Hurlford Primary School and Early Childhood Centre

An East Ayrshire Council School

March 3, 2023
by Miss Frew

P5 Weekly Blog 3rd March 2023

Happy Friday!

Things just keep getting busier in the classroom and around the school and Term 3 has certainly provided us with many learning opportunities.

In literacy, we have been developing our persuasive writing skills and have focused on expanding our ideas and giving strong reasons and evidence to back up our opinions. The pupils have worked hard to include rhetorical questions and persuasive phrases in their writing and are improving on how to use paragraphs. We have also finished our “The Butterfly Lion” novel study, just in time for World Book Day! The pupils said that they loved this book as it was set back in time and they loved that it was animal themed. How will we top that story!?

In maths, we have completed a block of data handling and to demonstrate their learning, pupils made posters of the schools favourite African animal. In teams, P5s created a survey, collected data in a tally table from a specific class and displayed that data in two different ways. All of their information was then displayed on a poster which you may be able to see if you come and see our performance of The Lion King!

In other areas, we’ve had a visit from members of the East Ayrshire Fairtrade group who gave us a talk all about Fairtrade and focused on Fairtrade coffee. We will be continuing to explore this theme next week. It’s been all systems go for our Lion King performance! We have tried on our costumes and our scenery is all ready. The pupils are super excited about next week and I’m sure you will be blown away by their talent, confidence and determination to make this show the best they can.

It’s beginning to feel a bit more spring like, here’s hoping the sun shines over the weekend!

-Mrs McDonald x

Have a lovely weekend - lettering | Kindness quotes, Enjoy your weekend,  Cute handwriting

February 22, 2023
by EAjoanne.mair2@glow


The Pupil Council yesterday gave all pupils their vouchers for World Book Day which is on Thursday 2nd March.  These vouchers will get £1 off books in a wide variety of shops – including supermarkets.  The vouchers are valid until the 26th March.

We will be involved in a variety of activities in each classroom to celebrate World Book Day and the theme this year is “You Are A Reader”.

The Pupil Council have suggested that the pupils bring a clue to their favourite book – a drawing / written clue/ prop and the rest of their class could guess what the book may be.  The pupils could bring a copy of the book to show.

The Pupil Council also suggested a “Book Swop” and this will be at break / lunch in the dinner hall where pupils can donate a book and take a book that they would like to read.

Cannot wait to start guessing  . . . . . . . .

February 20, 2023
by EAjoanne.mair2@glow

The Lion King

Tickets are on sale now for the performance of The Lion King on 10th March via PARENTPAY priced £5.
There will be two performances MATINEE and EVENING so please ensure that you buy the tickets for the performance you wish to attend.  There is no limit on the number of tickets that you can buy and they will be sold on a first come first served basis.
Pupils in P5 and P6 DO NOT need a ticket.
If you require a bar code letter to buy tickets please contact the school office.
​​​​​​​Thank you

February 20, 2023
by Mrs Barclay

P4F Weekly blog 20.2.23

Good morning, it’s been a busy couple of weeks including our week off and here’s a look at what we’ve been up to.

In Numeracy, we have been looking at multiplication and are starting to explore the concept of division this week. For multiplication, we have looked at a few strategies that can help us including repeated addition, equal groups and arrays. We created array cityscapes to demonstrate our knowledge. We’ve had great fun learning our tables stations through the BBC Supermovers videos, with some fun dance moves as well! Please test us on our tables knowledge at home.

In Literacy we are making our way through our new class novel, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. So far, we have been introduced to a few characters and have used our comprehension strategy to visualise what they look like. We know that good readers can create pictures in their minds.

To go along with our reading book, our new IDL topic this term is Chocolate and Fairtrade. We have already looked at the timeline of chocolate and learned the first people to use the cocoa beans were the Olmec Indians in Mexico and the first chocolate house was opened in London in 1861. Chocolate used to be so expensive only royalty could drink it! We’re excited to see how the topic will unfold.

Hope you all had a lovely holiday!

Mrs Barclay x

February 20, 2023
by Mrs Johnstone

P7 – 20th February 2023

We have started the week with some problem solving activities and by developing the use of bar-modelling to help visualise what calculations need to be done.  Bar modelling can be a very helpful tool but does need lots of practise to get the hang of.  We have been building up our skills by using examples from, like the one below, and then extending each type of problem by using larger numbers or different contexts.

In the week ahead we will be beginning a unit of study on non-fiction texts.  This week our focus will be on identifying features of non-fiction texts, with a particular focus on explanation texts.  Taught writing will also link to this, with the class writing their own explanation report in the context of natural disasters.

We will also be developing work towards the John Muir Award by making bird feeders for the playground and exploring animal tracks during outdoor learning. Please remember a jacket tomorrow!

This term’s topic is ‘China’ and we will begin by looking at maps and atlases and making comparisons of our own country with China, in terms of climate, population and land use.

Please look out for homework this week.  Spelling, literacy grids and a family maths challenge have been added to the jotters. There is also a folder on to help support the maths we have been doing in class.

February 20, 2023
by Miss Baillie

Primary 1 – Week beginning 20.02.23

Hello Primary 1 🙂

I hope you had a wonderful February long weekend and are ready to get back into a full week at school. Please click the image below for a snapshot of what we have been up to the last couple of weeks and what we are going to be doing this week.

Go to this Sway

Have a wonderful week,

Miss Baillie

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