Hurlford Primary School and Early Childhood Centre

An East Ayrshire Council School

February 3, 2023
by Miss Baillie

Primary 1 – Week beginning 30th January

Hello Primary 1 😀

Another super busy week in Primary 1 this week. I hope you have all had a fabulous week. Please click on the image below to have a peek at what we have been very busy with this week.

Go to this Sway

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Baillie

February 3, 2023
by Mrs Carey

Friday 3rd February Primary 2

This has been a very busy week with lots happening.  The children enjoyed having family members in class and sharing some of their learning. It has been a great experience and hopefully informative and helpful at providing an insight into some of our approaches in literacy and maths.


In literacy this week we have been learning about the letter wW and using construction and role play to re-tell the story of Sleeping Beauty. This is something we are developing across the curriculum through the aid of Bitz and Bob and Princess Purl who just like Sleeping Beauty had a spell cast upon her to make her sleep. The only way that she could be woken up was by ringing a very large bell which had to be winched up on a pulley in order to make it ring and awaken Princess Purl. Next week we are planning to make a pulley and test it. In addition, we will have our takeaway menu in our home corner. As you can see our play activities are helping  to develop decoding skills and some 4 letter words. We will also use syllables and decoding skills to look at more complex words through our Rising Stars reading books. I hope to shortly provide you with online access to reading books from this scheme. Thanks for your support with reading and helping your child to gain confidence and fluency. Your children may have shown you how we use finger torches in class to find our key phonemes and key words each week.



In maths, we are learning to count on to find the missing number in our calculations now. and extending our skills in addition.  We are gradually moving from concrete items to count and add to more abstract resources such as using ten frames and counters. Counting quickly in 2s, 5s and 10s. Please see Education City for some activities to support our class work.


This week for health and wellbeing we will have fun being Doctors and Nurses looking after the dolls in class writing prescriptions taking care of medicines in role play alongside  sharing, caring and development of good social skills.


Thanks again for supporting your children with their homework tasks and have a good weekend.


Wishing you a lovely relaxing week ahead.

Mrs Carey





February 3, 2023
by Mrs Barclay

Week Beginning 30.1.23 P4F

Happy Friday and another busy week in Primary 4F, here’s our highlights:

In Literacy, we have been looking at non-fiction texts and their features and how they differ from fiction books. Our reading books were all about Wild Weather and Night Animals which pupils really enjoyed learning some facts about! We had a revision week for spelling, practicing the phonemes we have learned over the last few weeks.

In Numeracy, P4F have been very busy working on our multiplication skills and using different strategies including arrays, repeated addition and equal groups to help us. We created Cityscapes using our knowledge of arrays for the 2, 5 and 10 times tables. Some pupils were able to apply their knowledge of arrays to different tables we’ve not yet looked at which was fantastic! We have also been working time with Mrs Ferguson learning about o’clock and half past the hour.

We started our new IDL topic of Chocolate and Fairtrade this week and begun by looking at the history of chocolate. Pupils has to use their teamwork and problem solving skills to unjumble the timeline created using the key events they had learned about. We had great discussions taking place. I’m excited to see where this topic will take us!

A quick reminder homework is handed out on a Monday to be returned on a Friday. Your support with this is much appreciated and supports the work children are completing in class.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Barclay x

February 3, 2023
by Ms Wilson

P6: week beginning 30th January 2023

It’s been another busy week and we can’t believe we’re into February already! Here’s what Primary 6 have been learning this week.

In Literacy we were discussing and writing some facts and our opinions about items in the news. For spelling we focused on words with a soft g, as in general. Our writing task was to use evidence in our class novel to write a diary entry for one of the main characters. Our next step is to check, edit and improve our work. We also focused on identifying and using pronouns to avoid repetition in our writing.

For Numeracy this week we revised the key learning in fractions and completed an assessment. We also practised our division strategies and began new work on decimals.

We enjoyed investigating animal camouflage as part of our Africa topic. Did you know there are at least 4 different types of camouflage? Ask us all about them. We applied our knowledge and understanding to create our own camouflage pictures and designs.

Our Lion King rehearsals have been very productive. The singing, dancing and acting skills are amazing and the Production Team has been very busy making scenery and props. Everyone played to the best of their abilities.

Enjoy your weekend!

February 3, 2023
by Miss Frew

P5 Weekly Blog Week Beginning 20th February 2023


It’s nice to be back after the February weekend! Here is an overview of what we have been doing the past few weeks:

In literacy, we have focused on the “oo” phoneme for spelling. We were able to read a phoneme story and identify all of the “oo” words within it. We also practiced our spelling with our common words. We  have been developing our vocabulary by using a thesaurus. We learned that words with a similar meaning are called synonyms and we have been using our understanding of this to up-level our sentences. For our writing, we focused on persuasive writing and found it quite a challenge! We wrote a first draft, explored strong examples and identified the features of persuasive writing and then used this to re-draft and improve our own work. This week, we will be writing a persuasive piece trying to convince people to come and see our show, The Lion King!

In maths, we have began a unit of work based on data handling. We began by exploring tally charts and are able to read and write tally marks, knowing what to do when we reach a multiple of 5. We also explored bar graphs and pictograms and will be using our understanding of these to create a poster displaying the school’s favourite African animal.

In other areas, P5 have been developing their digital literacy skills and have been creating a powerpoint all about Africa to showcase our learning. We were all able to choose appropriate designs and fonts and could insert pictures from the internet into our powerpoints. We have been chunking the challenge and have all completed this task well! We have also been learning about the effects that smoking has on our bodies and enjoyed looking at various models to support our learning.


Thank you for your continued support, we have a very busy few weeks coming up! Keep your eyes peeled!

-Mrs McDonald x

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