Happy Wednesday Everyone!
I hope that you are all well and that you are finding everything quite straightforward in Teams. I am looking forward to our Live Class at 9.45am this morning, if you haven’t accepted the meeting request already, go into your GLOW e-mail and look for the request which I sent out on Monday. Then, at 9.45 this morning, go into your Calendar in Teams and click the ‘Join Meeting’ button. I am going to introduce our new Numeracy topic today, so hopefully you can all join in.
Keep an eye on the Chat Posts in our Team too to check if there is something really important which I need to share with you.
Today’s activities can be found in Teams > Class Notebook > Content Library > P5 Resources
As always, if you have any problems, please e-mail me or send me a message in the Posts section of Teams.
Have a super duper day everyone,
from, Miss Steedman