It’s the last week of term 1, can you believe it!!
It’s been such a busy term settling into new routines and working hard. Well done to all the pupils in P4 for trying their best and showing a positive attitude this term, you’ve been superstars!
For your home learning tasks this week:
- Log into Education City and look at homework. I have assigned you a task with this weeks date called “5.10.20“. Complete the all of the games and try to get over 70%! This will practice using capital letters correctly in a sentence and also given you a place value challenge involving 4 digit numbers!
- This week we investigated living/non-living things. We also looked at things that used to be alive. Can you look in your house or garden and try and find an example of something that is a living thing, a non-living thing and something that used to be alive.
- We have been learning about the pop artist Andy Warhol who printed pictures that were very bright and eye catching. He printed pictures of celebrities and every day items and repeated the image over and over. Here is an example of his work to remind you:
In class we started a piece of artwork similar to his. Can you choose an every day item at home and make an Andy Warhol inspired piece! Send in a picture by email if you can to
I hope you enjoy your home learning tasks and have a lovely holiday when it comes!
Miss Frew