Hurlford Primary School and Early Childhood Centre

An East Ayrshire Council School

March 23, 2023
by Mrs Johnstone

P7 – 23rd March 2023

It is hard to believe we are almost at the end of this term!

This week has been the start of Food Fortnight across the school, with the added focus of Fairtrade too.

As part of our topic, P7 pupils have been learning about popular foods in China in comparison to Scotland.  We carried out research, discussed similarities and differences with Scotland and designed our own Chinese menus. Following this, food preparation skills were developed as the class made Chinese spring rolls.  This task involved slicing and grating vegetables, making a stir-fry and then wrapping the cooked vegetables in filo pastry.  It was a very busy morning and the classroom was full of delicious smells.  The kitchen staff were very kind and let us use the ovens to cook our spring rolls which were ready just in time for lunch!

Another aspect of Food and Fairtrade Fortnight has been looking at coffee production and how Fairtrade helps farmers make a fair living from growing coffee plants.  We watched an interesting tour of a Kenyan coffee farm and then researched where coffee comes from around the world; we plotted countries on a world map and made colour coded key labels to show each country, its flag and how many food miles the coffee has to travel to reach Scotland.

Literacy was focused on reading a report text called, ‘Spiders and How They Hunt’.  Pupils looked at and discussed  the features of the text and used the flow charts and venn diagrams included to find information before creating their own tables of information, using facts found in the report.

In Numeracy, we have been consolidating how to find equivalent fractions and started carrying out 2-step calculations to find a fraction of a quantity.

Homework was due in yesterday and we have been enjoying looking at each others’ work and listening to presentations about Chinese tourist attractions.  It has been brilliant to see the amazing and extremely creative models that have been worked on at home, each and every one is different and shows a great level of imagination! PowerPoint presentations and brochures have also been full of information and neatly presented.  Well done to all pupils who completed this task and thank you for any support you have given at home! (I will post some photos next week.)


March 17, 2023
by EAjoanne.mair2@glow


Can I please ask that ALL costumes are in school on MONDAY 20TH March as we will need them for Dancefest on Tuesday and the Disney Showcase in Glasgow on Thursday.

Can all permission slips and EV5 forms also be returned on Monday.

Thank you for your assistance in this matter.

March 17, 2023
by EAjoanne.mair2@glow



Monday 6th February 2023




Gillian Campbell (HT) Nicola Hamilton Grant
Joanne Mair (DHT) Sarah
Ariana Thompson Lyndsay McDonald
Cheryl Hamilton (Chair) Erin Blair
Karen Mair (Vice Chair) Scott Cairns
Ian Cairns (Treasurer) Louise Moodie
Tracy Crawford Donna Bircham
Lorna Horne Lauren McClung
Lorraine Crawford Natalie
Sarah Amy



Head Teacher welcomed everyone to the meeting.




Treasurer’s report attached.  Account balance is currently £3,468.97 very healthy for this time of year.


Shared on Glow via the newsletter
HT informed the meeting that there will be a new School App which should be available by the end of March.

All dates for upcoming events within the school are on Glow

Parent Questionnaire is also on Glow – please encourage everyone to complete.  Any comments/ suggestions will be published on Glow.





Lion King show – Friday 10th March, 3.30pm-4.30pm and 7pm-9pm.  Booker run for tuck and helpers required at both shows.  Also looking for 2 boxes of chocolates for prizes for the lucky programme.

LH asked if we should do a raffle.  It was agreed that since the tickets for the show are more expensive we will not do a raffle at the show.

Spring Disco – Thursday 30th March.  Need to arrange Booker run and helpers for both discos.

ECC-P3: 6.15pm – 7.15pm and P4-P7: 7.30pm-8.30pm.  Will discuss at next meeting.

Hurlford’s Got Talent – Friday 16th June, 6pm-9.30pm – KM to check date with community centre and arrange a booking form.


 JM asked if the parent council could arrange for medals to be engraved at Stewarts for the Burn’s competition.  LC to collect medal from office and arrange.  7 medals required.

TC asked if the staggered drop off/pick up times will change any time.  GC advised this is one of the questions within the questionnaire.  Anyone asking about the times should fill in the questionnaire.  It was agreed that the staggered times are helping with the traffic congestion issues.

It was asked if the current teacher strikes had been agreed.  GC could not confirm the dates as there had been noting agreed.  Information would be provided as soon as possible.





March 17, 2023
by EAjoanne.mair2@glow



Monday 6th March 2023




Gillian Campbell (HT) Nicola Hamilton Grant
Joanne Mair (DHT) Ian Cairns (Treasurer)
Ariana Thompson Sarah
Cheryl Hamilton (Chair) Louise Moodie
Karen Mair (Vice Chair) Lauren McClung
Lyndsay McDonald
Tracy Crawford
Lorna Horne
Lorraine Crawford
Erin Blair
Scott Cairns
Donna Bircham



Head Teacher welcomed everyone to the meeting.




No update


Shared on Glow via the newsletter
Improvement plan – looking to create an outdoor area for reading.

Family learning has been well attended

We had a good response from the recent parent questionnaire – lots of positive feedback.  It has been decided we will continue with the staggered start/finish times as 68 opted to continue as opposed to 23 who said no.

Mission to the moon has commenced. Pupils have already walked the distance from Hurlford – Edinburgh, Edinburgh – London and London – Paris.

An artist was in school today to help create the set for The Lion King show

Red Nose Day – Friday 17th March.  This year’s theme is Dress for Joy – pupils can wear something which makes them happy.  A £1 donation can be made through ParentPay.

The new school app will be launching at the end of March.  Parents and pupils will be invited to join.

We are looking to plant some seeds before the Easter holidays and have a wish list from Mrs Miller, including packets of seeds, plant shelter and seed trays.  Mrs Miller to purchase what is needed and will be reimbursed.




Lion King show – Friday 10th March, 3.30pm-4.30pm and 7pm-9pm.  Booker run was done.  Helpers on the day will be CH and KM for the afternoon performance doors open at 3pm. AT and TC for the evening performance doors open at 6.30pm. LC will pick up 2 boxes of chocolates for prizes for the lucky programme.

Spring Disco – Thursday 30th March. Tickets will go on sale after the Lion King show.  We need 2 members to take ticket money each morning from 9am – 9.15am also need to arrange Booker run and helpers for both discos.

ECC-P3: 6.15pm – 7.15pm and P4-P7: 7.30pm-8.30pm.

Hurlford’s Got Talent – Friday 16th June, 6pm-9.30pm – KM to arrange let form from the community centre.  Auditions will take place on Thursday 11th May. We need 4 judges starting from 9.15am – still to be arranged.

Looking to buy all children in the school and ECC an easter egg again this year.  JM and GC both agreed this is a good idea.  We would need 250 eggs.  JM will confirm the number of children with allergies and we will organise something different for those children.  LC to contact Gillian Glancy at Asda to arrange.


LC asked if the PC would support the ECC garden project – supply paint, paint brushes and other gardening supplies.  It was agreed this could be done.  LC to speak to IC and Maria in the ECC.

JM said the school would also appreciate some paint for the outdoor reading area.

GC looking for ideas to celebrate the upcoming King’s coronation.  Discuss with the teachers and will come back if they need any support from the PC

It was suggested that the next meeting could be in person as this will be the last meeting until September, possibly in The Thistle.





March 17, 2023
by Miss Baillie

Primary 1 – Week beginning 13th March 2023

Hello Primary 1 😀

Another super busy week in Primary 1 this week. I hope you have all had a fabulous week. Apologies SWAY is not working this week so I will upload pictures from this week in next weeks blog.

This week we were learning about the sound “u.” We joined in with the jolly phonics song and practiced the sound while doing the action of putting up an umbrella. We painted umbrellas this week and built up towers as well as practicing our formation of the letter.

We have also been practicing our adding skills and have been working hard to learn strategies to help us add such as counting on.

This week, we were learning about Vets and how they can help us take care of our pets. We learned what they do in their job and got to role play being a vet and taking care of all of the sick animals in the class.

We had Red Nose Day today and we made Red Nose characters using jam cream biscuits with jam in the the middle as the nose. They all looked fab. We also did a fantastic piece of writing about our red nose characters and what they were up to. The whole school took part in an obstacle course for Red Nose Day and we had a brilliant time doing this (luckily before the rain started).

REMINDER for reading books (for those that have one) if they could be read as often as possible to give the class more exposure to blending CVC words and their common words. There are helpful tips inside the front and back covers for how to read with your child. Please remember to put the books back in their bag every day as we need them in class. Thank you for your support with homework and reading, it is really appreciated as I know home lives are very busy.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Baillie

March 17, 2023
by Mrs Barclay

P4F Weekly Blog w.b 13.3.23

Good morning, we have put our creativity to the test week with a range of challenges! Here’s what we’ve been up to:

In Literacy, following on as part of challenge week we were using the power of persuasive language to help us create an advert for the chocolate bars we created. We used appealing language to try and entice customers to buy our bars. Pupils were also tasked with coming up with a catchy slogan to catch customer’s attention. Some of us struggled with this aspect, but came up with some amazing ideas to bring their adverts to life through drama and music with one advert having their chocolate bar exploding to mimic its taste explosion flavour!

In Numeracy, we have been working hard on recall our multiplication facts of the 2,4,5,8 and 10x tables as well as moving onto the concept of division. We are trying various strategies to see which one works best for us to help us solve calculations. We have dipped our toes into looking at bar models and the majority of pupils really liked this method when trying to solve division sentences. We have also been using our knowledge of fact families to help us.

In other areas, yesterday we looked at the journey of chocolate and how it starts as a cacao pods months and even years before it gets to be the bar of chocolate you buy in the shops. We looked at how our choice to buy Fairtrade products can have an impact. Following on we then created posters to display what we had learned about the journey of chocolate.

We put our imaginations to the test when we designed rocket launchers with Mrs Ferguson during our STEM time. Pupils had great fun and worked really hard to create their rocket launcher using different materials.

It’s Red Nose Day today and we are wearing things that bring us joy! We’re looking forward to our obstacle course outside (fingers crossed it stays dry!).

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Barclay and Mrs Ferguson x

March 17, 2023
by Miss Steedman

P4S W.C. 13.3.23

Happy Friday Everyone,

Last week, our classroom was a hive of activity when we were designing and advertising our chocolate bars, even composing the odd musical tune to accompany our adverts.  Filming took place on Friday and we had a screening on Tuesday this week of all the amazing efforts across the whole of P4. Sadly, the adverts are too large to upload onto this week’s Blog (I had said last week that, if Technology was willing, I would be able to share the adverts with you but the file sizes are just too big, apologies).  Children had a wonderful time creating their masterpieces and we had a short awards ceremony on Wednesday to award a Best Actor/Actress, Best Soundtrack and Best Advert.

Our Writing lesson this week involved a recount of the different activities which we took part in last week.  It was interesting to read what had been remembered and also to read about how much enjoyment (or not) pupils took from the exercise.  On the whole, it seems that Challenge Week was a popular choice.

In Numeracy this week, we have been taking our learning of division much further and looking at Remainders, which is not an easy concept.  We are taking our learning slowly, using different strategies and concrete materials to help us.

Our Classroom Reading Corner is taking shape with our colourful sign now proudly displayed and some comfy cushions donated to us by Miss Mair.  Thank you Miss Mair.

Have a wonderful weekend Everyone,


Miss Steedman

March 17, 2023
by Miss Frew

P5 Week Beginning 13.3.23

happy-friday-bd-1024x1024 | TFS Healthcare


Good morning and Happy Friday!

Here is an update on what we’ve been up to this week in P5:

In literacy, we have been exploring inference for reading and have realised that sometimes authors can use clues to create an image in the readers mind without having to say it outright. We enjoyed investigating a carousel of items and having to infer who might own them by the clues. We then had to read passages of text and infer where the setting was. For writing this week, we linked it with our learning about Fairtrade coffee and wrote instructions on how to make a good cup of coffee. Maybe the pupils could put this to the test at home!?

In maths, we have begun to look at multiplication and the pupils were fantastic at recalling their knowledge of the 2, 4, 5 and 10 times tables this week. We learned how to play Around the World to challenge each other and also enjoyed a few games of Fizz Buzz. We will be continuing to learn our times tables for the rest of the term so please practice at home!

In other areas, we have been continuing to learn about Fairtrade and the countries that produce coffee. In pairs, we had to research the coffee countries by finding them on a map, plotting the capital cities and finding out the population of that country. The pupils were able to utilise their skills in ICT as well as map reading to be successful in this task. We also attempted to “paint with coffee” to create a picture of a landscape. This was good fun and our classroom smelled of coffee for days!


Have a lovely weekend!

-Mrs McDonald x

Have Lovely Weekend Word Pink Roses Stock Photo 731119342 | Shutterstock

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