Hurlford Primary School and Early Childhood Centre

An East Ayrshire Council School

October 10, 2023
by Mrs Campbell
1 Comment

October holiday event- Thursday 19th October

The event is being held in Galston Primary but is open to all families that would like to attend. There will be a live cooking demonstration by catering to encourage uptake on school meals and hopefully encourage families to cook meals at home.

Signing up to the event is encouraged to allow catering an idea of numbers for hot food on the day.

October 10, 2023
by Mrs Campbell

Reminder – October holiday & Disco

School/ECC closes on Friday for our October holiday.

Pupils return on Tuesday 24th October, 23


Hurlford Parent Council ‘Harvest Disco’ on Wednesday 11th October, 23 in Hurlford Dinner hall

6.15-7.15pm ECC – P3

7.30-8.30pm P4-P7

At Hurlford PS & ECC Dinner hall,Tickets cost – £2 .Please note children must be collected by an adult.


October 6, 2023
by Miss Frew

P5 Weekly Blog Week Beginning 2.10.23

It’s been a busy week in P5!

In literacy, we have been practicing our joined up handwriting, we have been focusing on setting the scene in our stories and we have been practicing some tricky words for our spelling. Katie feels that she has got better at setting the scene for her stories. Codie also enjoyed the story writing this week. Jax felt that he was able to focus more on his writing because he managed to write more than he has before.

In maths, we have been developing our rounding skills. Conlyn felt that he improved his rounding skills. Mary-Rose also feels she has improved because now she can remember the rounding rhyme. Kayleigh likes using number lines to help her with her rounding.

In other areas, we were learning about friendships and we worked in teams to design a poster of what a good friend would do and what their qualities are. We have also been learning about sketching with Mrs Wilson and are working on autumn picture using warm-toned colours. We have also been learning about France. Connie knows that France is split up into 13 different regions like Grand Est, Occitane, Il-de-France and Provence. Harper learned that in the Grand Est, they produce over 300 million bottles of champagne each year- wow! Codie researched and found out that 14.8 million people visited Disneyland Paris in 2017. Finley also really enjoyed being our 10 minute teacher this week which was great fun!


Next week, Callum wants to write even more for his story next week. Theo’s goal is to get on the recognition board. Tanisha is aiming to write 2 pages for her story next week.

October 6, 2023
by Emma Ferguson

P6 – First Week in October

We really enjoyed our 3 way times table work.  We really liked learning new skills in numeracy.  We also looked at ‘smile’ multiplication and Aalayha felt it as easy to understand.  We were doing vertical multiplication and it was good because we could do loads of times table sums.


The spelling test was fun on Friday after Assembly.  Darren says he likes to be challenged and tested on things he has learnt in class.  The words this week were Autumn themed and some of us really liked this.  Actually, most of the children said they liked to be challenged with their test.  One task we used to get a deeper learning to our words was to complete a dictionary challenge.  A lot of us liked to do that.


In skiing we like to learn new skills in sports we haven’t tried before. This was the 6th week of skiing and everyone has done so well.  Some people are working on stopping effectively and some people can now turn.  Skylar was super impressed that she only fell once and she is making huge improvements – more than she thought she could do!


In IDL we were investigating shoe grips. We had a bit of paper and we had a shoe, we used a pastel to rub on the sole of the shoe so that you made a print.  This print told us who had the highest friction and who had the least amount of friction on their shoes.  If you had more friction we wouldn’t slip and it would be stickier on the ground.  Matthew thought it was cool to see who had the most grip on their shoe.


Today for our HWB – we made a poster about Friendships. Previously in Circle Time we had chatted about changing friendships – maybe we had moved or stopped a club.  Our poster was to show how to: mend a friendship, build a new relationship and/or what to do if you are growing apart. Caden thought making the poster was fun because he likes doing Art.


In STEM the week before was made compasses out of magnetising a paper clip and floating it on a leaf in a bowl of water.  All of our groups were successful.  Then we dismantled our compass, went outside, rebuilt them and tried to find north again.  We were all super at this.

Have a lovely weekend everyone! 1 week to go before our holidays!




October 4, 2023
by Mrs Miller

Halloween Costumes

As part of our Clean Green Eco Journey, we are collecting Halloween costumes to swap. If your child has an old costume that no longer fits them, please hand it in to the school office. We will then put these out on a rail for anyone looking for a costume for this year. They will be free to take for anyone 🙂 Not only does this help save the environment with the need for less new costumes, it also helps save money! Thank you.

September 29, 2023
by Mrs Campbell

Primary 5 Blog – week beginning 26th September, 23

We have been learning about how to improve our Writing this week. We were writing a story of our own choice. Katie enjoyed using her imagination freely to write her story. Freya enjoyed writing her story with no limit as to how much she could write. Jax felt he got better at using his punctuation and leaving a finger space between his words.

We enjoyed learning more about France. We painted the French flag and learned how to say animals in French.  We used atlases to find the capital city Paris and other cities and placed them on our map. We tried to draw in the River Seine on our map. Some people have visited France. Libby enjoyed sunny days in France. Kerris enjoyed staying for a couple of nights in France and enjoyed shopping there too.

During Outdoor learning, we were using lots of bikes, scooters and sit-scoots, long measuring tapes and timers to set up challenges to do on our bikes/scooters. In groups, we had to estimate how long it would take and then time ourselves. Ally enjoyed using the timers and enjoyed running because it keeps him fit. Tanisha enjoyed sharing bikes and scooters with everyone. Jax enjoyed racing his friends. Everyone thought they were good at estimating. Mrs Campbell said everyone worked well in their groups.

Some other things we are proud of:

Connie enjoyed sketching this week and thinks she has got better at drawing.

Freya found the researching of animals interesting.

Ollie feels he is getting better at handwriting.

Tanisha learned how to ride a bigger bike!

Brooklyn enjoyed finding out facts. He was learning about cockapoos!




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