Happy Friday Everyone,
It was lovely to see so many of you during our Live Numeracy lesson yesterday, thank you for your terrific e-mails and also for using Teams so wisely to upload your completed activities. Your ICT skills are growing daily which is brilliant.
Today we have a few different activities to complete and you will find all of the details in Teams > Class Notebook > Content Library > P5 Resources > Friday 5th February 2021.
In Numeracy today, there is an assignment which you will find in the Numeracy Channel on Teams. It is all about reading different sets of weighing scales. Many of you did a great job with this yesterday with real kitchen scales, but today, the scales are on paper for you to read. Remember to upload your completed work into the Assignment in Teams when you are finished.
In French, there is a new song for you to enjoy about fruit which is very silly but you will be able to learn the names of different fruits for your activity. The banana is a great dancer!!!!!
I am looking forward to reading your Learning Logs later too.
Have a fantastic Friday everyone and please remember to complete today’s Registration form online.
Take care, from, Miss Steedman