Hurlford Primary School and Early Childhood Centre

An East Ayrshire Council School

February 3, 2023
by Miss Steedman

w/c 30.1.23 P4S

Happy Friday Everyone,

We have had another busy week in P4S but I also want to mention an activity which we gave over much of last Friday to which was a research project that the children worked very hard to produce amazing results.  In pairs, pupils were asked to choose a famous Scottish personality.  Then, they used their extraordinary internet research skills to find out all about that person and create a poster with their findings.  After that, the children were asked to present their posters.  All in a day’s work and a very, very good day it was.


This week, P4S have been equally as busy as last week, revising their multiplication tables knowledge and using this to complete column calculations by multiplying 2 and 3 digit numbers by a single digit.  Pupils are handling this knowledge superbly and take each new challenge in their stride.

We have also begun our new Class Novel which is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl, we have delved into the author’s amazing use of description in the first few chapters which has been inspiring.   Linked to this is our new topic – Chocolate and FairTrade – and we have been learning about the History of Chocolate this week too.  It’s all very mouth watering stuff!

Have a wonderful weekend Everyone,

Miss Steedman

February 2, 2023
by Mrs Johnstone

P7 Week beg. 30.01.23

What a quick week it has been in P7!

We have completed our World War 2 topic by learning about VE Day and VJ Day and designing medals of bravery. We also finished listening to the book, ‘Friend or Foe,’ by Michael Morpurgo which is about two evacuees.  We enjoyed trying to predict what would happen next.

Everyone did really well with identifying singular and plural words and deciding where to place apostrophes to show possession.  This can be tricky, especially when some plural words just add s (e.g cats) and others change (child- children).

We have revised the concept of division and some of us had a go at using numicon to help visualise the calculations. This will be developed further next week.

There were some fantastic writing skills on display when creating a character called The Jar Wizard, with lots of similes and metaphors being used to add detail.

Mrs Ferguson turned P7 pupils into forensic scientists on Tuesday by investigating fingerprints and the best materials for capturing them. They tested lots of different materials, such as flour, whiteboard pens and cocoa powder.

Here are a few photos showing some of last week’s work about Robert Burns and Chinese New Year.

Please hand in homework jotters on Friday and remember to visit the homework folder.

Keep practising for the Scots Verse Competition too as finalists will be chosen on Wednesday. 

January 31, 2023
by EAjoanne.mair2@glow


We have had a brilliant time with the stay and play sessions and hope you have enjoyed them as much as the pupils and staff have – it has been lovely seeing you all back in the school building!

We will soon be issuing letters for P1 – P3 regarding our Fun with Phonics sessions with pupils and staff but wanted to give you dates in advance, as we know some parents may require to request time off work to attend.  Dates are as follows:

Primary 1 – Tuesday 21st Feb from 2.00pm – 3.00pm

Primary 2 – Tuesday 28th Feb from 2.00pm – 3.00pm

Primary 3 – Tuesday 7th March from 2.00pm – 3.00pm


January 31, 2023
by Mrs Campbell

Ever thought of Childminding as a Career?

East Ayrshire Council Provides Pre-Registration Training and support FREE of charge to anyone residing in East Ayrshire who is looking to become a childminder.

We offer free pre-registration courses to help people through the registration and policy writing process.

The training programme will explore what is involved to become a childminder, providing assistance and support to meet the requirements set out by the Care Inspectorate.

The subjects covered are listed below:

  • Aims and Objectives, Complaints Procedure, Open Access and confidentiality
  • In Care Safety
  • Risk Assessment, Emergency Procedures, Fire Safety, Accidents and incidents
  • Play Activities, Record Keeping, Equal Opportunities
  • Personal Plans for Children
  • Promoting Positive Behaviour
  • Basic Awareness of Child Protection
  • The Self Evaluation Process
  • The Business Side of Childminding

For any further information about pre-registration training contact

Lauraine Sinclair, Community Childcare Support Officer, Crosshouse Campus,Playingfield Road,Crosshouse KA2 0JJ



January 27, 2023
by Miss Steedman

P4S wc 23.1.23

Happy Friday Everyone,

It’s been a busy week in P4S with lots of revision of our multiplication facts and using this knowledge to answer column calculations when multiplying 2 digit numbers by a single digit number. We spent time talking through the strategies to use and how to set the calculations out in our Numeracy jotters.  By sharing our knowledge with each other, by helping each other with our understanding, it means that we were able to follow the strategy step by step where it might before have been a bit confusing.  Most of us agreed that this helped a lot.

This week, we have learned about Chinese New Year and the story of the Chinese Zodiac (where all the different animals were chosen by the Jade Emperor to represent a new year in the Chinese Calendar).  To celebrate, we made colourful Chinese Dragons.


We have also been practising our Scots Verse Poem (Street Talk) and are working on a piece of Robert Burns art which will be displayed outside our classroom soon.

In Literacy, we wrote a letter of complaint which pupils completed in a most polite way and gave very strong arguments for their opinions.

It’s been a busy week, have a lovely weekend,

Best wishes,

Miss Steedman

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