Hurlford Primary School and Early Childhood Centre

An East Ayrshire Council School

April 28, 2023
by Mrs Barclay

P4P – Week beginning 24th April

Good morning!

We’ve had another busy week in P4 and everyone has been working hard. Here’s a peek at what we’ve been up to in class:

In Literacy we introduced our new spelling rule this week with ‘g’ making the ‘j’ sound. Many of us were able to give great examples of words that follow this rule. Your continued support with spelling homework would be most appreciated. In reading, we have been focussing on developing our inference skills through a range of tasks, from picture and challenge cards to inferring what may be happening in our class novel, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Nearly everyone was able to successfully infer what characters may have been feeling or doing. We also produced some great posters trying to persuade people to reduce their food waste for Food Waste Day. We had some catchy slogans and interesting facts about food waste as well as different ways people can reduce their impact on the planet. Fingers crossed our campaign helps!

In Maths we have been exploring fractions and their place on a number line. We started off being able to count in halves and find the missing numbers on number lines and then progressing to finding out how to display fractions on a number line. We found that we count the number of equal pieces the number is split into tells us what fraction we are counting in. The pupils were excellent at using their new skills to answer the true or false quiz!

In other areas we have been beginning to unpick our new topic of Ancient Egypt. We discovered Egypt is on the continent of Africa and were able to plot significant parts of the country on a map including the Pyramids and the River Nile. We also found out that the River Nile was a valuable resource for the Egyptians. We have also used our ICT skills to type up our persuasive letters from before the Easter holidays. We learned how to change the font and size of our writing as well as being able to save the document on our One Drives.


Thank you for all your hard work and have a fantastic long weekend!

See you Tuesday

Mrs Barclay x


April 28, 2023
by Miss Baillie

Primary 1 – week beginning 24th April

Hello Primary 1 🙂

I hope you all had a fantastic week. We have been working very hard this week and for a snapshot of what we have been learning please click the image below.

Go to this Sway

Have a wonderful weekend,

Miss Baillie

April 28, 2023
by Miss Steedman

P4S w/c 24.4.23

Happy Friday Everyone,

This week in P4S we have been busy as we start to learn more about our topic (Ancient Egypt).  We have been looking at a map of Egypt and finding where it is in the world. Egypt has a very long river running through it which we learned was a valuable resource for the Ancient Egyptians.  We have also been learning about Pharaohs and the story of Moses as a baby, a story which links very well to our topic.

In Numeracy, we have been using coins and note values to calculate the change we would be given in a shop if we were to buy certain items.  We have also been identifying values of groups of coins and working out how many coins should be used to pay for certain items.

In Literacy, we read another chapter of our Class Novel then used our Summarising Skills to highlight the important facts from the chapter.   In addition to this, we have been learning how to write Non-Chronological reports about subjects we already know about.  It isn’t easy but with lots of practise we will improve our skills week on week.

There is a long weekend ahead and we wish you all the very best for a lovely weekend,


Miss Steedman and Mrs Connelly

April 28, 2023
by Ms Wilson

P6: week beginning 24th April 2023

Happy Friday everyone!

Here’s a round up of what Primary 6 has been doing this week.

Monday:  We began the week with our Thinking Time session then moved on to Literacy. We focused on spelling words with the suffix _ing then we prepared a short speech on a topical question for peer feedback. In Numeracy we looked at fraction, decimal and percentage equivalents.  After lunch we continued with our Space topic and worked with a learning partner to finish our solar system models.

Tuesday: In Numeracy we learned how to find a percentage of an amount. It really helped to know our equivalents and multiplication and division facts.  We then read the next chapter of our class novel and used higher order thinking skills to respond to a range of different questions. In the afternoon we used ICT to research information on the planets.  Did you know that Saturn would float if there was a swimming pool big enough?!

Wednesday: We continued our measure work with Miss Gibson. She was very impressed with how well we could convert metres, centimetres and millimetres. For Health & Wellbeing we created  menus which included a balance of nutrients from all the different food groups. Maybe some of us could be dieticians in the future.  Later, we got the chance to buy a book at the Book Fair. After lunch we learned about a special time of year for Muslims called Ramadan, then we had our WOW session.  To finish the day we did some role play activities based on our class novel The Demon Headmaster.  Some of us would love to be actors when we grow up.

Thursday: In the morning we focused on reading for the main idea, prediction and finding effective examples of VCOP in our novel. For numeracy we did a Chilli Challenge for our percentages work then we had an exciting STEM/Outdoor Learning session with Mrs Ferguson. In the afternoon, for our Space topic, we learned that we get day and night due to the Earth spinning on its axis. After that we headed outside again for our football training session.  We all tried hard to uplevel our skills.

Friday: Today, we are focusing on how to structure paragraphs, completing spelling assessments and revising our key learning for fractions, decimals and percentages. For Interdisciplinary learning we will be using laptops and I-pads to create a Powerpoint on the solar system and using a graphics program to draw a space themed picture.

We’re looking forward to a rest over the long weekend. Enjoy!

See you back on Tuesday!

April 28, 2023
by Miss Frew

P5 Week Beginning 24th April 2023

KEEP CALM IT'S NEARLY THE WEEKEND! Poster | Vladivar | Keep Calm-o-Matic

Another week has flown by and P5 have been doing fantastically well with their work this week! Here’s a quick update on what we’ve been up to:

In literacy, we have been continuing our novel study of “The Last Wolf”. In this weeks chapter, we learned that the main character Robbie had been at the Battle of Culloden during the Jacobite uprising. To find out more, we did a research task and found out about the leaders of the Scottish and English armies and what happened at Culloden to give us some context for our novel. The pupils were excellent at using their skimming and scanning skills to find and use information about the battle and were able to answer questions. For writing, we were writing letters this week. We investigated how to properly set out a formal letter and how to structure our ideas into paragraphs. We were also trying to be persuasive as we were pretending to write the letter to King Edward I from either John Balliol or Robert the Bruce and were trying to convince him to choose them as the next King of Scotland.

In maths, the pupils are making good progress with their tables and will next week be looking at 7, 8 and 9 times tables. We will also be practising the written method of multiplication when multiplying 2 digits by 1 digit eg 42 x 3. We also explored compass directions and enjoyed using beebots to programme a route.

In other areas, we have been exploring the Eat Well guide and looking at food groups. The pupils can now sort food items into their correct food group and also explain why that food group is important for a healthy diet. In our topic this week, we looked at the succession problem during the Scottish Wars of Independence and identified positive attributes for the next king. 3 of our pupils took on the roles of Robert the Bruce, John Balliol and John Hastings and acted out a script which highlighted their reasons for being chosen as king. The class listened and took notes and then debated on who should have been chosen based on their attributes.

Well Done Free Stock Photo - Public Domain Pictures


Thanks for all your help and support this week and thank you P5 for all your hard work. Have a fantastic weekend!

-Mrs McDonald x


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