Hurlford Primary School and Early Childhood Centre

An East Ayrshire Council School

March 17, 2023
by Ms Wilson

P6: week beginning 13th March 2023

It’s Friday, it’s Red Nose Day!

What a busy, full on week. Here’s a day by day review of what Primary 6 have been doing.

Mon : For literacy we we working with a learning partner to plan a short talk on a chosen topic. Our spelling focus was words with the suffix _tion, as in production. In Numeracy, we were revising how to record fractions as decimals and looking at mixed numbers. In the afternoon we did a topic review and finished off our African animal art.

Tue: Our Numeracy focus was multiplying and dividing decimals by 10 and 100. We used place value boards and learned how to move the digits to the left or right. Mrs Ferguson took us for an exciting STEM lesson all about air propelled paper rockets. We also started our new topic on Planets and Space.

Wed: It was our second last skiing and tubing session and we had great fun. In the afternoon we continued our Primary Engineer tasks with Miss Gibson and enjoyed our outdoor WOW activities.

Thu: In the morning we read the next chapter of our class novel and wrote a summary. We continued our work on decimals and learned some French vocabulary for breakfast and lunch foods. For our Space topic, we discussed the big bang theory and drew how we imagined it would look like.

Fri: Today is Comic Relief day and we’re looking forward to participating in lots of activities from obstacle courses to comical collages. We hope we raise lots of money for this worthy cause.

Have a great weekend everyone.

March 17, 2023
by Mrs Carey

Friday 17th March

Good morning,

Primary 2 have had a very busy week and performed lots of problem solving activities. Across the curriculum we have used the context of the story  ‘Goldlilocks and the 3 bears. This has provided us with lots of opportunities for learning this week and will continue next week too. We explored the story and the characters and then wrote about it. We complied group accounts of the story too. Alongside this we have used the story as an opportunity to do volume by filling bowls with rice, peas and pasta to compare how many cups of each item it took to fill bowls. We varied the cup size to see the effect upon the number of cups required to fill the bowls. The children also had to use construction to make beds for the characters which involved large brick construction and Lego small brick construction.

In language our phoneme this week is xX and we examined the 2 sounds that it can make as its name in x-ray and at the end of words like box making sound ks. Again we used boxes to problem solve and reinforce this sound.

In maths we have been counting on and back and looking at concrete materials to assist with subtraction calculations. As well as more complex addition of adding 3 numbers.

We are looking forward to our Red Nose Day obstacle course.

I hope you enjoy our sway below and have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Carey

Go to this Sway

March 16, 2023
by Mrs Johnstone

P7 – 16th March 2023

The P7 pupils have been as busy as ever over the last few weeks, here’s a round-up of what’s been going on.

Literacy & English

Reading and writing has had a focus on non-fiction texts. We have studied explanation texts and reports and followed up by writing our own.  This has also linked into our topic on China with last week’s writing about how kites (which are thought to have originated from China) fly.


More interdisciplinary  learning followed with the class working in groups to make their own kites with dragon themed designs.  There was some excellent team work going on with good talking and listening skills being applied.

Art has also been inspired by China and the beautiful cherry blossoms that you can find there.  We used mixed media to create cherry blossom scrolls: blended pastel backgrounds, ink blown branches and tissue paper blossoms which look amazing on our classroom wall.

Numeracy & Mathematics

This week we have been revising our knowledge of what fractions are and using multiplication and division to find equivalent fractions.


Over the last few weeks Miss Gibson has been working with the class on the ‘If I were an engineer…’ project where pupils have had to identify a problem and invent something to help solve it. This week they are writing letters to an engineer to explain their designs. There have been a wide range of creative and interesting ideas put forward by our pupils.

Looking back a couple of weeks, the class were challenged to design and build an earthquake proof structure, having read and written about this type of natural disaster as part of literacy. Materials were limited to 20 straws, a base plate and 1m of tape per group.  The class rose to the challenge and tried their best.  We tested the structures at the end and thought about what worked best or could be improved.

John Muir Award

We have been making bird feeders and planting seeds as part of the conservation element of the award. We used apples and sunflower seeds to make feeders for the playground; hopefully this has helped the birds over the last wee cold snap.

We have planted beetroot, chives, courgette and broccoli seeds and have been keeping the warm and watered beside the window in our classroom.

Next week is the start of ‘Food Fortnight’ and we will also look at Fairtrade.

Homework projects on a Chinese tourist attraction are due in on Wednesday. I can’t wait to see what everyone has been working on!

March 15, 2023
by Mrs Campbell

P7 Loudoun Spring Session – 6th April, 23

Primary 7 are invited to attend an Easter activity day at Loudoun Academy.
The day will be run by Lynsey Hogg and  EAC Leisure and include a variety of sport activities.

Details for the Loudoun Spring Sessions 2023 – For Loudoun Academy ‘New S1’ intake for August 2023.

Event:   Loudoun Spring Sessions 2023

Date:     6th April 2023

Time:    10am – 2pm

Venue: Loudoun Leisure Centre

Cost:      Free

Registration link

March 10, 2023
by Mrs Barclay

P4F Week beginning 6.3.23

Good morning, another busy week in Primary 4! Here’s a peek at what we’ve been up to:

We have been taking part in a challenge week for our chocolate topic using a variety of skills. We have designed our own chocolate bars (including ingredients and eye catching wrappers) and looked at persuasive language and written a script to advertise our products. Today, we will be making prototypes of our chocolate bars to feature in our adverts and looking at how we can incorporate music or a jingle. We hope to film our adverts at the start of next week and fingers crossed we can show them off on our blog!

In Maths, we have been working on our times tables and using a range of strategies to help us answers questions. Arrays have been a popular strategy and pupils are able to use these very well! With the help of the Supermovers and other games we have been learning to recite the stations of the tables. Test us at home! Next week, we will be looking at division and using our strategies in a different way.

Pupils really enjoyed coming along to the community centre to watch P5 and 6 perform the Lion King musical. We have been singing the songs but Circle of Life seems to be a firm favourite. We wish them luck for their performances today.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend

Mrs Barclay and Mrs Ferguson x

March 10, 2023
by Miss Baillie

P1 – Week beginning 6.3.22

Hello Primary 1 🙂

We have had a very busy couple of weeks in class. We have had visitors for our “people who help us” topic and have been practicing our blending and reading skills. We have also been learning practicing adding numbers to 5/10. Click on the image below for a snapshot of what we have been busy doing this week.

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Have a wonderful weekend,

Miss Baillie

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