Hurlford Primary School and Early Childhood Centre

An East Ayrshire Council School

November 26, 2024
by Mrs Campbell

Christmas Fayre – Monday 16th December, 24 -6-7.30pm

During November, we will be gathering raffle prizes for our Christmas fayre e.g. gifts, box of chocolates/biscuits, bottles for bottle stall, etc. If you would like to donate something please hand it in to the main office.

Many thanks to everyone who has handed something in already.

Nearly new toys and books can be handed in from December. We are not collecting clothes this year.

We will require baking for our baking stall on the day.

Tickets will go on sale in December from the main office £2 ( primary/ ECC children go free)

If you would like to be a parent helper on a stall, please contact the office by Monday 2nd December, 24

November 22, 2024
by Mrs Miller


JRSO November

Be Bright Be Seen!

For Wednesday 27th November, we are asking you to design a character with bright colours or collage material for safe travel in the winter.

P1 and 2 have a template home with them.

P3 and 4 have an outline home with them.

P 5 – 7 should draw their own character.

Bright clothes helps drivers to see you and keep you safe as it gets dark earlier in winter.

There will be a prize for 1 person in each class who brings in the best design.

Next Wednesday, 27th November, wear your brightest clothes to school and bring your design character in too. The JRSO will choose the winners.

November 11, 2024
by EAjoanne.mair2@glow

HPS Children In Need

Children in Need is on Friday 15th November.

The Pupil Council have decided that pupils can dress down – wearing spots or pjs and can donate £1.

There will also be a variety of activities on offer including:

Nail painting, Pudsey Colouring Contest, word-search, decorate a biscuit all for a donation of 50p (for all activities NOT each)

We will collect the money in cash so pupils should bring change to the school if possible.

Thank you.


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