Hurlford Primary School and Early Childhood Centre

An East Ayrshire Council School

November 3, 2023
by Mrs Miller

p7 Friday 3rd November

Hi my name is Danielle. I am in p7 and I am a digital leader.

We have been doing adding big numbers in class, the maths was a bit hard but I got some of it right.

I have been using a Chromebook all week since Tuesday because I can’t write with a sprained wrist.

We are learning about John Muir.

We were learning how to keep safe around fireworks. One of the rules is to stay a few meters away from fireworks. Another rule is never let your child set it off, parents should set the fireworks off.

November 3, 2023
by Mrs Miller

P6 Friday 3rd November

Hi my name is Emily and I am the digital leader in P6.

This week in class we have been doing factors and different things with times tables and division >:]

We also did work on perimeters for maths.

For our hand-writing we did only two lines of a poem called ‘The Phoenix’

We made a wanted poster of Guy Fawkes because it is near bonfire night.

November 3, 2023
by Mrs Miller

P4/3 Friday 3rd November

Hi my name is Evie and I am the digital leader in p4/3.

On Thursday we were using Beebots to learn about clockwise and anticlockwise turns.

We got reading books home this week.

We wrote Autumn haikus.

In PE, we started gymnastics. We did balances on benches and mats.

Our topic is materials. We have started by looking at wellie boots and talking about their material.

November 3, 2023
by Mrs Miller

P5/4 Friday 3rd November

Hi my name’s Summer. I’m the digital leader for p5/4. Here is a little bit about what we have been doing in class this week. 

We have been doing lots of maths in our jotters, adding 3 digit numbers. 

We are reading The Lorax by Dr Zeus. We drew the Lorax and some of the special trees and stuck them on a paper plate. 

We were doing a science experiment and made a lava lamp out of a cola bottle, water, oil, food colouring and an alka seltzer. It didn’t work the first time, but it worked the second time. 

We started gymnastics for PE. We did some different jumps on the trampet and the mats. 

November 3, 2023
by Mrs Miller

Please apply for an NEC card for your child

We would love to go on more local outings in our classes. We are close to Dean Park, Kay Park, The Dick Institute, Ayrshire Athletics Arena and many more places along local bus routes. If our pupils had NEC passes for free travel, it would make visits to these places much more accessible. Please sign your child up for a card as soon as possible.

If you want to read more information before applying, head to

November 2, 2023
by EAjoanne.mair2@glow

CHANGE OF MENU – 03.11.23

There is a change of menu tomorrow:

Gunpowder Goujons                                             Chicken goujons

Bonfire Bangers                                                      Sausages (pork / plant based)

Thank you

October 30, 2023
by EAjoanne.mair2@glow


Just a wee reminder that the sponsored Boogie and Bounce is taking place on Weds 8th November (next week).

Please send any sponsor money to the school in the envelope provided or an envelope with pupil name and class marked clearly on it.

The Parent Council will collect this from the school.  All money raised benefits all the pupils in the school.

Thank you for your support in this matter,



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