Hurlford Primary School and Early Childhood Centre

An East Ayrshire Council School

June 9, 2023
by Miss Frew

P5 Week Beginning 5th June 2023

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Good morning! What a lovely, sunny week we’ve had; Summer is well and truly on it’s way! Here’s a wee update on what we’ve got up to this week:

In literacy, we have almost finished our class novel and will be rounding it up by the beginning of next week. “The Last Wolf” has been a challenging novel but the pupils have worked hard to develop their vocabulary and comprehension skills. We have had a focus on creative writing and this week explored how to effectively describe settings. We used a technique called slow writing for this, and will next week be put to the test to write an extended creative piece that focuses on all of the skills we have been using.

In maths, we have continued working on division and the pupils have been making good progress. Keep practicing your tables at home as this will help you! This week we have focused on the standard written method of division and will continue to practice this next week. We also revisited place value but extended our knowledge by investigating decimals. Ask the pupils about tenths and hundredths and how to partition decimal numbers!

In other areas, we have completed our Scottish Wars of Independence topic with a Blooket quiz and by showing our amazing projects!! Well done to everyone who took the time to complete your homework project and bring it in, they were fabulous! We have also chosen a mini topic and worked together to plan it- we will keep this a secret as we might be able to share our learning in a slightly different way! Yesterday we enjoyed an afternoon in the sunshine and took time to really enjoy one of the last weeks of P5.


I can’t believe we’re nearly at the end of session 22/23!! I’m sure the next few weeks will be filled with sunshine and good fun. Have a lovely weekend!

-Mrs McDonald x

June 9, 2023
by Mrs Carey

P2 Friday 9th June

Good morning,

I have attached a sway to let you see some of the things we have been learning this week and activities that we have enjoyed, especially as the weather has been beautiful. I do hope we get to enjoy more nice weather over the weekend.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Carey

Go to this Sway

June 8, 2023
by Mrs Johnstone

P7 – Week beginning 5th June

What an exciting week!

Our Primary 7 pupils who are going to be attending Loudoun Academy after the summer have had a super introduction to secondary school this week.

It is always a little nerve-racking to go somewhere new, to meet new people and have a change of routine, however, this week our Primary 7 pupils took everything in their stride and gave their all to engaging in the transition days.  Some favourite subjects seem to have been Art, Home Economics, P.E and Science. It has been great to see their confidence grow over the three days and new friendships beginning to form between the schools.

We have also been busy in the classroom.  On Monday, we looked at how to write an inspirational speech about climate change – this forms part of the work required for the Primary Engineer STATWARS project.  Everyone did a great job! Next week, pupils will work in their groups and use their ideas to create one speech as part of their climate change campaign.

In preparation for moving on to ‘big school’, we also spent some time thinking about the people in our lives who provide support when we need it.  Everyone was very creative and drew their own personal solar system to represent their support network.

Next week, we will complete our work on climate change, learn some new outdoor games and look at information handling and order of operations in Numeracy and Mathematics.

Have a lovely sunny weekend!

June 7, 2023
by User deactivated

Primary 4 Lego League Superpowered Challenge!

Primary 4 have been working very hard this term on completing a Lego challenge through the Institute of Engineering and Technology. They have been learning all about renewable energy sources and the energy journey through Lego whilst developing their digital technology skills through coding! They are very excited to share their final team models tomorrow at the parent workshop and we hope to see many of you there :)!

Go to this Sway

June 1, 2023
by Mrs Campbell

East Ayrshire Summer Schools -24-28 July 2023

East Ayrshire Summer Schools

William McIlvanney Campus, Kilmarnock, 24-28 July 2023

I am delighted to be able to take this opportunity to inform you about this year’s East Ayrshire Summer Schools. This Year we will be running 3 different summer schools and you can sign up to only one of these as they will be taking place at the same time:

  • Dance Summer School (P4-P7 & S1-S6)
  • Parkour Summer School (P6-7)
  • Creative Music Making Sessions (P4-7)


Each day will begin at 10.00 a.m. and finish at 3.00 p.m. On the Friday afternoon there will be a joint performance at 1.30 p.m. in the Assembly Hall to showcase to family and friends what has been achieved during the week.


The course will be based at William McIlvanney Campus and participants should bring a packed lunch each day. No previous experience or specialist clothing is necessary; enthusiasm and comfortable clothing are adequate.


There are limited places available on this course with the participants divided into groups according to age, experience and friendship-groups where possible.


This year’s course is being co-ordinated by Zara Smith, Cultural Co-ordinator, Dance and Movement and all sessions will be taken by highly qualified and experienced artists.

To ensure maximum benefit for everyone, it is anticipated that the usual high standards of behaviour expected in our schools will be displayed.

The Summer School is subsidised by East Ayrshire Council and Remembering Together greenspace scotland, however, there will be a non-refundable administration charge of £25.00 per child (£20 for siblings) for the entire week, which should be paid through Parentpay to secure your child’s place.

Once we receive your form an invoice will be sent out to arrange payment by the end of June. Pupil’s entitled to FSM will be free.

Please note, each applicant must be able to make their own transport arrangements.

If you would like to apply for a place on this course for your child, please complete all of the below forms; application, medical, photo permission by Monday 19 June 2023 and email them to Confirmation emails will be sent out the end of June.


Dance Summer School (P4-P7 & S1-S6)

Dance Summer School is an amazing week where participants will learn a variety of dance styles, including hip-hop and Jazz working with experienced and inspirational dance instructors. The week will culminate in a show for family and friends.

Parkour Summer School (P6-7)

There are only 15 places available on this summer school, working with the incredibly talented and experience Parkour artist, Scott Houston. It will be an awesome week. It is hoped by the end of the project the young people involved will have developed a greater sense of self and feel challenged, motivated, inspired and improve additional skills which can be adapted to other aspects of their lives.

We are confident that your child will be taught to a standard to enable them to perform their moves safely by a qualified and competent instructor. However, you should be clear when granting permission for your child to be involved in this project, that undertaking Parkour is challenging and even with careful planning and supervision, there is a risk of injury, albeit low.

Creative Music Making Sessions (P4-7)

Do you like to sing or write songs, play the guitar or keyboard or fancy being in a band?

Whether you play an instrument or a beginner, this is a fantastic opportunity to learn how to use your creativity to write songs. Our sessions are great fun as we provide you with the basic tools to write and perform your own songs in whatever style you prefer.

There is a song inside everyone and we can’t wait to hear yours.

Application forms due Monday 19th June.

Return all completed forms to

Please click on the following link to access forms.

Dance Parkour Music Summer School Forms 2023 (002)

June 1, 2023
by Mrs Campbell

Sports day – Friday 1st June at 10.30am Blair Park

Some things to remember-

  • Children can wear house colour – they may wear a hat
  • Please put  sun cream on your child prior to school
  •  Children should stay with their class on the grass
  • Parents/Carers should stay in Parent area.
  • A bottle of water and some fruit will be donated by CO OP
  • Enjoy your day!

May 30, 2023
by Mrs Miller

Community Litter Pick tomorrow!

We are looking forward to joining together for a community litter pick tomorrow, Wednesday the 31st of May from 3.15 until 4.15.

Children must come with an adult

We have some litter pickers and hi vis vests to share, or bring your own.

The Eco committee have chosen to clean up the area around and in Richardson Park and the street down to the Coop.

We will all meet at the front entrance to the school to get equipment and then break off in groups for a litter picking loop. It would be great to see you there!


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