Hurlford Primary School and Early Childhood Centre

An East Ayrshire Council School

P4F Week Beginning 16.1.23


It’s been a quick couple of weeks back, here’s what Primary 4 have been up to:

In literacy, we have been developing our reading skills using our comprehension strategies. We used task maps this week to provide more choice of which strategy we would be working on each day. Our spelling focus for this week has been on the common spelling rule ‘wa’ as in wall. In writing we have been building our knowledge on description and used our description bubbles to help us describe images on the board, as well as developing an adjective word bank. We hope to use this knowledge next week to help us describe a character.

In numeracy, we have started to look at multiplication. Recapping previous learning from P3, we have started off looking at the 2,5 and 10 times table. Completing various activities to help us recall our prior learning.

In HWB, we have been looking at medicine safety. We had fantastic discussions around who should give us medicine? Why we take it? Where it should be kept? and what we should do it if we find any medicine. We then completed a quiz to demonstrate our learning.

We had great fun in our STEM session with Mrs Ferguson where we were looking at fingerprints and noticing that each print was unique and different.

Hope you have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Barclay x

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