Hurlford Primary School and Early Childhood Centre

An East Ayrshire Council School

P7 Remembrance Day Gallery 2020

November 13, 2020 by Mrs Johnstone | 0 comments

Well done to P7, who have given thoughtful, respectful and mature responses to all the activities we have undertaken this week to commemorate Remembrance Day on the 11th November.

Here is a small sample of some of their super work…

Jack, “On 11.11.20. Primary 7 wrote acrostic poems for Remembrance Day, some of the words we used were world war, great war, soldiers etc. Once we wrote them in our daily writing jotters we typed them up on the laptop and sent them to Mrs Johnstone and she helped us make some alterations if needed.”

By Cara

John, “It was Remembrance Day and we decided to do artwork we designed medals on a bit of paper and then we made them out of plasticine, and they turned out so cool, but some people didn’t do that they done painting. They painted a piece of paper grey and the cut-out silhouette’s and stuck them down and use darker Gray paint to make nice clouds and then use green paint to make stems for poppies and we had the choice to cut out a poppy or to make one out of tissue paper and then stuck them down. they all turned out so good.”

By Keira

Remembrance Day Art 

Remembrance Day Medals

By Cayden 

Brooke, “Last week in Primary 7 we made a display for our window in the classroom, This is what we did – we drew poppies , then cut them out from the inside then we put tissue paper and cellophane and glued  it on the back  then stuck them to the window. We also made letters saying LEST WE FORGET the same way we made the poppies – we did one letter each and the others done the poppies, we done it in houses. It looked really cool from the outside.”

Unfortunately, I don’t have a photograph of the beautiful window display that was created with Miss Mair but I hope lots of you have been able to appreciate it when passing by.

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October 9, 2020
by Mrs Johnstone

P7 09.10.20

Well done to everyone in P7 for settling back in at school so well this term.  What a quick term it has been! This week we have been very busy writing news reports, finishing off our materials from Earth topic … Continue reading

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