Hurlford Primary School and Early Childhood Centre

An East Ayrshire Council School

February 20, 2023
by Mrs Carey

Monday 20th February Primary 2

Good morning hope you had a lovely weekend. Last week in the gym the children worked very hard in gymnastics and loved and were very proud to model their sequences.  On Friday we also had ball skills and really enjoyed playing a game of football. Please can you send your child with shorts and gym shoes next week on both Thursday and Friday plus remove any earrings or jewellery too, this will be a great help. Thank you.

In literacy last week we were learning about the letter jJ and made jelly then drew and wrote some instructions about how we did this. This week we are exploring the phoneme vV and will have a Vet’s Surgery in our home corner. We will also be peeling and chopping then make vegetable sculptures or faces with to reinforce the v sound. We plan also to have a café and takeaway menu in class as well. Through various play activities the children are working hard to develop decoding skills  and some 4 letter words. I hope you are now beginning to notice the development in your child’s reading and that they are becoming more confident at deciphering 3 /4 letter words. Please could you support your children to with their reading comprehension and this can be addressed using the questions at the back of their reading book. Now that the children have a better understanding of decoding words they don’t know we are now trying to develop confidence and fluency. The children enjoy being word detectives skimming and scanning for words using finger torches in class perhaps you could try something similar with your child’s own books.

In maths, we will shortly be looking at subtraction and counting back however please continue to find opportunities at home for adding number spotting and identifying odd and even numbers.

I have added some new activities on Education City for both language and maths.

For health and wellbeing, we are will soon be completing our work on medicines and develop further skills in sharing, caring and development of good social skills using a programme of work called ‘Cool in school’. This will also involve role play and typical scenarios.

Thanks again for supporting your children with their homework this week it is a maths challenge along with reading and comprehension.


Mrs Carey








February 20, 2023
by Ms Wilson

P6: week beginning 13.02.23 and 06.02.23

Happy Monday everyone,

Primary 6 have been busy over the past two weeks on a range of lessons and activities.

In Numeracy & Maths, the focus has been on decimals. We have been doing lots of learning with Mrs MacLeod finding out the link between decimals and fractions, using number lines and recording place value of tenths and hundredths.

In Literacy, the spelling focus was words with the phoneme ‘ear’ .  We have been continuing our class novel ‘The Demon Headmaster’. We are enjoying reading the chapters together and independently. For writing we have created diary extracts and character profiles.

We are thoroughly enjoying our skiing and tubing sessions on Wednesdays.  Everyone is becoming more confident and learning lots of new skills.

In art we were learning to use charcoal and chalk to create a picture to match our character description of the Demon Headmaster.  We have also been making animal masks as part of our Africa topic.

Our Lion King rehearsals are intensifying as we near the show date.  We have learned all the songs, lines and dances are now fine-tuning our performances. We are very excited today as we are heading to the Community Centre to familiarise ourselves with being on stage and have a run through. We will all be playing to the best of our ability.



February 20, 2023
by Miss Steedman

20.2.23 P4S Weekly Class Blog

Good Morning Everyone,

Welcome to Monday! A new week!

Over the last couple of weeks (before and after our mid-term break), P4S have been very busy indeed.

In Numeracy, we began to learn about the concept of Division using language such as ‘share equally’, ‘equal groups of’ and also ‘array’ strategies to help us.  We learned about how Division is the opposite of multiplication and how knowing this can help us to build Fact Families.  Division is a tricky concept for us all so we are taking small steps so that we can understand the basics to begin with and knowing our Multiplication facts has really helped us so far.

In Literacy, we continued to read our new Class Novel – Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, by Roald Dahl. We met some new characters who are the lucky finders of some of Mr Wonka’s Golden Tickets and began to look at the personalities of these children.  Grandma Josephine was certainly not too impressed. 🙂

Our IDL topic this term is Chocolate and Fairtrade where we have so far been learning about where chocolate comes from and how it is made.  Who knew that chocolate comes from the seeds of Cacao tree pods and that Cacao trees only grow in very hot countries close to the Equator?

In our Classroom, we now have a cosy Reading Corner which we are making the most of and which we have started to decorate.  It will be most colourful when we have finished.

Have a wonderful week Everyone,

from, Miss Steedman

February 8, 2023
by EAjoanne.mair2@glow

Fun Phonics P1 – P3

Following on from the success of Stay n Play Sessions we will be inviting parents to  afternoons for P1 – P3.

P1  Tuesday 21st February @ 2pm in the dinner hall

P2  Thursday 2nd March @ 2pm in the dinner hall  NEW DATE DUE TO STRIKE ACTION

P3   Tuesday 7th March @ 2pm in the dinner hall

Slips will be in the bags next week!  Looking forward to seeing you there!

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