Hurlford Primary School and Early Childhood Centre

An East Ayrshire Council School

w/c 30.1.23 P4S


Happy Friday Everyone,

We have had another busy week in P4S but I also want to mention an activity which we gave over much of last Friday to which was a research project that the children worked very hard to produce amazing results.  In pairs, pupils were asked to choose a famous Scottish personality.  Then, they used their extraordinary internet research skills to find out all about that person and create a poster with their findings.  After that, the children were asked to present their posters.  All in a day’s work and a very, very good day it was.


This week, P4S have been equally as busy as last week, revising their multiplication tables knowledge and using this to complete column calculations by multiplying 2 and 3 digit numbers by a single digit.  Pupils are handling this knowledge superbly and take each new challenge in their stride.

We have also begun our new Class Novel which is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl, we have delved into the author’s amazing use of description in the first few chapters which has been inspiring.   Linked to this is our new topic – Chocolate and FairTrade – and we have been learning about the History of Chocolate this week too.  It’s all very mouth watering stuff!

Have a wonderful weekend Everyone,

Miss Steedman

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