Hurlford Primary School and Early Childhood Centre

An East Ayrshire Council School

March 10, 2023
by Miss Steedman

P4S w.c. 6.3.23

Good Morning Everyone,

This week, P4S have been working on a chocolate challenge which has involved a lot of imagination and group work.  We have designed our own chocolate bar (flavours and colourful wrappers), written an advert and created some music for the adverts and have built (in our groups) the final chocolate wrapper props which we will use in our adverts.  Today, we will be filming our adverts and I hope to be able to include some of them in next week’s blog – if technology doesn’t work with me then I’m sure that there will be some photos instead.

In Numeracy this week, we have been adding to our knowledge of Division is Different strategies by looking at the ‘doorstep’ division calculation.  This has not been easy so we are all working through different strategies to help us with this very tricky maths.  Some of us have found that knowing our Multiplication Tables is really helping with this so everyone has been asked to practise their tables again at home.  There are some activities on Education City to help practise these facts.

We have read Chapters 11 and 12 of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory this week and Charlie has just found the very last Golden Ticket.  There was great joy in his household as Grandpa Joe sprung out of bed and decided he would join Charlie on the tour of Mr Wonka’s factory.  P4S have been enjoying the story and have been using their tremendous Metalinguistics skills to find out the meaning of many tricky words which these chapters have introduced us to.

It’s an exciting day for us all as we become actors, musicians and camera operators, filming out chocolate adverts – we will all be sure to tell you about our adventures later today.  Everyone has worked so very hard on this amazing challenge this week, they should all be extremely proud of themselves.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Best wishes,

Miss Steedman


March 10, 2023
by Ms Wilson

P6: week beginning 6th March 2023

It’s Showtime!!

P6 and P5 have been very busy with final preparations for ‘The Lion King’ show which we are performing this afternoon and evening.  Everyone is soooo excited!

Yesterday was the dress rehearsal for the show.  We got into full costume and stage make-up and performed brilliantly for the rest of the school. It took a wee bit of getting used to the microphones and sound system but everyone agreed we nailed it.  Fingers crossed for today !

This week in Numeracy, the focus has been using decimals in calculations.  We have been learning to add, subtract, multiply and divide numbers to 2 decimal places.  In Literacy we have been continuing with our class novel , making predictions and writing from a character’s viewpoint. For spelling, we have been looking at words with the suffix _cian, as in optician.

On Wednesday we hit the slopes for our skiing and tubing session.  We are all making super progress and growing in confidence.

As this is our Disney show week, we have been bringing our Africa topic to a close.  We enjoyed listening and responding to traditional African music and we completed an end of topic assessment.  We are looking forward to starting our new topic ‘Planets & Space’ very soon.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.



March 10, 2023
by Miss Frew

P5 Weekly Blog 10th March 2023

Happy Friday!

Hope we’ve all had a lovely week and are looking forward to the weekend. Here is a summary of what we got up to in class this week:


In literacy, we explored the “ow” phoneme and completed active spelling tasks such as diacritical marking and explored phoneme stories to improve our spelling. We also discussed a technique that writers used called “inference”. We know that to infer means to “read between the lines” and use clues to figure out what the writer really means. We will be continuing this work into next week.


In maths, we investigated probability and focused on the language of certain, likely, even chance, unlikely and impossible. The pupils loved the various challenges and worked well alone and in pairs to discuss the probability of different scenarios. We also had a problem solving day on Wednesday where the pupils went around a carousel of puzzles. They had to use different techniques such as trial and error, logic and resilience to test out their theories and solve the puzzles. This was really good fun!


In other areas, we have been focusing on Fairtrade as it has been Fairtrade Fortnight. We investigated the lives of Fairtrade farmers and watched many videos of the working conditions and hard work farmers around the world put into their jobs. P5 focused on coffee farmers and we explored where in the world coffee farms were. Using ICT, pupils research these countries in pairs and were able to identify these countries on a map.


We had a very successful dress rehearsal for The Lion King yesterday in front of the whole school and I’m sure everyone would agree our pupils were superstars!! Our pupils have all played to the best of their abilities and have worked so hard to get to this point. We are very excited to showcase the talent that Hurlford Primary has! Our performances tonight will be at the community centre and are 3:30-4:15pm and 7-7:45pm. We Just Can’t Wait… to see you all there! 🙂

Disney's The Lion King KIDS - ProductionPro

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

-Mrs McDonald x

March 10, 2023
by Mrs Carey

Friday 10th March – Primary 2

Yesterday we had a real treat when we went to the dress rehearsal of the Lion King at the community centre. The children absolutely loved the performance which was just fabulous. We now all have Hakuna Mutata in our heads along with the Circle of Life.

In literacy this week we have been learning about the letter yY and using construction and role play to build yachts, shared yogurt and even had yaks on our farm! The children have been preparing and writing sentences with more independence.  Our play activities are helping  to develop some tricky words and as part of our homework for next week your child will be writing these tricky words in a pyramid format . As our reading texts become more challenging please encourage your child to break the longer words into syllables to help them decode these more complex words in the Rising Stars reading books.  At the moment we are having difficulty gaining  online access to the reading books from this scheme. Thanks for your support with reading and helping your child to gain confidence and fluency. Your children may try to find our key phonemes at home, in books, or when out an about. Hope you spot some.

In maths, we are learning to count on to find the missing number in our calculations now. and extending our skills in addition.  We are at the moment linking counting on to 20 to counting back from 20 before the introduction of subtraction. We are gradually moving from concrete items to count and add to more abstract resources such as using ten frames and counters. Counting quickly in 2s, 5s and 10s. Please see Education City for some activities to support our class work.

This week for health and wellbeing we will have being exploring the children’s understanding of how to keep safe online. We began this week with a story about a little Penguin that got a tablet for his birthday. This story has highlighted for the children when to alert adults to content or pop ups that appear to seek help in tackling any potential scams and the importance of keeping their identity safe.

Thanks again for supporting your children with their homework tasks and have a good weekend.

Wishing you a lovely relaxing week ahead.

Mrs Carey

Go to this Sway

March 6, 2023
by EAjoanne.mair2@glow


We have SOLD OUT for the evening performance of the Lion King.  There are still some tickets left for the matinee performance starting at 3.30pm on Friday 10th March.  Please buy using Parentpay.
Oh I just can’t wait . . . . . . . .

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