body. We were able to discuss the laws regarding alcohol and name a few short term and long term effects on the body. Our production of Disney is going well and we will be focusing on polishing our musical numbers and drama scenes.

Thank you for reading our blog. Have a lovely weekend!

-Miss Frew x

January 26, 2023
by Mrs Johnstone

P7 Week beginning 23rd January

It has been a super week in P7 so far!  Read on for an update on some of the learning that has been taking place.

Swimming is going extremely well with all pupils trying their very best and making the most of their time in the pool.

Numeracy work has continued with a focus on negative numbers and solving calculations.  This has been a challenging unit of work but everyone has worked hard and has made good progress.  Next we will be refreshing our knowledge of division and trying to build confidence with this type of operation.

Everyone in the class has been given a copy of ‘To a Mouse’ by Robert Burns for the school’s Scots Verse Competition.  I have been so impressed by the number of pupils who have shown an interest in learning and reciting the poem; well done to all those who had a go at verse one in front of the class yesterday.  Pupils who would like to enter the competition should learn the select verses by the week beginning Monday 6th February.

Continuing the theme of Robert Burns, one Social Studies task this week was to create a chronological timeline to show the main events from his life.  This activity promoted team work, time management, and developed skills in research and presentation.

This week in  Drama the class were working in groups to continue a script.  Next week the challenge will be to act out their scripts and give feedback to each other.

A new homework grid has been added to the jotters: one of the literacy activities should be completed each week.  Look out for a range of new spelling activities which will be added next week.  Please also  look out for the Library form which we hope you are able to complete and return as soon as possible.

Have a lovely weekend when it arrives!


January 20, 2023
by Miss Baillie

P1 – Week beginning 16th January

Hello Primary 1,

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Can you believe it is nearing the end of January already. We have been super busy since being back for a new term. Click on the image below for a look at our busy week!

Go to this Sway

Have a wonderful weekend,

Miss Baillie

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